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Your very physical life, then, implies a “source,” a life out of which the physical one emerges, dash — the implied, unspoken, unmaterialized, unsounded vitality that supplied the ingredients for the physical, bodily, molecular “alphabet.” Your physical life therefore implies a nonphysical one. You take your particular “language” so for granted, and use it so effortlessly, that you give no thought at all to the fact that it implies other languages also, or that it gains its meaning because of inner assumptions that are never spoken, or by the use of pauses in which no sounds are made. You live your lives in the same fashion.
I have said that all events occur at once — a difficult statement to understand. All identities occur at once also. Each event changes every other. Present ones alter past ones. Any one event implies the existence of probable events which do not “emerge,” which are not “spoken.” Physical world events therefore rest upon the existence of implied probable events. Different languages use sounds in their own peculiar manners, with their own rhythms, one emphasizing what another ignores. Other probabilities, therefore, emphasize events that are only implied (as pauses) in your reality, so that your physical events become the implied probable ones upon which other worlds reside.
In certain very definite terms the existence of one person implies the existence of all others who have lived or will live. Your own existence is implied therefore in everyone else’s and theirs is implied in yours.
These inner communications, then, reach outward in all directions. Each identity has eternal validity within the psyche’s greater reality. At one level, then (underlined), any person contacting his or her own psyche can theoretically contact any other psyche. Life implies death, and death implies life — that is, in the terms of your world. In those terms life is a spoken element, while death is the unspoken but still-present element “beneath,” upon which life rides. Both are equally present.
The physical world implies the existence of a god. God’s existence also implies the existence of a physical world.
[...] Here you are searching for the implied source, the unspoken, invisible “pause,” the inner organization that gives language or the self a vehicle of expression. [...]
Even the alterations of obvious pauses between languages make sense only because of an implied, unstated inner rhythm. [...]
[...] Otherwise you would know that language is dependent upon other implied ones; and that the two, or all of them, are themselves and yet inseparable, so closely connected that it is impossible to separate them even though your focus may be upon one language alone.
[...] For my presence and the sessions both do indeed imply a promise of knowledge beyond what is generally known, and, hopefully, of wisdom beyond that which is generally possessed. The sessions also imply the promise of a contact with a larger reality than your own—one large enough to contain the world that you normally recognize.
The sessions imply contact with an emotional and psychological existence that has its reality outside of your physical laws. The sessions imply the possibility of breakthroughs in the most important areas of human thought. [...]
In any case the “troublesome” material remained (long pause), relatively inactive more or less—unless and until certain situations arose, unless and until his curiosity and ability led him to actively challenge those ideas while also in a situation where the natural fear of abandonment might be implied or suggested. [...] These, again, these seemed to imply a matrix for some kind of safety. [...]
[...] Each society—or each system of knowledge, for that matter—has its own taboos built in, and most of these imply abandonment by the community. A firm bonding with the parent ideally implies however that the child will not be abandoned, despite for example parental anger at any given time. [...]
[...] Our material, and his own abilities, represented various kinds of trials, development and growth, and also implied various kinds of threats of different strengths throughout the years. [...]
Once those old beliefs are understood for what they are, they will no longer be considered as shameful in themselves, nor humiliating, or as attitudes to be accused of (long pause, one of many), but as a personality’s way of still preserving old beliefs, whatever their nature, for the feeling of safety that they still implied. [...]
And with implied words, for the words that are sensed but not spoken, will rush out with color rather than with sound, and behind the implied words those emotions upon which the painting must be based. [...]
[...] Or whether he has been thrust outward from the background of which he is part, a living focus rising out of the background, a part of consciousness rising out of a larger, undifferentiated consciousness implied in the background. [...]
[...] To whom is his implied speech spoken—to a god he understands, to a god he does not understand, to the elements or to a part of himself that he knows exists and cannot reach. [...]
[...] All of these issues are a part of your painting, implied in every line of its conception, but I want you to see consciously the implications of the figure, and the overall implications of the figure in context with the background.
[...] To a certain extent they become the invisible medium of experience from which your own specialized activities emerge, so that their nature is implied in your own life — and so that your life is implied in those other frameworks.
Pure energy, or any “portion” of it, contains within itself the creative propensity toward individuation, so that within any given portion all individually conscious life is implied, created, sustained. [...]
[...] Anyhow, he used a phrase that I remembered when I woke up: “I live in a brown-paper-bag part of town,” meaning a lower middle-class neighborhood; he implied that that was his station in life, and that he had no idea of trying to change it, or felt that he couldn’t. In the dream I wore a brown faded coat and perhaps a small matching hat. [...]
Remember, again, the manifest [universe] emerges from a subjective reality, one that is implied in the very nature of your world itself. [...]
[...] It is, itself, the invisible universe that is everywhere implied within your world, but that becomes manifest to your perception only through historic time. [...]
(9:55.) Your imaginations help you bring elements of that inner implied universe into actuality. [...]
Invitation of sorts, or implied. [...]
(Another valid connection is that Leonard mailed the card to us from the state of Maine, where he was vacationing on a camping trip; implying woods in the state parks where he did stay, as we later learned.
(“Invitation of sorts, or implied.” [...]
[...] Grass of course is implied through the object in many ways: Campgrounds for one; also, before leaving for Maine Leonard had his new tent set up on the grass in the backyard of the apartment house for several days, checking it out. [...]
I did not say “dominant” nor did I imply a relationship of dominancy in those terms. [...] This does not, therefore, imply a position of dominancy. [...]
([Brad:] “Are you implying it is ended for—”
Iam implying that it is now the time for you to become independent, that you know this and that she also knew it. [...]
(“Well, sending out suggestions about selling books implies a change of attitude to some extent—”)
(After the session I told Jane that my concern wasn’t so much with meeting important people, as that their interest in what we do would imply some sort of acceptance or understanding on the parts of those who occupy dominant positions in society, the arts, or whatever. [...]