UR1 2,
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ECS 1 2 3 4,
Results 1 to 20 of 85 for stemmed:fourth
ECS2 An Aid in Visualizing Time as a Dimension By: Arnold Pearson, Member of Jane’s ESP Class.
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– An Aid in Visualizing Time as a Dimension By: Arnold Pearson, Member of Jane’s ESP Class.
5. Since he cannot see up or down (as we cannot see the fourth dimension) he is not aware that his “future” is already there and that his “past” still exists. His third dimension is time but he cannot see it. Similarly our fourth dimension is time and we cannot see it. Seth has told us that there is no past or future, only the spacious present. All of the past and the future exist now to those who can see time as the fourth dimension.
3. Suppose now that one card in the stack represents a living, intelligent, two-dimensional being at some moment in time. Because “he” is two-dimensional “he” sees dimensions in his plane, as we three-dimensional beings can see in our three dimensions. He cannot see up or down, as we cannot see (or even imagine) our fourth dimension. He would, however, be able to see other beings at his same level in nearby stacks.
TSM Chapter Nineteen: Cognition of Knowledgeable Essence
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Nineteen: The Inner Senses — What They Are and How to Use Them
– Cognition of Knowledgeable Essence
This fifth sense differs from the fourth [conceptual sense] in that it does not involve cognition of a concept. It is similar to the fourth sense in that it is free from past, present, and future, and involves an intimate becoming, or transformation of self into something else.
TES6 Session 258 May 11, 1966
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 258 May 11, 1966 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled
You can conceive of a fourth-dimensional cube, for example, but you cannot conceive of a fourth-dimensional thinking process. You cannot conceive of a fourth-dimensional psychological structure. You cannot think (smile) in fourth-dimensional terms. You cannot use fourth-dimensional imagination, you see.
No thought has been given to the personality structure as it exists in a fourth-dimensional reality, or in a fifth-dimensional reality, and yet a fourth or fifth-dimensional personality structure contains the most important hints of all.
You perceive reality in three dimensions, and you have a glimpse of reality in a fourth dimension.
(Pause, eyes closed.) Try for a moment to consider these in terms of a fourth-dimensional personality structure… We are forced now and then to slow up, so that Ruburt can get proper words.
TES6 Session 259 May 16, 1966
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 259 May 16, 1966 9 PM Monday as Scheduled
We shall have more to say, concerning for this evening, fourth-dimensional personality structures.
There is no need to get too complicated, so we shall deal only with fourth and fifth-dimensional personality structures for now.
Your own fourth-dimensional personality structure obviously operates constantly.
At one level of the dreaming state it is possible for you to recognize and align yourself with that portion of yourself that is aware of itself within fourth-dimensional reality.
TES8 Session 334 April 12, 1967
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 334 April 12, 1967 9 PM Wednesday
A girl in a fourth seat in one of the rows far right.
The girl in a fourth seat in a far right row is Elaine Todd.
“There is a boy in a third or fourth seat, back from the front, in the left row toward the wall.
TES8 Notes by Peggy Gallagher
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Notes by Peggy Gallagher
She did not realize this had any effect on the child…a difficulty, minor enough, in the lumbar region and fourth vertebra.
Warm salt pads applied to the extremities would be a benefit and also on the fourth vertebra.
He was indeed a lawyer, but also was involved involved in psychic studies with a group in Cleveland called the Brothers of the Fourth Order, and he is particularly interested in the manipulation of physical matter.
TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 37 March 23, 1964 9 PM Monday as Instructed
The fourth inner sense is the conceptual sense.
However, the fourth inner sense involves again direct cognition, only now of a concept in much more than you would call intellectual terms.
I went into the connection between the third inner sense and concepts for a reason, and this will now be an introduction into the fourth inner sense.
When the fourth inner sense is exercised, and I will outline exercises and all three of you would certainly benefit by following my suggestions, you will discover what an idea really is.
TES6 Session 265 June 6, 1966
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 265 June 6, 1966 9 PM Monday
April is the fourth month; the number four also shows; and the number 1 in 1966.
As soon as Jane saw this she said that she was subjectively sure she had interpreted the four date as July fourth instead of April.
We hesitated to give meanings here, and received some help from Seth in answer to my fourth question.
The fourth question asked about the F and O data.
UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724)
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Appendix 22: Seth on Simultaneous Lives. Rob’s Fourth Roman-Soldier Vision
– (For Session 724)
(With some elaborations, the following account of my “fourth Roman” is directly from the description I wrote upon awakening.
Long after class break toward the end of the night, I presented my fourth Roman by reading from the notes just given.
Jane and I haven’t been to Jerusalem, although we’d like to make the trip some day, but even if we did I don’t think it would be easy to identify the physical site of my “fourth Roman.”
13. Early in this appendix I wrote that I added these notes later, to give “ordinary background material” for my fourth Roman.
TES1 Session 38 March 25, 1964
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 38 March 25, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed
For example as I have said, the fourth or conceptual sense ignores what you call past, present and future, and so can appreciate a concept in its entirety, can actually experience the concept in much the same manner that you might work out an idea through a drama, if you follow me.
This sense differs from the fourth inner sense in that it does not involve the cognition of a concept.
It is similar to the fourth sense in that it is free of course from the arbitrary past, present and future, and it is also similar in that it involves an intimate becoming, or a transformation of self into something else.
SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 590, August 9, 1971
– Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Two
– Chapter 22: A Goodbye and an Introduction: Aspects of Multidimensional Personality as Viewed Through My Own Experience
– Session 590, August 9, 1971, 10:05 P.M. Monday
When I wondered if I was right in thinking it likely that Seth’s papal incarnation took place in the fourth century, Jane said she “got” the year A.D. 325.
WTH Epilogue by Robert F. Butts
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Epilogue by Robert F. Butts
The 15 three-ring binders containing her poems, all neatly typed, for example; her essays and journals; other blocks of unpublished Seth material, one of which I mentioned in the Introduction; an unfinished autobiography that perhaps I could put into publishable shape; likewise, passages from an unfinished fourth Oversoul Seven novel, in which Jane dealt with Seven’s childhood; a book of her paintings, with commentary; several early novels that I still believe merit publishing.
TES7 Session 298 October 31, 1966
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 298 October 31, 1966 9 PM Monday
(“Connection with three people and a fourth, separated.”
Jane said one interpretation could be that we know three other teachers personally; the fourth, separated, would be Mr. Clauss whom Jane met twice perhaps a couple of years ago.
Connection with three people and a fourth, separated.
TMA Session Thirteen September 24, 1980
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Thirteen: Rob Using the Magical Approach. Precognition
– Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 9:24 P.M., Wednesday
The TV host never referred to the fact that the three youths were actually members of quadruplets — that a fourth brother had died at birth, according to the news article.
(A fourth brother had died at birth.) Their unknowing would match my own dreamlike idea of the two young men living in the Elmira area but not knowing of each other.