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You are born loving. You are born compassionate. You are born curious about yourself and your world. Those attributes also belong to natural law. You are born knowing that you possess a unique, intimate sense of being that is itself, and that seeks its own fulfillment, and the fulfillment of others. You are born seeking the actualization of the ideal. You are born seeking to add value to the quality of life, to add characteristics, energies, abilities to life that only you can individually contribute to the world, and to attain a state of being that is uniquely yours, while adding to the value fulfillment of the world.
(Tonight, Jane repeated an idea she’d started talking about before holding the 861st nonbook session just a week ago: She thinks Seth is in the process of finishing Mass Events. “Not in the next couple of sessions, but he’s heading that way. He’s given all he can — or wants to — on the negative beliefs we hold as individuals and societies; he wants to start his next book [my emphasis] on how to positively work our way out of our challenges and create a much better world…. You know — that material I’ve been telling you about, on therapy and value fulfillment. I was even messing around with book titles today, though I know I shouldn’t do that.”1
(Deliberately:) You were born with an in-built recognition of your own goodness. You were born with an inner recognition of your rightness in the universe. You were born with a desire to fulfill your abilities, to move and act in the world. Those assumptions are the basis of what I will call natural law.
1. Just before giving the 861st session last week, Jane received from Seth some intriguing material on the idea that in psychological therapy, the good intents and impulses beneath the client’s emotional and physical hassles should be searched out by the analyst. She made some notes about the information. It was very promising material, she told me, and could help change conventional ideas of therapy. A book could actually be involved — Seth’s next — on “the therapy of value fulfillment.” She was quite excited by the new ideas she’d presented herself with.
[...] I am saying, therefore that even insects have an esthetic sense, and again, that each creature, and each plant, or natural entity, has its own sense of value fulfillment, seeking the greatest possible fulfillment and extension of its own innate abilities.
This sense of value fulfillment, once more, benefits not only the individual, but its species and all other species. [...]
[...] In human terms, this means that each person has a vast bank of avenues that lead to value fulfillment, and that individual abilities will ideally form their own boulevards of expression.
Poor health, or simply unhappy situations, arise only when the individual meets too many detours, or encounters too many blocks to the expression of value fulfillment.
[...] Value fulfillment operates within microbes and nations, within individual creatures and entire species, and it unites all of life’s manifestations so that indeed creatures and their environments are united in an overall cooperative venture — a venture in which each segment almost seeks to go beyond itself in creativity, growth, and expression. In a smaller, individual framework, each man and woman, then, is motivated by this same value fulfillment. [...]
You will shortly see how some diseases are caused by the detriments set up against value fulfillment, often because of fears, doubts, or misunderstandings — and how other diseases may actually lead to instances of value fulfillment that are misread or misinterpreted.
[...] Remember that each segment of life is motivated by value fulfillment, and is therefore always attempting to use and develop all of its abilities and potentials, and to express itself in as many probable ways as possible, in a process that is cooperatively — correction: in a process that takes into consideration the needs and desires of each other segment of life.
[...] Value fulfillment is a psychological and physical propensity that exists in each unit of consciousness, propelling it toward its own greatest fulfillment in such a way that its individual fulfillment also adds to the best possible development on the part of each other such unit of consciousness. [...] It operates above as well, but I am here concerned with the cooperative nature with which value fulfillment endows all units of consciousness within your physical world.
[...] Value Fulfillment Versus Competition.”
[...] Every psychic action exists, has an effect and has durability in terms of value fulfillment. Every psychic action, and a psychic action is any psychic happening such as a dream, or thought, that may have no existence in terms of space and time, every psychic action then contains within it the potentialities of value fulfillment, transference, and even energy transformation.
[...] Unable to find value fulfillment in terms of physical growth and construction as the primary personality can, they seek fulfillment along more accessible lines.
[...] It operates to form as complicated a gestalt as possible, following the law of value fulfillment, and yet in so doing it does not either invade, deny or negate other individual consciousness. It is limitless because there are no limits to the possibilities of its value fulfillment, or to the number of gestalts which it can form.
[...] We have spoken of the dream world, and of its having a psychic reality, without space or time as you know it, and an evolution and value fulfillment quite independent of the meager attention that you give it.
In that regard, Ruburt’s creativity kept struggling for its own growth and value fulfillment. [...]
(9:37.) The sessions then opened the door to a particular kind of value fulfillment that was natural to Ruburt’s being. [...]
I have said that in almost every case of severe dissatisfaction or illness the underlying reasons will not so much be found in the discovery or expression of buried hate or aggression—though these may be present—but in the search for valued expression of value fulfillment that is for one reason or another being denied. [...]
(Long pause.) Ruburt broke through both psychically and creatively—that is, the sessions almost immediately provided him with new creative inspiration and expression and with the expansions needed psychologically that would help fulfill his promise as a writer and as a mature personality. [...]
[...] It is not simply that for some time seems to go faster or slower than for others, but that time is used in different fashions according to the value fulfillment issues with which each individual is concerned and with those of the species as well. [...]
(Long pause.) The purposes and value fulfillment intents of some people are often reached in your terms at a young age. [...]
In those terms it is like a creative venture, finished to the best of one’s ability in the given medium, and leaves one with a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, and completion. [...]
Those who are not completely focused in physical reality will look for other ways of fulfilling their needs. [...] They will be left with the need for fulfillment however. [...]
[...] You wanted a fulfillment indeed, that would of course have physical repercussions in three-dimensional terms, but that was not primarily physical.
[...] However, generally speaking, those completely focused in physical reality will look for their prime fulfillment within it. [...]
[...] Any exploration into other realities involves an aggressive thrust on the one hand toward fulfillment, with hope of freedom you see. [...]
[...] The nature of probabilities determines the framework in which these fulfillments can take place, and “frames” living developments. The structure of probabilities provides on the one hand a system of barriers, in which practical growth is not chosen or significant; and on the other hand it insures a safe, creative, rich environment — a reality — in which the idealization can choose from an almost infinite variety of possible actions those best suited to its own fulfillment.
[...] In the same way all members of the species are benefited by the happiness, health, and fulfillment of any of those individuals who compose it. Man can be aware of the vast medium of probabilities in which he exists, and therefore consciously choose those best suited to those idealizations that point toward his greatest fulfillment. [...]
[...] Such idealizations provide their own impetus; that is, they will grow toward their own greatest fulfillment.
Thoughts have their own kind of structure, as cells do, and they seek their own fulfillment. [...]
Value fulfillment itself is most difficult to describe, for it combines (pause) the nature of a loving presence—a presence with the innate knowledge of its own divine complexity—with a creative ability of infinite proportions that seeks to bring to fulfillment even the slightest, most distant portion of its own inverted complexity. Translated into simpler terms, each portion of energy is endowed with an inbuilt reach of creativity that seeks to fulfill its own potentials in all possible variations—and in such a way that such a development also furthers the creative potentials of each other portion of reality (all very emphatically).
Again, in actuality all of this took place at once, yet the depth of psychological experience contained therein can never be measured, for it involved a kind of value fulfillment with which each consciousness is involved. That characteristic of value fulfillment is perhaps the most important element in the being of All That Is, and it is a part of the heritage of all species.
[...] Yet they had yearned before the beginning for other experiences, and even for fulfillments of a different nature. They sensed a kind of value fulfillment that required of them the utilization of their own creative abilities. [...]
[...] (As far as “time” goes, some particles live for far less than a trillionth of a second.) I’m quite sure, however, that the meson, or any short-lived particle, searches out its own kind of value fulfillment while here with us. [...]
[...] You must live in the faith that your purpose is and will be fulfilled, is being fulfilled and will be fulfilled. [...]
It can fulfill you and others, and bring you unimagined fulfillment, but never when you attempt to force it to follow certain directions. [...]
[...] You have a fine, strong and worthwhile purpose, but you will not fulfill it well while you rail against what you do not have, and ignore the abilities and gifts and blessings that you do have.
Men and women have joyfully honored and loved the evening and the dawn, and listened to the heart-pulse within them, with a blessing and a joy who have not had one-hundredth of your blessings or one third the reason to look forward to another day, and they have fulfilled themselves and brought joy to others. [...]
A certain portion of physical growth, in terms of a series of physical moments, is therefore necessary for value fulfillment to show itself within a physical organism. [...] Instead development is largely a matter of value fulfillment, which is achieved through the perspectives of action, through traveling within any given action, and following it and changing with it. [...]
This is in itself, you see, a form of value fulfillment, since you are perceiving one simultaneous action as if it were a series of separate actions. [...] This is however, or this can be, while fulfilling, also limiting.
[...] The images appear and disappear much more quickly because value fulfillment is allowed greater reign.
In the dream universe however the slower physical growth process is replaced by psychic and mental value fulfillment, which does not necessitate any long-range imprisonment of molecules within a pattern.
In the most basic of terms, no one’s fulfillment can (underlined) be achieved at the expense of another’s. Fulfillment does not happen that way. Your very lives seek the best directions for fulfillment. Our work seeks its own best directions for fulfillment.
[...] Value fulfillment means that each individual, each entity, of whatever nature, spontaneously, automatically seeks those conditions that are suited to its own fulfillment, and to the fulfillment of others.
[...] Fear is caused by lack of understanding, by a lack of value fulfillment. [...] Love is fulfilled, or fulfilling, value fulfillment. [...]
—that which you call evil represents a falling short of value fulfillment in a particular, or in any particular, case. [...]
[...] For I tell you, at the risk of being misunderstood grossly, that there is only one reality, and value fulfillment, which you may, if you like, equate with goodness.
[...] Consciousness knows all of the probabilities of fulfillment open to it. [...] This applies not only individually, so that the cell knows its future pattern, for example; but in the same way, an entire species will unconsciously have the knowledge of its own “ideal” fulfillment in its overall world environment.
[...] It responds to an inborn impetus for its own greatest fulfillment, and will automatically change directions in answer to its own experiments and experiences. [...] His consciousness — his psyche — is projecting greater images of his own probable fulfillment, and these are seen in his changing concepts of God.
[...] But I say this personally and directly concerns each of you, for unless you develop your own abilities, you shall not fulfill yourselves and you shall not be happy. [...]
[...] But you are not taking advantage of it, and in not taking advantage of it, you are not fulfilling your responsibilities. [...]
[...] There are abilities here that should be fulfilled.
[...] In fact, after supper tonight she produced two more pages of notes that she’d picked up from Seth on his new book: Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment. [...]
[...] Realizing that you are in the position you wanted to be and realizing that your abilities are not in conflict with each other, nor you with them, will automatically fulfill and develop all of those abilities, in a new kind of overall creativity that is itself beyond specifics.
(9:09.) He did indeed pick up from me a partial list of the subject matters to be covered in our new book—which will be called Dreams, “Evolution,” (in quotes) and Value Fulfillment. [...]
Each existence in any of many camouflage patterns trains and fulfills the inner self to develop the greatest possible fulfillment of its own qualities and characteristics. [...]
[...] When a complete barrier, or nearly complete barrier, exists between the inner and outer egos, then the whole self is denied value fulfillment to a large degree. [...]
[...] Without the outer core, the inner self could simply not add to its own value fulfillment through participation in energy-constructs (hyphen).
[...] For that matter the requirements of your plane itself necessitate the fulfillment of certain developments such as those we have mentioned much earlier, having to do with the experience of a full childhood, motherhood, fatherhood, et cetera. [...]
[...] If you had thoroughly remembered our material on value fulfillment, you would know that the only detriment to so-called free will is the built-in necessity for value fulfillment. [...]
[...] But built-in of course into this necessity for experience, is the compulsion toward value fulfillment, and as you know this does not apply alone to growth, which is in itself a camouflage materialization of value fulfillment along one line only.
[...] It would be backtracking to repeat that long discussion, but as the inner universe has as its attributes spontaneity and durability, and as the spacious present is simultaneous while containing within it all pasts and all presents and all futures, and as Philip understands the meaning of expansion in terms not of time or of space but of value fulfillment, so will he intuitively then grasp that no contradiction occurs with actual reality when I say that there is no beginning and no end.
[...] This is the driving force, the one main law from which value fulfillment then flows.