Results 21 to 40 of 1014 for stemmed:hand

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 619, October 9, 1972 beliefs imagination child punishment parents

Because you believe your method of expression is primarily through your hand in painting, and you believe your mother’s to be vocal, you tampered with your hand’s motion — not, for example, your speech. [...]

[...] There is some information necessary to physical survival that must be taught and handed down from parent to child. [...]

[...] “On the one hand,” she continued, looking a little bleary, “I could go way under and deliver the book until morning; or I could just go to bed and conk right out.” [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session March 22, 1972 orgasm lovemaking rebel demanded mantras

[...] Let yourself be lost in the wonder of his hand upon your thigh, of the heat between the hand and the thigh, and forget the word or thought of sexual orgasm. [...]

In your particular case I would even suggest that you stay away from the normally accepted sexual areas for awhile, and enjoy instead of the content (?); i.e. when he kisses your hand, and you are aware of the sensation of lip against palm and vice versa—be aware of feeling also in your hand on his skin. [...]

[...] In expressing it you become more what you are—you jump the bridge of communication beyond words, and this can be a simple thing involving merely the touch of hand on hand or thigh on thigh.

TPS2 Deleted Session September 4, 1972 wheelchair knees devil re giant

[...] “I feel like my hands are doing all these weird things in the air while I’m getting this material,” Jane said. [...] My hands were tied but then they were cut loose and flew out in all directions. [...]

[...] She also felt that hands were pulling her legs down, straightening them. [...]

[...] And now, see, I’m talking and these little men are working on my hands, my astral fingers. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 15, 1984 faltering Gaye Webster Gym flexes

(4:47 p.m. Earlier this afternoon Jane had showed me how the curled-up fingers of her right hand had indeed loosened up to some extent. I’d applied Remedy Rescue Cream to the knuckles of both hands. I’ve also been aware, for some time, of changes taking place on the wrist and the back of her left hand. [...]

[...] The hands are indeed beginning to accelerate their improvements — the right one in particular, so that the fingers begin to uncurl.

TES4 Session 186 September 8, 1965 stamps depicted test tavern diverted

[...] I fished the envelope out and handed it to her. She held it in her right hand. [...]

[...] Seth mentioned two or three people; the stamps depict a total of nine people, plus two hands on the special delivery stamp. Are these hands “something that only partially appears?” The same thing could be said about any bust depicted.

[...] She sat with a hand to her eyes, her head down. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 26, 1983 neck echelons elbows hydro fabulous

[...] She moved her shoulders and arms and hands as usual—very well indeed—which shows that she’s keeping her new motions. [...] Then she did motions with her arms and hands that she hadn’t done before, very fast, she said it felt like she was going to shake her fingers off. [...]

[...] At 4:00 she finished a smoke, then her hands began to move some more. [...]

[...] Jane began digging at her left ear with her left hand—in a motion she now does almost automatically. [...]

TPS1 Session 476 (Deleted) April 16, 1969 abundance negative spool rejection prayer

[...] And through them the creative energy moves freely, released and free, down to my hands and fingertips. Blessed are my hands and fingers through which creative energy translates intuitions, poetry, and knowledge to the typewritten page. Blessed are my hands and fingers which translate my ideas onto paper.”

Now it will help him to some important degree if he considers his arms and his hands in the following manner.

[...] My mind is open and clear, therefore my arms and hands which translate my thoughts into printing are open and clear, channels through which my creative energy may flow.”

TPS6 Jane’s Nightmare April 30, 1981 shooting hulk lunge robbery policeman

[...] He begins to disintegrate until he’s just a hulk of a hand, shooting the gun at me, which now I’m holding—since his body is gone. I know this refers to the belief in man’s sinful nature or deadly intent; when you believe that you end up with the assailant’s hand your own. [...]

TES1 Introduction board pointer obtained parentheses onehanded

[...] Jane always kept both hands on the pointer. I kept my left hand there and wrote down questions and answers with my right, using the desk as support. At times my onehanded approach slowed up the pointer’s transmission, but if I touched my right hand to it, it picked up speed. [...] If it moved too fast I either held it back every few words until I had the message down, or wrote with one hand while keeping the other in position.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 15, 1984 Rita mopped heparin styles freer

[...] She showed how she had considerably more motion in her entire left arm and hand, especially at the elbow. She’s mentioned changes in the hands several times lately. Then she showed how she also had more motion in the right hand and forearm. [...]

(Jane had another excellent episode of increased motions in both arms and hands as I was getting ready to leave, and in her feet also. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 9, 1984 massaged motions overdo Darvoset crying

[...] Her left hand bothered her a lot, and I massaged it. Her arms and hands kept moving.

[...] Half crying, she began more motions with her arms and hands. [...]

[...] It was also easier doing her arms and hands and other parts of her body after I turned her. [...]

TES2 Session 71 July 15, 1964 grass Hubbell seed Ted matter

(Then the sensation in my hands changed. [...] I seemed to be aware of another set of hands appearing just above my own, to be extending their reach and dimension until they were about 10 inches long. [...] All the while this extra set of hands hovered just above my own, and reminded me of arching claws to some extent. Again, I had to resist the impulse to move my hands drastically to see if they were indeed undistorted in the flesh.

[...] 7/17, 9:00 PM: Halfway through achieving the desired state, I began to get the familiar thrilling sensation in my hands. As I lay on my back on the bed, my hands palm down, I felt as though the second finger of each hand was doubling up or crawling back into a bent position. [...]

[...] My writing hand felt no fatigue. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 21, 1983 Fred Georgia Lorrie doughnut swelling

(Then I looked up to see Jane reaching up to her left ear with her left hand—in a spontaneous gesture I haven’t seen her do in I don’t know when. [...] She began to move on the bed, twisting her hands and wrists and rotating her arms. [...]

(“And that’s another sign,” I said, as she scratched her chin on the right side with that same left hand. As of now she can’t get her right hand up to her right ear by some little distance—but she will, I told her. [...]

[...] “It certainly wants to move,” she said, rotating the whole arm and hand. [...]

TES7 Session 318 February 8, 1967 Muriel Zeh poetic clairvoyant subconscious

[...] The hands and feet are part of the mother identification and are also important in another connection. [...] He is forcing himself to face his difficulties, but thus far his hands are tied, you see.

The hand development came last when the personality realized that the problems were not being solved, and that symbolically, his hands were tied. [...]

[...] Now I would like to continue here, but I imagine your hands are tired.

TES3 Session 105 November 9, 1964 Helen McIlwain death foreseen mother

[...] I believe he carried a pipe in his left hand. [...] Smiling at me, he held out his right hand toward me. [...]

[...] She lifted a hand.)

[...] And the import of the dream was clear to him merely in the perception of that simple data, the black envelope, with the return name in the left hand corner, and though he does not recall it, his name on the envelope as the person to whom the communication was sent.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 17, 1983 Steve hibernation rotating Saul moving

[...] After she was in position, however, I massaged Oil of Olay into her feet, lower legs, and especially her hands, talking to them in my process of “dehypnotization,” as I call it. [...] The hands are responding. [...]

(At 3:05–3:20, Jane began moving several parts of her body at once—shoulders, both feet, rotating both arms and hands. [...]

[...] She was on her back again, of course, and rotating her arms and hands faster than ever. [...]

TES9 Session 498 August 25, 1969 Aerofranz Adam race overstimulation quotes

Both Ruburt’s new experiments in class, and his affair with the hands represent growing receptivity and willingness on his part. In many ways the hand episode was the result of class work. [...]

[...] (Pause.) The hand experience was legitimate. [...] The difficulty will be one of circulation in the limbs and hands, and are already—the symptoms are already—felt by the woman in question.

[...] For now there are simply some errors he has made, both in expecting too much on the one hand, and not expecting enough on the other. [...] On the other hand there is not enough regular (underlined) application on his part, but spasmodic activity.

TMA Appendix C Gramacy magician magic tricks coincidence

[...] He bowed his dark head for just a moment then lifted it, those soft eyes now … softer and harder at the same time; his hands moved in rhythm with the music; his whole body was a marvel of motion; shoulders, head, arms, chest — his whole trunk, responding to the music. Then at his command, four silver dollars disappeared through the tabletop and he caught them underneath in the palm of his hands. [...]

[...] Both his eyes and his hands were really too expressive for a scientist’s, and he tried to be a scientist even when he was being a magician — perhaps then most of all.

Of Master Magicians
whose conjurings
feature the amazing tricks
of space and time,
produced so skillfully
and fast
that we’re dazzled with
the effects,
and miss the magical
slights of hand
the flashy gestures
of the days and nights.

TPS1 Session 379 (Deleted) November 13, 1967 exercise strenuous relaxation weapon tremor

Let him use his arms and hands more. [...]

The tremor represented guilt here, but also a threat, for you thought: before I will do this full time for money, my hand would fail. [...]

[...] The exercises in spontaneity on your part will help to improve the hand condition, for you have been tampering here.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 29, 1983 diet cream patient cure distress

(I also rubbed the Rescue Remedy Cream on the knuckles of Jane’s right hand, as I’d done yesterday. Steve B. had given her the cream, and we’re using the nodules on Jane’s right hand as a testing ground. She did report increased mobility in the hand—but has also been doing so for a little while now. [...]

(As she ate lunch I also noticed that Jane’s index finger on her left hand is moving even more at the first joint, as I described yesterday. [...]

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