Results 901 to 920 of 1761 for stemmed:he
[...] Driving through Sayre,1 Pennsylvania, one Sunday afternoon, Joseph noticed a house for sale in a neighborhood he knew — and remembered that it had belonged, in his memory, to a man of whom his mother had been fond. [...] Now of course he is an old man, unable to tend to his home any longer. He is now in a home for the aged, but well cared for.
(Pause.) It was, then, at her behest to some strong degree that Joseph happened upon the (Markle) house in question, felt that he did indeed want it, and took the steps that he did in his reality.
[...] The cells recognized the probable reality involved,6 and he, Joseph, felt that he was “at home” (in the Markle place), and yet consciously could not explain the feeling. [...]
[...] As we had requested that he do just before the session, Seth directed his final delivery to some other material for Jane and me. He finished at exactly midnight.
[...] The errand he needed doing involved purchasing a thermometer. He told Jane it hadn’t occurred to him to ask me to get it for him; instead he’d called another friend. [...]
[...] Now that chest discomfort immediately reminded you of your friend, and was meant, again, to tell you that he was in some difficulty. [...]
Ruburt actually followed through for you—not realizing this consciously, by finally calling Leonard this morning, when he discovered that Leonard had been feeling poorly, off and on during the same time that you had your difficulties, and that Leonard was looking for someone to do an errand (buy a thermometer). [...]
[...] He was even tempted to not tell you the entire situation for the same reason—and that entire process is a conscious version of what you did at other levels. [...]
[...] Jimmy states that with Seth’s reminder, he does recall cleaning out some rubbish from the house last spring; the description, according to Jimmy, matches that of Elmira’s city dump, which Jane and I have not visited. [...] I asked Jimmy if by any chance he could recall where in the dump he disposed of that load of rubbish, but he could not. [...]
[...] When he feels it shout at him it is good to lessen the pace during the rest of the session, as he attempted to do. [...]
[...] So far Ruburt is doing well, and will learn as he progresses how to operate inner acceleration and flow, or rush of energy, so that he is comfortable. [...]
[...] * Quite emotional, as if he was dead and I wanted him. [...] Had just thought consciously how much he meant to me. [...]
First of all, he forgets the concept of continual moments, which usually hampers his perception. His perception changes focus so that he is aware of an event that would otherwise be future for him. He constructs subconsciously, as always, material objects in line with the data that is available to him. It goes without saying then that he helps to construct the clairvoyantly perceived physical event, just as he helps to construct any physical event in the present.
(Watching the mechanic struggle with the car, I felt sure he was not familiar enough with the work to know what he was doing. [...] The station mechanic told us he was surprised that he had been able to fix it. [...]
[...] This particular session was witnessed by Bill Macdonnel, and during it he made two pen and ink drawings of an apparition he claimed to see in a doorway of our apartment. [...]
I have told you that each individual creates physical matter, including objects, that he constructs his own physical image. [...]
You are correct about Ruburt’s impatiences: He is to use it (underlined) as a tool, however, and not let it use him. That is, the impatience is indeed meant as an impetus, as a stimulus to further activity and motion — so he must think of that impatience as a friend, not as an adversary.
The remaining bedsores will be healing themselves at an even quicker rate, since he is now assimilating protein so much better than he used to. [...]
Later he finds a pyramid-shaped pile of dead puppies, representing the death of old beliefs that had lingered from his childhood. He then discovers a newly-born puppy, fully alive, and this represents his finding and claiming the new spontaneous, creative portions of his being. He is on the way to register the puppy and claim it at a local police station, which means he was introducing this portion of himself to all other parts, and legitimizing it with the authorities—meaning that he was accepting it wholeheartedly under the auspices of the new authority of the self. [...]
[...] The meaning of the dream is as follows: In the beginning you and he are about to lecture or address small children, which means that you were both invoking the spontaneous, creative portions of yourselves, which in the truest sense are childlike. [...] The woman represents Ruburt’s old beliefs, the woman that he was, so to speak. [...]
[...] (Long pause.) Those feelings of panic are the ones that he has repressed, of course. They often represent humiliations, most often at his mother’s hands—humiliations that convinced him that he was indeed unlovable and bound for trouble. [...]
In the last period of time Ruburt has also produced his material on Speaker manuscripts, for example, when his mood has been on an entirely different nature, when he was immersed in creativity, and he felt a sense of accomplishment. [...]
[...] In the face of Ruburt’s background he has managed as well as he has, and that in the other areas of life you are doing far better than you habitually give yourselves credit for. [...]
[...] It is also true that he is frightened that that is not so, and that the fear itself makes the situation more unpleasant than otherwise need be. [...]
[...] I remember his last years were tragic ones; he killed a woman while driving, and became an alcoholic. When I was small he gave me presents. [...] He was a big heavyset man with a square jaw.)
[...] Ruburt has sufficiently worked already this week, and his energy should be directed elsewhere while he recuperates. [...] He is not suffering from psychic fatigue. [...]
As for example Freud added a dimension to your world with his discovery of the true subconscious, as far as he was able to perceive it.
[...] He may find that his scope of perception may enlarge.
[...] If you recall, on several occasions he was so certain of the static that he checked to see if he had left the radio on by mistake.
[...] Otherwise he would have merely automatically recorded my warning, and reacted to it smoothly without any realization on the part of the ego.
[...] He heard them, but clearly, from within.
[...] Now, Ruburt helped me, though consciously he was not aware of this, because of the peculiar circumstances.
[...] I’m dancing at a swank dance floor with a younger man with dark darting eyes that now remind me of Frank Longwell, Jr. I know I’ve seen him once before and that he’s a thief. [...] I tell him what I know about him and tell him he better split; something of value is going to be stolen and he’d get blamed with his record. [...]
He spoke with such rich understanding humor that everyone laughed, including Shirley. [...] He was halfway through his own book, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul which he is completing now and in which he gives further methods that can be used to experience probable realities.
[...] I was surprised that he didn’t know without being told, as he usually does, that something was going on, and I didn’t want to talk to anyone. [...] Later, Rob said that he never heard me speak to him and questioned whether I’d really spoken. [...]
[...] Rob is about to haul out some paintings — they seem to be landscapes — when he groans in agony and nearly falls down in pain from his back, apparently. He manages to lie down on the floor and I try to show him some yoga exercises for it, but he brushes me off. [...]
“He didn’t go into all the stuff I got yesterday,” she said, “but then he went into other stuff I didn’t get. I feel like he was about to lead the reader over some important material…. [...]
She’s been most intrigued by Seth’s referrals to the concept of “master events” ever since he gave them in the final session for Chapter 8—preparations, she hoped, for his material this evening. [...]
[...] He often reacts to dream events as if they were physical, and to physical events as if they were dreams. [...]
10:06 P.M. I’d asked my question half jokingly, to see if Seth would discuss my dreams, but obviously he didn’t take the bait. [...]
(Even though he said he was through with Mass Events for the evening, the first subject Seth touched upon now — my dream of early yesterday morning — certainly was related to statements he’d made just before break, like this one: “When you enter time and physical life, you are already aware of its conditions.” I think my dream is an excellent example of that philosophy; I’d discussed the dream with Jane yesterday, and intended to ask Seth to comment upon it this evening if he didn’t voluntarily do so. [...] Perhaps I should have questioned Seth about such possibilities, but their implications escaped me while he was speaking and I was busy taking notes. [...]
[...] I remember my father’s legs as he stood beside us. He was more shadowy all through the dream, however, not nearly as substantial and real as his mother was. [...]
2. I think that tonight, when he started talking about the inclination of Framework 2 toward good or constructive development, Seth began to elaborate a bit on his statement after 9:50 in the last session, when he told us that the universe “is automatically predisposed … toward the creation of ‘good’ events.”
Transformations of self-images occur back and forth from dream to waking reality, once he made his conscious decision. Do then remind him gently that he should not become impatient, while realizing that that is natural enough in its way. [...]
[...] He has been aware of a few, as in the instance mentioned in our last session. [...] He should be able to become aware of other such inward events.
He should now be able to perceive the Sumari physicians, and to become more aware of inward dynamics that ordinarily escape notice. It is also possible now that he can perceive me at a certain level of the dream state, and apart from himself.
Now he tried two or three times lately to get you out of your body, but you did not respond. [...]
[...] When he comes into my dreams the automatic intersection takes place, so I’m not aware of him separately.
[...] He could be scattered into several ‘spirit guides’; that’s how his reality would be interpreted, or come through …
3. In Note 2 for Session 688, I quoted Seth briefly on the meaning he attached to the word “camouflage” (in 1970). [...]
Basic nonphysical reality, he told us then, was “like some chameleon-like animal, constantly camouflaging its true appearance by taking on the outward manifestations of each neighboring forest territory [or world] …” And so this primal vitality expressed itself physically in our environment.
Tonight Ruburt also desired to know the time, but he was sleeping. [...] However he was asleep at the time, was not aware except for a glimmering of what had happened; and nevertheless he awoke because of the information that he had received. [...]
[...] He desired to know the time because he had preparations to make before going out. Unknowingly he requested the desired information, that is the time, from his own subconscious, and free from impediments the subconscious delivered.
[...] For a brief moment he “saw” (in quotes) as clearly without opening his eyes as he would ordinarily see by using them. [...]
[...] He controls such movements by not seeming to control them, and succeeds when certain inner disciplines that have been learned are given free rein.
[...] When JA examined me I got a very pleasant surprise, for he told me that my eyes had improved over last time, and that they were now bothering me because my present glasses were getting to be too strong. [...] JA also seemed surprised, and double-checked his data to make sure he was correct. [...]
He became very alarmed over your own symptoms, though he did well enough in maintaining his own there. [...]
time since he’d had his bypass heart surgery. [...]
Had Ruburt not accepted, however, it is most probable that he would have chosen another life in which to fulfill the task, in which case I would have waited. The decision was always his, however, and had he not accepted at all, other arrangements would have been made.
[...] As Ruburt grows to understand, therefore, and as he continues to develop, he triumphs not only for himself but for all those who follow his ventures. [...]
[...] To paraphrase: Using this sense, an observer standing on a typical street would feel the experience of being anything he chose within his field of notice: people, trees, insects, blades of grass. He would retain his own consciousness, and would perceive sensations somewhat in the way we now feel heat and cold. [...]
[...] He examines them. For him it is important, more than for many others, that he choose events with some discretion. When his mental event is, say, a book, he becomes engrossed in it, and this is positive. When he becomes overly concerned with his symptoms, however, the same event occurs, the same process, but with negative results.
The glasses he wears are not nearly as important as his worry about which glasses to wear. [...] When he gets out of bed, or immediately after breakfast, I would like you each day to remind him that he can trust the physician within and the ancient wisdom of the body. [...]
[...] He began this in the 800th session for April 4, 1977, following my questions noted in the 796th session for March 3, 1977. [...]
When man really intensified “rational” thought, and developed the electric light, he lengthened the time of waking consciousness to some extent. [...]