Results 41 to 60 of 275 for stemmed:function

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 655, April 11, 1973 probable enumerate chose avenues latent

[...] (Pause.) Since your conscious beliefs determine those unconscious functions that bring about your personal experience, your first step is to enlarge those beliefs.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 647, March 12, 1973 Satan denial Adam evil Buddhism

In terms of simple biological function, you now had a species no longer completely dependent upon instinct, yet still with all the natural built-in desires for survival, and the appearance within it of a mind able to make decisions and distinctions.

[...] Neither theory contains an understanding of the functions of the conscious mind, or the evolution of consciousness — or, for that matter, certain aspects of greater physics. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 7: Session 531, May 25, 1970 streams blinders process river attention

(Pause at 10:43.) Now often the ego acts as a dam, to hold back other perceptions — not because it was meant to, or because it is in the nature of an ego to behave in such a fashion, or even because it is a main function of an ego, but simply because you have been taught that the purpose of an ego is restrictive rather than expanding. [...]

[...] Then because it is inflexible you say that this is the natural function and characteristic of the ego.

UR2 Section 4: Session 709 October 2, 1974 orientation disengagement cellular faster Unknown

(Slowly at 11:43:) While your consciousness is so engaged, your body consciousness performs many functions that are impossible for it during your waking hours. The greatest biological creativity takes place while you sleep, for example, and certain cellular functions10 are accelerated. [...]

10. Perhaps I should have asked Seth to be more specific about those “certain cellular functions” that are accelerated in the sleep state, but I didn’t; I was tiring. [...]

The brain itself never sleeps, of course, since it’s endlessly involved in running the vastly complicated physiological functions of the body. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 7, 1978 Wanda disapproval appointment Frank ommm

[...] The intellect’s function seems largely that of a critic.

[...] Whenever you suspend that disapproval body and mind automatically function better and together in a smoother fashion. [...]

NotP Chapter 10: Session 795, February 28, 1977 sex feedback dreams slate species

[...] There are even key dreams in infancy that serve to trigger necessary hormonal functioning. [...]

[...] Sleeping pills also impede the critical functions of dreams that are so often overlooked. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session February 3, 1971 retracing fears chiropractor repressive symptoms

It would also be possible however to go through his body and pinpoint the particular energizing feelings and ideas responsible for the excellent functioning of the other body areas. [...]

[...] He also stopped writing what he thought of as pessimistic poetry, which had performed the same function, allowing for the expression of fearful emotions. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 658, April 23, 1973 hypnosis undivided hypnotist Sixteen attention

[...] I want to impress upon you the fact that all of this simply follows the natural function of the mind, and to dispel any ideas that you have about the “magical” aspects of hypnosis.

UR2 Appendix 26: (For Session 734) Sumari families bereft Del November

Now (Seth told us last night) you can expand the functions of any particular family group, or you can cut it down, by deciding how precise you want to be. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: March 23, 1984 heart heartless transplant medical technology

[...] If all the parts are in their proper places, and functioning smoothly, then the machine should give as excellent service as any well-running automobile — or so it seems.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 644, February 28, 1973 emotions beliefs refute revengeful hateful

[...] In fact, their purpose is to help you direct the functioning of your biological being. [...]

[...] Accepting your integrity in time allows the body to function until its natural end, in good condition, free from those distorted, invisible concepts about age. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 708 September 30, 1974 sleepwalkers hibernation flesh code secondary

[...] To you, comparatively speaking, their waking activities would seem dreamlike, and yet they behaved with great natural physical grace, allowing the body to function to capacity. [...]

[...] Under certain conditions, for example, consciousness can leave the corporal mechanism while it remains intact — functioning, but at a maintenance level. [...]

[...] Your body has prepared for it, all of its functions precognitively projecting their own existences into it. [...]

4. The sessions in Chapter 5 of Personal Reality, referred to in Note 2, contain information on the functions of the body’s inner sound, light, and electromagnetic values. [...]

TES3 Session 119 January 6, 1965 outer ego Jung subconscious animus

It is this inner director who maintains all of these functions, and who is responsible for the physical health. [...]

[...] But without even doing this they may momentarily take over or express themselves through a single function, such as speech or motion, while the outer ego is blissfully unaware.

NotP Chapter 10: Session 794, February 21, 1977 brain orange neural double sequences

(Each dream would be characteristic of the functions of the hemisphere of the brain that experienced it, I added, as we think of those functions in the light of current knowledge. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 10: Session 935, August 13, 1981 electrons backup genetic species latent

[...] They do not become extinct either, but go on to serve other functions in the universe than those with which you are presently aware.

TES4 Session 153 May 10, 1965 tension landscape action creation ego

The boundaries are functional units rather, and functions may blend one into the other. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 2, 1981 crisis situation bathroom therapeutic toilet

(Frank Longwell visited, and also offered Jane a lot of encouragement as he explained the functions of different muscle groups to her. Seth’s material, and Frank’s, goes a long way toward easing her feelings of fright, for now we see that those feelings represented her—and my—misunderstanding of her own bodily functions as the body ceaselessly tries to right itself.)

TMA Session Six August 25, 1980 Mitzi intellect collar flea identify

[...] Your intellect is a part of you — a vital, functioning portion of your cognitive processes — but it does not contain (underlined) your identity.

[...] They serve other functions, they have other purposes, they take part in life through a different cast of action. [...]

TES4 Session 197 October 11, 1965 electromagnetic test Peggy identity dog

[...] The ego, because of its function and basic characteristics, cannot make swift decisions as can the intuitive self. [...]

[...] In the future the ego and the intellect will expand sufficiently so that they can contain and use and appreciate all the other functions and portions of the self which they now mistrust. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 631, December 18, 1972 viruses drugs natural counteract minced

In the body’s spontaneous functioning you see the easy mobility of the soul, the “going with that which I am,” which is an indication of the soul’s inner freedom and yet innate sense of direction. [...]

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