Results 1 to 20 of 173 for stemmed:healthi
Animals can be obedient to their masters, and be healthy and exuberant at the same time, but in the terms of nature, no matter what social customs might say, no person can be obedient to a master and be healthy and exuberant at the same time.
Such negative patterns in childhood cause adults to be frightened of freedom—because freedom seems to imply a threat to life and to health. There are also people, of course, who never fall prey to such unfortunate cycles, but instead remain exuberantly free and healthy. Even so, health to most people means the absence of disease, rather than a state of exuberant well-being, challenge, and fulfillment.
Exuberance seems to be a quality belonging only to childhood or early youth—yet exuberance is instead the mark of healthy vitality. The mark of nature unimpeded, and it is the heritage of all living creatures. It is back toward their dimly remembered exuberance that many adults look with a sense of loss and nostalgia.
Children’s play is extremely important to a child’s development—and when they play children use those exquisite powers of imagination, confidence, and expectation that provide the wellspring for growth and fulfillment. (Pause.) People who are exuberant are healthy. They appreciate the richness and variety of life. Many children, however, are unfortunately taught by their parents to be suspicious of exuberance and high spirits. And ordered instead to be quiet, well-mannered and obedient.
Children may come down with many childhood diseases, and still be very healthy children indeed. Adults may break a bone skiing, or indulging in some other sport, and still be very healthy. (Long pause.) People “come down” with colds, or the flu, or some other social disease that is supposed to be passed from one individual to another — yet overall these may be very healthy individuals. [...]
If people become ill, it is quite fashionable to say that the immunity system (Seth’s pronunciation) has temporarily failed — yet the body itself knows that certain “dis-eases” are healthy reactions. [...]
Any time the two of you enjoy yourselves physically in lovemaking you are reinforcing and reviving whole groups of healthy beliefs on many levels vital to each of you. [...] Your lovemaking joyfully reinforces both of your healthy aspected body images.
[...] With this comes a lessening of tension, muscular tension, in all areas, and also the initiation of certain hormones produced in times of normal healthy stress, that help combat imbalances.
Now there is a difference between the normal action of such stress hormones in healthy periods as opposed to times of abnormal exaggerated stress. [...]
He wants to be a healthy present self, not a healthy past self. [...]
[...] He is not dressing with the freedom of an ordinary healthy good-looking young woman, for example, so he must dress for the role in his “as if” game. Healthy women do not dress to cover up their bodies, to hide their knees or their arms. [...]
[...] Ruburt sees himself imaginatively as completely healthy and free now, which is something he has not been able to do. [...]
[...] If you believe that the body is evil, the purest health-food diet will or may do you little good at all, while if you have a healthy desire and respect for your physical body, a diet of TV dinners, and even of fast foods, may well keep you healthy and nourished.
The body often wears out because it has been used less and less — and that is because little study has been given to the true capabilities of the healthy physical body in the later years of life. [...]
It may sound very simplistic to tell you that you must have sunny thoughts as well as rays of the physical sun in order to be healthy — but sunny thoughts are as biologically necessary to your well-being as are the rays of the sun that shines in the sky. Even as infants, then, you are predisposed naturally toward certain feelings, thoughts and attitudes that are meant to insure your healthy survival and emergence into adulthood. [...]
Your dream represents Ruburt’s more healthy attitude toward his eyes and their vision. [...]
[...] It certainly seems to you, or to many of you, that most people would always choose to be born healthy and whole, in an excellent environment, of parents with loving natures and genetic excellence — and in other words to grow up healthy, wealthy, and wise.
There are also perfectly healthy, normal children who have determined ahead of time that they will live only to the threshold of adulthood, happy and flushed with dreams and promises of accomplishment, yet not experiencing any disillusionment or regret or sorrow. [...]
[...] (Smile, eyes open.) Some beneficial projection is going on here also for a change, as Ruburt psychically projects outward the last of important inner disturbances onto the ghost images, which are then completely, altered into constructive and healthy images.
The contrasting color arrangement is a most healthy acceptance on his part of the spontaneous portion of his own personality. [...]
The healthy exuberant feelings of all your anticipated guests will also benefit you both, and you will be able to help them. [...]
[...] But in greater, more vital issues, the sick doctor does not know as much about health as an “uneducated, untrained,” but healthy person — and I am speaking in quite practical terms. The person who is healthy understands the dynamics of health. [...] It would seek out people who were healthy and learn from them how to promote health, and not how to diagram disease.
Give us a moment … The complete physician would be a person who learned to understand the dynamics of being, the soul-body relationship — one who was healthy in his or her own body. [...]
(Jane answered by telling me how she felt this morning—“discombobulated” —meaning that various parts of her body seem to move, or want to move, out of rhythm or sync with other parts—but that overall she recognizes that those are all healthy signs of the body trying to heal itself. [...]
Within the basic framework of the body chosen before physical birth (for reasons that will be discussed later), the individual has full freedom to create a perfectly healthy functioning form. [...]
It often seems, when such ideas as these are presented, that the ideal results in your terms would be perfection — “heaven on earth” — a state in which everyone would be healthy, wealthy, and wise.
There is a difference between this, you see, which is a healthy acknowledgment of feeling and an indulgence, exaggeration of feeling that dulls you to everything else. [...] They are healthy and spontaneous. [...]
[...] Now, it does no good to take ten minutes a day and give yourself good suggestions and say, “I am brave, I am strong, I am healthy and young and rich” and spend the rest of the time saying to yourself, “I am poor, I am getting old, I feel sore, or it is a cruddy world.” [...]
[...] I want to make sure that you are all healthy and strong and that your eyes are good so that you can read The Seth Material.
In the same way and seeing with the same kind of vision, illness can be healthy—and this is not meant to advocate suffering or poor health. [...]
[...] The healthy person is one who is balanced at any given time in your terms, as far as his or her relationship with the psyche is concerned; with the world and its relationships.
[...] If you want to be healthy and continually contrast what you want with the present conviction in your poor health, then the belief itself, set up against the desire, will cause added difficulties. [...]
In the medical field, as in no other, you are faced directly with the full impact of your beliefs, for doctors are not the healthiest, but the least healthy. [...]