Results 21 to 40 of 119 for stemmed:fragment

TES2 Session 69 July 8, 1964 apparition constructions water temperature cool

(“What about those fragments you said Jane and I created at York Beach, Maine, last August? [...]

I have told you they were fragments, and if you will reread the material in the light of the newer material on matter, then the whole incident will become more plain to you. [...]

[...] What if Jane and I go to York Beach in Maine again, and meet those fragments we created; what will happen, if anything?”)

SS Appendix: Session 558, November 5, 1970 Baal Ron Speaker Bael b.c

[...] In Asia Minor, and fragments of a past civilization were then there. [...]

[...] He was not one personality, as I have told you, but a highly developed entity, sometimes appearing as a fragment of himself.

TPS6 Jane’s Silver Dream Fragment February 14, 1981 silver silverware servants sterling serviceable


TES3 Session 116 December 21, 1964 censorship props procedure replenish proceed

[...] You must recall our discussions concerning fragments. Fragments of this type have all the potentialities of the parent, inner energy. [...]

[...] For the material on fragments see the very early sessions; it is scattered throughout them.)

TES1 Session 11 January 1, 1964 mirror palm wrist fingers hand

[...] I wanted to see if the questions would help Jane establish contact with another entity or a fragment. [...]

[...] Frank Watts was a fathead,” he said with obvious satisfaction, even though Frank Watts was a personality fragment of Seth’s own entity.

[...] The apparition you saw beside your bed last summer was a personality fragment out of your past, warning you that you have an imbalance as far as height is concerned. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 6 tree bark Malba Rob midplane

[...] They are themselves fragments, struggling small fragments, without intention of harm. [...]

The midplane contains a conglomeration of fragments … who have not attained sufficient knowledge or manipulability to progress further at this point. [...]

[...] All of these fragments have consciousness to a rather high degree, considering that man holds them in such low repute.

TES7 Session 331 April 3, 1967 project form Lizzie dead mac

[...] A fragment may project, you see, but one atom could not contain the full projecting consciousness of an adult human mind.

[...] But the projecting fragments themselves, you see, do not come and leave unaffected, but grow and mature and develop, really, other portions of the self in continuing extensions. [...]

TES1 Session 21 February 3, 1964 Throckmorton maid Lessie Dick daughter

[...] Needless to say there is great fluidity and variety and challenge on the part of personalities and fragments and personality fragments.

[...] There is much involved here in the matter of personality fragments and of particular personalities, and it is too late for me to begin a discussion in depth.

Upon this depends, to a large extent, the strength of any sort of a fragment, and this ability as much as any other is a limiting factor also. [...]

TES2 Session 54 May 18, 1964 entities forest extral chicken durability

[...] I have promised to give you more material dealing with the psychic construction of the entity, and its relationship to its fragments. [...]

As the physical atoms and molecules combine to form cells, and the cells to form physical organs, and as they do not lose their individuality in so doing, and as the atoms and molecules themselves actually gain and share in higher perceptions because of this gestalt, so do the basic components or fragments of an entity constantly form new and varied personalities; and these in turn form entities of their own.

There is indeed no contradiction, though it may appear so, in the fact that all entities existed before your planet was formed, and the fact that fragments form new entities. [...]

TES5 Session 233 February 14, 1966 Linda six wedding groom marriage

(“An initiation, and a bringing together of fragments.” [...] The use of the word fragments here, by Seth, led us to think that reincarnational motives might be involved in the marriage; but I did not think to quiz Seth about this when he resumed. In the very early sessions Seth began to use fragment as a reference to each physical personality manifested by the entity.

[...] An initiation, and a bringing together of fragments. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 18, 1984 delirium adolescence downpour muggy rainfall

In fact, fragments of many episodes from many other lives may rush into their consciousness, and in most cases they are, of course, quite unprepared for the experience. [...]

TES1 Session 18 January 22, 1964 tree bark Burrell Miami Mr

[...] Visible or invisible to you, each fragment of the universe has a consciousness of its own. Pain and pleasure, the strongest aspects of all consciousness, are experienced strongly by every fragment, according to its degree. [...]

[...] All these fragments have consciousness to a rather high degree, considering that man holds them in such ill repute.

In some fragments such as much plant life and vegetative life there is strong use of certain inner senses. [...]

TES1 Session 17 January 20, 1964 Malba Joseph tool semiplane midplane

[...] They are themselves fragments, struggling small fragments without intention of harm. [...] It is only when you give tacit agreement that harm is inflicted upon you by these fragments. [...]

[...] The midplane or semiplane contains a conglomeration of fragments at all stages of development, except that they have not attained sufficient knowledge or manipulability to progress further at this point. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 918, June 2, 1980 nuclear intervals venting mathematical passageways

[...] They are also in other terms entities, fragments of All That Is, if you prefer—divine fragments of power and majesty, containing (pause) all of the powers of consciousness as you think of it, concentrations without substance in your terms.

UR2 Section 6: Session 731 January 20, 1975 plant selfhood ancestral ancestors chromosomes

[...] Visible or invisible to you, each fragment of the universe has a consciousness of its own. Pain and pleasure, the strongest aspects of all consciousnesses, are experienced by every fragment, according to its degree. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 10: Session 935, August 13, 1981 electrons backup genetic species latent

[...] It should be no surprise, then, that this same kind of “fitting together” includes subjective life also—or that, say, your private dreams are also fragments in a vaster dream reality. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 660, May 2, 1973 underweight weight eat transference Seventeen

(Jane was left with a page or so of fragmented notes and a couple of possible chapter headings. [...]

UR1 Appendix 6: (For Session 687) ancient pathological article Appendix parallel

(Portions of the article in yesterday’s newspaper, I should add, dealt with the recent discoveries of skeletal fragments in East Africa that indicate the coexistence of several varieties of ancient man and preman; the latter being creatures who looked rather human but whose brains, it is believed, remained apelike. [...]

TES7 Session 303 Elmira, New York November 26, 1966 Gene seminar Baba chasm deception

Now I speak from several layers, though the word “speak" is a poor one, I turn myself, you see, into steps down which I walk and the steps represent what you would term personality fragments, though the term is distortive. [...] I am broken up into highly energized personality fragments of my own accord, you see. [...]

TES8 Session 410 May 8, 1968 cone postulated alkaloids photograph drugs

(“You once, a long time ago, said something about a dog fragment.” [...]

[...] The fragment is no longer concerned, however. [...]

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