Results 101 to 120 of 1433 for stemmed:idea
[...] We have given you an idea for a book—Merry Christmas—and some dictation, beginning chapter seven. [...]
[...] It is important that you discuss with him your ideas about our joint work, and the nature of my reality. [...]
Tell him immediately about my suggestion, for he has played around with the idea but not initiated it—the schedule is what I am speaking about here.
[...] Not that you go camping or not go camping, but that you realize the freedoms that you have; use them, encourage any physical ideas of that nature that he has, and do not make him feel inadequate to try.
[...] You must realize that also, for there your ideas of limitation simply prolong them.
You do not understand the alterations in beliefs involved that even led him for example to think of that mobility, and how cleverly the idea of work and mobility were combined, or the attempt at correlation involved. [...]
In trying to show him his realistic condition in the face of such ideas you end up by making him believe also that they are unrealistic, stupid, and that he should not need challenges but only the simple joy of walking across the floor.
[...] All physical matter exists first as an idea or mental image. The idea of mental image has its own reality, and is charged with energy, and this energy can never be withdrawn. [...]
[...] The black and the negative ideas were his own ideas connected with a gun in general.
We are making some simplified statements here to make the idea clear. [...]
[...] Now you see the energy does not reside within any given physical object, but in the idea form that is within it. [...]
It is not only that your joint ideas may conflict but that within yourselves you hold conflicting ideas regarding such situations. [...]
And tell him these ideas have been very near ordinary consciousness.
Behind the events therefore are highly charged beliefs about (underlined) reality, that you have not examined, either of you, and about your relationship with each other, your stance in regard to the outside world, as well as ideas about freedom, spontaneity and responsibility.
[...] However faith in an idea is frowned upon in scientific circles, but no new concept or idea, or discovery, ever came unless there was first faith that it indeed existed.
The basic idea of the material should be stressed, however, and strongly, since it is from this that our other concepts emerge. [...]
[...] They merely reflect the ideas behind them, and these ideas you must realize originate from different sources. They originate in the subconscious, it is true, but before this an idea quality is received by the inner senses. Sometimes this idea quality is received as intuition, where it sparks into the conscious mind. [...]
[...] There is a growth principle operating in the realm of ideas and in the construction of these ideas into camouflage patterns.
[...] I am certainly not going into the God concept at this time, though you can be certain that I will cover it thoroughly, since it is itself an idea camouflage covering something much different.
[...] Your own ideas, objectified, become a part of the physical environment. [...] In those terms the airplane objectified the inner idea of flying in “your” time, and not in A.D. 1500, for example.
You may have heard people say of an idea “Its time has not yet come.” This simply means that there is not enough energy connected with the idea to propel it outward into the world of physical experience as an objective mass-experienced event.
[...] The idea of such outsideness is one of the assumptions upon which you build that existence. [...] The idea of varied inward destinations, involving motion through time and space, therefore appears strange.
In the dream state and in certain other levels of reality, ideas and their symbols are immediately experienced. [...]
During the day, Andrea was able to look at both beliefs and see them as opposing ideas that she had held about herself. [...] She realized that she had indeed set up the situation by not dealing honestly with her own conscious ideas.
I have used Andrea because so many typical Western beliefs coincide in her reality — the idea that aging is disastrous; that women are relatively powerless without a man beside them; that life is, practically speaking, highly difficult while it should be ideally simple. All of these ideas obtain their charge from a basic belief in the powerlessness of the conscious self to form and regulate its experience.
Conscious beliefs focus your attention, channel it and direct your energy so that you can swiftly bring the ideas into your physical experience. [...]
[...] Ruburt reinforced other ideas that Andrea had momentarily forgotten — the fact, among others, of her own true worth; and because Ruburt believed in Andrea’s worth, and because Andrea knew it, this more positive belief rose up to shove the others aside.
[...] The idea of creative play, no matter how futile the idea may sometimes appear, is excellent, and can be used, again, when you both remember to assert your creative playful selves. [...]
The idea of the drugs was helpful, in that it initiated the idea that improvement was possible. [...]
[...] This opinion of both of us, though, didn’t necessarily mean that we’d rejected totally the idea of toying with those drugs....
[...] It is vital therefore that you understand the interrelationship between ideas and imagination. [...] The proper use of imagination can then propel ideas in the directions you desire.
1. In larger terms Seth’s ideas as to what the “whole self” is take in a great deal — with reincarnation and probable personalities, for instance, being only two of the concepts involved. [...]
[...] Regular working hours can give you a time framework you need, in which those ideas can appear, but the ideas themselves, and the insights, often come to you particularly when you are not thinking of work. [...]
[...] Here the ideas of responsibility also have some application. He does not have a responsibility to sit constantly at his table, as if creative ideas could only find him there. [...]
[...] Nevertheless when you become overly concerned with the seeming shortness or lack of time, it is almost always because you have fallen back to conventional ideas: you have only so many moments in a day. [...]
[...] (With humor:) I believe that Sadat on television this evening said (louder) that it takes time for old ideas to change.
The idea is bared, not permitted expression in complete physical form. The energy then that would be used in complete physical construction of the idea into material form is, rather, transfixed; held, suspended more or less alive, yet incompleted, and therefore in many respects immortal.
(Jane had no idea of the material for the session tonight. [...]
[...] The ideas, for example, are not directly carried out or fully constructed in a material way.
The extra energy needed is that energy that is used to hold back the idea from finding completion in concrete terms, and forcing it to flow into a different channel. [...]
[...] In the time lag on this plane, there are other thoughts, projections on the same idea or object; Seth declined to go into their effects on the final idea or object until a later time.
[...] We will get you used to the idea of foreign lands and then we will teach you to travel into lands that are really foreign.... And we will give you an idea of the vocabulary used... [...]
([Tom:] “But between the time of thinking about it now and the time it becomes a reality, other thoughts can come to bear on that idea and change it before it becomes a reality. [...]
Then the ideas merge.
[...] In the time lag on this plane, there are other thoughts, projections on the same idea or object; Seth declined to go into their effects on the final idea or object until a later time. [...]
We will get you used to the idea of foreign lands and then we will teach you to travel into lands that are really foreign—and we will give you an idea of the vocabulary used—and it will not be as simple as “good morning” and “good evening” or “where can I find a can of beans?”
([Theodore:] “But between the time of thinking about it now and the time it becomes a reality, other thoughts can come to bear on that idea and change it before it becomes a reality. [...]
Then the ideas merge. [...]
[...] In our world, of course, space and time form the environment in which conventional ideas of evolution exist. For that matter, all of the material in this appendix shows the interrelationship between our ideas of serial time and Seth’s simultaneous time. [...]
This basic universe of which I speak expands constantly in terms of intensity and quality and value, in a way that has nothing to do with your idea of space. [...] Space is a camouflage … This tinge of time is an attribute of the physical camouflage form only, and even then the relationship between time and ideas, and time and dreams, is a nebulous one … although in some instances parts of the inner universe may be glimpsed from the camouflage perspective of time; only, however, a small portion.
(Seth’s ideas aside for the moment, biologists faithful to Darwin’s theories don’t want to hear anything about the precognitive abilities of a species, nor do they see any evidence of it in their work. In evolutionary theory, such attributes violate not only the operation of chance mutation and the struggle for existence, but our ideas of consecutive time [which is associated with “naïve realism” — the belief that things are really as we perceive them to be]. [...]
(My thought is that because of that choosing, common denominators must lie beneath the clashing beliefs about evolution, and that a good place to start looking for such unifying factors is within the theory, or the framework or idea, of simultaneous time — however one wants to try to express such a quality within serial terms. [...] At the same time, I admit that ideas like this always remind me of Seth’s comments in the class session for June 23, 1970, as excerpted in the Appendix for Seth Speaks:)
[...] When you see the type of poetry that I was writing then, you will understand immediately why the ideas in “Idea Construction” were such a revelation to me. [...]
At the time of the “Idea Construction” experience, the Seth sessions themselves were undreamed of, of course. [...] Those of you who want a more general idea of Seth’s views can refer to The Seth Material. Here, I’ll give the material on dreams as it was given to us in succeeding sessions — particularly in the early part of the book. [...]
But what initiated the “Idea Construction” experience? [...]
In other words, my poetry finally revealed to me my state of mind before “Idea Construction” and Seth. [...]
Ideas originate always from individuals on any plane, and under any circumstance. The ideas once originated, however, are given energy reality by the individual and therefore attain a vitality of their own. The ideas are picked up by the subconscious through a telepathic communication. [...]
[...] Idea pushes itself through; nor is idea a disembodied nonentity absolute, but composed of energy to begin with.
[...] However, all ideas and all energy is constructed in one way or another. Those ideas which are impractical to construct physically, either for psychological or psychic reasons, are channeled into construction on other planes or levels.
[...] His mother gave him the idea that he was not graceful, for example, and this idea was reactivated. [...]
[...] Concentration should not be on “work,” but on aspects, poetry, his ideas. He is learning indeed the use of a different kind of inspirational time, which conflicts with his old ideas of so many hours.
Now on his part it was precisely that conflict that got him into difficulty, and that brought about the ideas of “work.” [...]
[...] “Slow down because you are going too fast,” (was) told him in his youth; he reactivated those ideas, interpreting them to mean that he must slow down in order to produce mature work. [...]
[...] No idea. And this further of course projected: no idea tomorrow, and a succession of days. [...]
(At 8:55 this evening Jane had no idea of what Seth would talk about for the session. [...]
[...] If he does not get an idea tomorrow he has the excuse, anticipated, of being ill, and this also serves as a punishment. [...]
[...] He will learn shortly, and without any real difficulty, that while his new schedule will be, as it should be, followed with discipline, nevertheless he cannot expect a new idea every day.