4 results for stemmed:honeycomb

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 28, 1984 keyholes honeycombs meadows golden buzzing

sipping sweet honeycombs

TES1 Session 4 December 8, 1963 Gratis wall Watts ha humility

[...] At times I could see over the top of this wall, made of vine-covered stones; at other times it was honeycombed and complex; and at other times it was so tall that I could not see over it. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 5 enzymes plane saucers Rob mental

They are the living stuff of the universe, even as they form its boundaries and seem to divide it into labyrinthian ways, like the inside of a honeycomb. [...]

TES1 Session 16 January 15, 1964 plane enzymes Malba saucer ectoplasm

[...] They are the living stuff of the universe even as they form its boundaries and seem to divide it into labyrinthian ways, like the inside of a honeycomb.