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4. I’ve always thought Seth’s term, “value fulfillment,” a particularly evocative one. He was using it not long after these sessions began. In the 44th session for April 15th, 1964, I find him saying, in part, “Growth in your camouflage [physical] universe involves the taking up of more space. Actually in our inner universe … growth exists in terms of the value or quality expansion of which I have spoken, and does not — I repeat— does not imply any sort of space expansion. Nor does it imply, as growth does in your camouflage universe, a sort of projection into time.
“I am giving it [this material] to you in as simple terms as possible. If growth is one of the most necessary laws of your camouflage universe, value fulfillment corresponds to it in the inner-reality universe.”
[...] What you perceive as change or growth in a living physical structure is not change or growth as you conceive it. [...]
[...] You are seeing in slow motion when you think you see growth and decay as being properties of matter.
Again, growth and deterioration are what I will call apparencies. [...]
[...] Growth in living things, perceived as living organisms, does not involve the extension of a particular physical thing.
(Long pause.) Give us a moment… In almost all such cases involving cancer, spiritual and psychic growth is being denied, or the individual feels that he or she can no longer grow properly in personal, psychic, terms. [...] The individual insists upon growing or upon death, and forces an artificial situation in which growth itself becomes physically disastrous.
[...] Now, to some extent (underlined) there is a connection between this innate, rarely observed second puberty and the development of cancer, in which growth is specifically apparent in an exaggerated manner.
[...] Lesbian and homosexual relationships then are at best tenuous, overwrought with confused emotions, very seldom able to maintain a stability that allows for individual growth. [...]
One small note: A male with growths of any kind — kidney stones or ulcers, for example — has tendencies he considers feminine, and therefore “dependent,” of which he is ashamed. [...]
In your terms, probabilities are extensions and variations on the growth principle that is quite obvious in your daily reality. Such growth is a natural manifestation flourishing within your particular area of actuality, observable to your senses. [...] Probabilities involve you with a rich psychological growth and development, present but not observable in your “home ground.” [...]
[...] Your psychological growth is not something you can look at in the mirror, yet it is that growth that is also responsible for your painting and writing Ruburt’s books and his connections with me. [...]
(Pause at 9:35.) Such ideas, then, prevent you from enjoying your own accomplishments, as you should more properly do, and from enjoying their growth through time, from the background that was your own. [...]
Some of your psychological growth is obvious through the books, of course—obvious to others if often not to yourselves. [...]
[...] It, that is it meaning the outer ego, can even continue growth and development after a particular existence, according to its inherent ability and according to its ability to communicate with the basic inner self.
There can be no holding back of commitment, involvement, or ability in one aspect of your lives but it will be reflected in others, that is in other aspects where you want growth. [...]
[...] You grew from a fetus into an adult, for instance, so obviously some part of you does know how to perform such an amazing activity as the growth and care of the physical body. The reasoning mind alone, however, cannot by itself grow even the smallest cell, or activate the life of even one molecule, yet the growth and maintenance of the body is constant.
Evil, so termed, is a lack of knowledge, a lack of fulfillment, a lack of growth, measured against that which has felt inward enough to understand more of its nature. [...] The whole process however is toward understanding in which the evil is doubled and erased, but the growth must come from something that is not yet grown, and you cannot call a seed evil because it is not yet the flower.
[...] (Pause.) Legitimately, each personality is a co-creator, and part of All That Is, but this All That Is constantly develops, and develops in terms of growth fulfillment.
[...] Value fulfillment is always working, yet there is between those two statements—you realize the ones to which I refer—the idea of judgment as an impetus and spur against the inner self’s knowledge of the growth that must come.
[...] I found myself thinking about the cancer being a new, explosive growth within a body that was aging. That growth was fated to bring about not only the death of its host, but the cancer itself. [...] Was Joe Bumbalo giving birth to a new life form that upon death would be released to continue its growth elsewhere, just as we believe Joe will do after his death?)
Growth in your camouflage universe often involves the taking up of more space. Actually in our inner universe of reality growth exists in terms of the value or quality expansion of which I have spoken, and does not, I repeat, does not imply any sort of space expansion. Nor does it imply, as growth does in your camouflage universe, a sort of projection into time.
[...] Nor does the duration involved in the spacious present in any way involve a suspension in terms of, for example, growth forbidden to achieve maturity.
[...] If growth is one of the most necessary laws of your camouflage universe, value fulfillment corresponds to it in the inner reality universe.
In your physical universe this rule is followed as physical growth. [...]
The slower physical manifestation of growth that occurs within the physical field involves long-term patterns filled by atoms and molecules which are, to some extent, then imprisoned within structure.
In the dream universe however the slower physical growth process is replaced by psychic and mental value fulfillment, which does not necessitate any long-range imprisonment of molecules within a pattern.
Now basically even the physical universe itself is so constructed, but for all practical purposes, as far as general perception and experience is concerned, time and the physical growth development apply, so that we find the ego portion, particularly of the human personality, is to a large extent dependent for its maturity and development upon the amount of time that the physical image has spent within the system.
A certain portion of physical growth, in terms of a series of physical moments, is therefore necessary for value fulfillment to show itself within a physical organism. [...]
“The growth of ego consciousness by itself set up both challenges and limitations. This automatically meant that emerging man, in that framework, must let go of a certain kind of animal comprehension that was extremely valuable overall, but could inhibit ego growth … For many centuries there was no clear-cut differentiation between various species of man and animal … There were also, of course, parallel developments in the emergence of physical man. [...]
[...] Growth within the physical system is the result of suggestion. Without it there would be no growth. [...]
It goes without saying that each newborn consciousness within your system carries within it the capsule comprehension of which I have previously spoken; and if you recall, each atom and molecule, each and every smallest particle that can by any stretch of the imagination be called physical matter, contains within it its own independent capsule comprehension—inherent suggestions in coded form, in not one but several codes, that give complete instructions for development and growth.
[...] So, while different ledges may appear more or less the same, this sameness is the result of minute changes, new growths and seasonal variations.
[...] They do not vanish when you are finished with your growth there, but serve as a growing media for other personalities.
[...] The violets on our hypothetical mountainside contribute to the life of the mountain even while they have their own independent reality, and the overall cycle of the seasons regulates the growth and development of the mountain and all of its manifestations.
Dictation: The roots of the tiniest plant know the best conditions for their growth, and they reach spontaneously toward the most fulfilling probabilities for development.
[...] Our material, and his own abilities, represented various kinds of trials, development and growth, and also implied various kinds of threats of different strengths throughout the years. [...]
Now the body has suffered its difficulties, and there is no way out of it except to understand that there are difficulties of growth, regrettable at certain levels in particular—but growing pains nevertheless, extending over a period of time, tensions resulting over a person’s natural tendencies toward value fulfillment and knowledge. [...]
[...] The growth of feelings, sensations, I am-ness, concepts and beliefs was paralleled by the resulting exterior manifestations of animal species, and mineral and vegetable emergences; with these came the growth of complementary neurological structures, and the precise physical formations, such as mountains, valleys, seas, and so forth needed to sustain them.
At birth, each person is automatically equipped with the capacity toward natural growth that will most completely satisfy its own abilities — not at the expense of others, but in an overall context in which the fulfillment of each individual assures the fulfillment of each other individual.
[...] Each is also endowed with patterns toward growth and fulfillment — not at the expense of the rest of nature, but to the contrary, so that every other element of nature may also be completed (all with much emphasis).
Behind all maladies, in the most basic manner lies the need for expression, and when people feel that their areas of growth are being curtailed, then they instigate actions meant to clear the road, so to speak.
I am not saying that AIDS victims are outright suicides — only that in many instances the will to live is so weakened and a despondency so strong sets in that such individuals often acquiesce, finally, to their own deaths, seeing no room in the future for their own further growth or development.