3 results for stemmed:groom

TES5 Session 233 February 14, 1966 Linda six wedding groom marriage

(“A connection with three people, and a fourth who is not present.” We thought this a too-vague reference to my brother and his wife, and their daughter, and the groom.

(“Four, the number four. A connection with an older man.” This was perhaps a vague reference to the father of the groom; he is quite a bit older than my brother, who is Linda’s father. Later, Jane told me that this was a reference to brother Loren, Linda’s father.

The older man represented the groom’s father, simply because of the discussion concerning him Sunday. (But see Jane’s comment on page 285.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 23, 1983 doctor ointment lancing knee Fred

[...] You saw the doctor in working clothes, expressing your feeling that doctors were more like mechanics, dealing with exterior manipulation, thus your doctor appears without his usual well-groomed attire, and fashionable facade. [...]

TES5 Session 218 December 15, 1965 Priestley Peggy Dunne San seminar

[...] Peggy’s sister was married on Saturday, October 16; the bride and groom left immediately for Puerto Rico on their honeymoon. [...]

(Again on page 13, it is noted that Jane and I had not met the bride and groom. [...]