3 results for stemmed:heparin

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 10, 1984 antibiotic urine heparin sample temperature

(Then came the blows. At 3:20 a nurse came in to put a heparin lock in Jane’s right forearm. The lock is a stable opening in a vein for medication: Jane was to go on antibiotics. No sooner did we find that out than one of the two aides returned to take more blood — they “want all they can get,” Jane swore. The aide apologized. “I’d refuse to take the antibiotic,” Jane said, “if it wouldn’t raise such a fuss.” I didn’t know how to respond. It seemed that once again the body’s natural defense mechanisms were being interfered with, according to Seth — but then, why were we here to begin with? I didn’t want to think about it. “I trust my body a hell of a lot more than I do that antibiotic,” Jane said. Judy came in and told us Jeff hadn’t ordered the antibiotic — his wife, Olivia, who is also a doctor, had.

(3:36. After the nurse had inserted the heparin lock, Jane went back to reading the session. She did considerably better as we waited for the antibiotic. I felt discouraged. Her head was stuffy again.

(4:38. Jane was ready for me to turn her on her side by then. By 4:53 I’d just finished massaging her with Oil of Olay when Linda, the RN, came in with the antibiotic. She said it was “a broad spectrum drug” that could kill many germs. Gentamicin 60 mg. in 50 ml NS. She said it would take Jane perhaps half an hour to take it all in, and that afterward Jane would be given a small amount of heparin, which would keep the lock open for future doses. Jane is to get the drug every eight hours. She swore again. “But you’ve got a fever,” Linda said gently. She agreed that some people are allergic to the medication — “there are always side effects.”

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 15, 1984 Rita mopped heparin styles freer

[...] I pressed the call button again — and Leanne came right in to unhook my wife, and give her a shot of heparin in her heparin lock, to keep it open for the next IV.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 11, 1984 Jeff antibiotic Judy Leanne fever

[...] She left to get the heparin to inject into the lock on Jane’s wrist.)