12 results for stemmed:flea

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 25, 1984 flea rats diseases inoculations autobiography

(I thought the session very interesting. Seth’s comments about fleas made me wonder about using the flea bombs in the house that Frank Longwell had gotten for me a few days ago. These would kill every flea in the house, supposedly. And the vet had given me flea powder to use on the cats themselves. Would this actually deprive them of a valuable symbiotic relationship? I began wondering how to compromise about the flea situation this summer, now that the rugs in the house are all clean.

Even in situations that involve a so-called host-and-parasite relationship, there is a cooperative process. Fleas, for example, actually help increase circulation, and constantly comb animal’s hair. At minute levels they also consume some bodily wastes, and creatures even smaller than they are. They also keep the immune system active and flexible.

TMA Session Six August 25, 1980 Mitzi intellect collar flea identify

(About Seth’s reference to Mitzi: Last month both of our cats, Mitzi and Billy, came down with heavy cases of fleas — quite unusual for them even though they are often outside. I bought flea collars, and got one on Billy without trouble. [...]

(Last Saturday, on the 23rd, I bought another pair of flea collars. [...] I knelt on the floor holding the cat, while Jane mentally tried to soothe her struggles — and I succeeded in getting the flea collar in place around her neck. [...]

[...] Mitzi, our cat, has been loaded with fleas. [...]

TMA Appendix B magical e.s.p pesty grinned conversation

[...] In the meantime the pesty fleas continued their household tyranny and all of this was somehow wrapped around a ribbon of excitement as we watched the Democrats and Republicans battle on the news just before we left for our respective work rooms.

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 18, 1984 diseases bedridden tape vein coping

[...] Some of my questions grew out of my taking the cats for treatment of fleas and ticks, I told Jane, and I repeated the questions today.

TES8 Session 353 July 17, 1967 cupboard slept Peter Wisconsin laundromat

(Another smile.) This is something like the fox he read of, who to get rid of fleas carries something like a ball of wool in his mouth and walks into the water, forcing the lice out further and further. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 616, September 20, 1972 Willy examine psychoanalysis channel beliefs

[...] Early this month Willy had picked up a case of fleas that was stubbornly resisting treatment. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 2, 1972 Seagull Aerofranz Dick Bach Eleanor

(A 9:20 PM we finished dusting our cat Willy with flea powder.)

TES5 Session 203 October 28, 1965 Peg Rhine Rico Puerto Duke

[...] Those who cry when they hurt a flea come close... [...]

TES9 Session 500 September 8, 1969 Taylor Betty bt Crosson beard

I do not mind the cat, but I do not like fleas ... [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 802, April 25, 1977 epidemics disease plagues inoculation die

1. In ordinary terms, various kinds of plague, including the bubonic and the infamous “Black Death,” were (and still are) spread to man by fleas carrying a bacterium from infected rats. [...]

TES2 Session 44 April 15, 1964 laws space camouflage universe durability

[...] The mind expands continually, both in individual terms and in terms of the species as a whole, and yet the mind takes up neither more nor less space, whether it be the mind of a flea or a man.

UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism

[...] The mind expands continuously, both in individual terms and in terms of the species as a whole, and yet (with amusement) the mind takes up neither more nor less space, whether it be the mind of a flea or a man.