Results 1 to 20 of 843 for stemmed:fear

TPS1 Deleted Session January 20, 1971 protest fears terrified mother accuser

He thought you discouraged deep conversation unless there was some crisis that brought about a confrontation. He could not admit his fears to himself nor share them with you. He completely lacks the ability to discuss normal fears and worries in any kind of neighborhood contact—with girl friends. The fears finally became so charged that all normal discussion was out of the question. He used ideas of positive thinking to squash the fears down more securely. Their charge was so strong that he felt you were as frightened of them as he was, and therefore to discuss them would threaten you also.

They are of course blockages of energy. As different fears are expressed the blockages disappear. One fear, expressed, will bring with it through association many others, relieving also various areas of the body. The fears must be consciously recognized, emotionally felt, and then discussed or cleared away.

When one fear seems to be handled in such a manner, after a week or so it should be looked at again. Less emotion should be felt at each time. The pattern of worrying over many trivial affairs, of constant brooding, has been a camouflage to hide the basic fears. Now as the fears are faced these other habits will dissolve.

TPS1 Deleted Session February 3, 1971 retracing fears chiropractor repressive symptoms

Now when he was doing disguised autobiographical novels he released his fears through his writing. [...] He also stopped writing what he thought of as pessimistic poetry, which had performed the same function, allowing for the expression of fearful emotions. He used some of our material as an excuse to further shove his fears beneath, overexaggerating certain remarks that I had made. [...]

He felt threatened however then when you voiced your own fears. [...] The repression of fears was latched onto for the reasons given in a recent session—the habitual syndrome—do you recall?

When he is in error he sees himself as an old hag, overly cautious with his psychic work, knocks himself over the head for not being freer about it, distrusts it, knocks himself over the head for distrusting it, fearful of emotional expression. Now you missed this fear of emotional expression on his part, because even with it he relates well usually with others. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, December 26, 1967 alligators Harvey listen Archie fears

[...] The alligators represent fears, the fears that lie within you; your subconscious. [...] You fear your fears would devour you and are afraid to go among them. Yet these thoughts that you fear do not represent any real danger. You project fear upon them. [...] There have been others with smaller fears but now larger. [...] The fears have to do largely with experience that may come to pass within a three year period. [...] This fear is formed into alligators and you disconnect them from your own being. [...] You fear them because you misinterpret their meaning. [...]

TPS1 Session 557 (Deleted Portion) October 28, 1970 threatened artistic fear overaggravated deduction

You did not rise above the fear that the symptom itself, a part from everything else, gave you. [...] You feared so strongly that the symptom could stop you, even from painting, that the fear itself became a detriment for positive suggestion. [...] The very charge behind the fear propelled it.

[...] They were like thumbs in your estimation, subconsciously, to hold back the dam of feared eventuality. You gave the suggestions out of fear then, not from a strong framework of assurance. You overaggravated the symptoms, overexaggerating their importance because of this fear. [...]

[...] You feared they were. [...] Therefore the fear was a conscious one, and basically unwarranted. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 17, 1968 dog door taskmaster yaps fear

[...] For again the fear is there. [...] You try to tint the fears with smiles, you try to pat it as you would a dog in hopes that it will not bite (words lost) you. But you do not understand the fear, and therefore you do not know how to speak its language, and when it speaks to you, you do not understand it. You can conquer the fear, but you must understand it. [...] The fear will not devour you. [...] You also fear to open the door. [...]

You know you have nothing to fear, but you do not know what you have to gain. [...] The momentary fear that you have felt was nothing, and it was not symbolic of a deeper, different fear. [...] You (Rachel) have also the fear, but it is a superficial one and can be overcome. [...]

[...] There is nothing for you to fear behind that door. The both of you (Sally and Florence) hide fear behind different faces. Behind that door lies spontaneity and joy and understanding, and from these you have nothing to fear. [...]

TES7 Session 297 October 26, 1966 Topper journey anticipatory Bernard fear

This response to fear is a danger to psychic work, where freedom is necessary. [...] The fearful spirit fears to leave the body, and fears to reside in it also. [...]

[...] He did not understand however that fear is not practical. I am speaking of course generally, and of anticipatory fear, not the fear, quite healthy, with which a man faces a ferocious beast.

Our poor results in the last experimental data were directly the result of the fear which he finally faced. Fear under normal circumstances is immobilizing, as he most certainly now realizes.

TPS4 Deleted Session April 5, 1978 public fears art threat livelihood

[...] Fears turn into severe anxiety, however, formless, when they are not identified and understood. The Silent Gallery people epitomized Ruburt’s fears in a fashion, and though I have given material in several ways pertaining to the fears, Ruburt never consciously acknowledged them, but shoved them under. The subconscious should be reminded of the help that is available from the source self, for its fears began before it had that information, and the fears themselves caused blocks that prevented assimilation of the knowledge later.

[...] In the face of those fears, Ruburt did progress from someone who was afraid to read poetry to friends, to someone who ran an excellent class of nearly 50 people—all of the time denying that any fears existed. Not faced, the fears grew.

[...] At the same time Ruburt carried the fears mentioned. [...] In opposition, he carried the belief that he should go on television, make tours, and so forth, and expose himself in direct opposition to those fears. [...]

TES8 Session 344 June 7, 1967 job nursery symptoms restraints fear

He has been afraid to try anything new for fear of failure. Not through fear that a book would not be published necessarily, but through fear that the, publication would mean nothing. [...]

[...] Ruburt’s fear, once set off, unfortunately serves to release unreasoning childhood fears that then trigger these sensitivities.

You may let it ride for now, and there is some blockage here on this particular question alone, caused by fear. Nor is it wise to overlook the fear, you see.

TPS4 Deleted Session April 3, 1978 toe Rockefellers mark unconscious Walt

Ruburt does not think that you are afraid, for you seldom voice any fears. He feels, therefore, that he is a coward, that fears make him seem abject, that they are unacceptable. On various occasions, when the suggestions in his papers worked—you follow me—they worked because at the same time Ruburt was writing down his feelings: his aggressions and his fears.

[...] Fear of the kind mentioned (scorn and ridicule)is behind the symptoms. Whenever our sessions, your own efforts, or other events, have convinced Ruburt either of the personal safe universe or of the basic safety of the self, that reassurance helped quiet the unconscious fears, and allowed him then to direct his will toward physical improvements.

[...] Its ideas were largely gained in childhood, and there was a giveand-take between Ruburt’s fears and hopes. [...] He held back the fears, thinking them beneath adult behavior. [...]

TPS3 Session 693 (Deleted Portion) April 29 1974 conquer Kathryn Kuhlman fears persuading

[...] Because the inner fears were not recognized, no efforts were made to face them, challenge them, or conquer them. The fears, denied then, prevented him from further developing abilities and strengths that would automatically conquer the fears, and perceiving experiences that would prove the fears groundless.

[...] He felt you would not understand them, for you valued his abilities so much that it seemed, by contrast, that he should profess no fears. It is a fact that fears were hidden, that caused body beliefs to operate.

[...] Much of this has to do with the fact that he did not express his normal fears, but felt them beneath him, so that they built up. [...]

TES9 Session 502 September 22, 1969 dog inactivity failure comfort yourself

You do not want to accept the basic fear of immobility and lack of motion. You are too afraid of the fear itself. [...] The stiffness then convinces you that the joints are indeed at fault; this adds to the problem, which then gives more fuel to the basic fear. [...]

[...] There was the feeling, the inner fear that you do not have freedom of motion in the economic or professional sphere—the fear, quite simply, that you were not going to make it. [...]

[...] Old fears were aroused that you have never faced consciously. [...] You are terrified of inactivity, for many reasons: bodily inactivity, mental inactivity, some of this based upon fear of your mother’s disease. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 17, 1984 eradicate resistance current home infections

(The session reinforced much of what I wrote in my notes before it was held — that fear rules, and whether by choice or not, has for many years. [...] I found myself thinking as the session progressed that what’s needed is not the allaying of any current fears about going home, but the more basic ones that are “responsible” for the whole situation to begin with. Then the current fears would melt away, I think. I even think that when Seth told Jane a few weeks ago that her broken right leg could straighten itself out, this generated more fears right there — that it couldn’t do so, and so forth. [...]

(I think that whatever fears of life Jane has are the result of conditioning early in life, and that they have successfully resisted all attempts to dig them out. [...] I told her I think the Seth material touches upon those fears, but doesn’t eradicate their emotional content and force. [...]

He is afraid of going home because of current conditions — but that fear also prolongs current conditions. [...] Both of you do indeed think in terms of impediments that do indeed seem all too real: the responsibility of maintaining good health, the financial question — and on Ruburt’s part, at least, the fear that he would not recover fully enough, but become ill again and require hospital attention once more.

TPS1 Deleted Session January 18, 1971 trivial hopelessness fears anger evokes

[...] Ruburt closed off even from you the expression of his fears; many quite normal fears, dangerous only because he considered them so.

Many of the fears have been trivial but he would not discuss them. [...] A gray day becomes therefore a symbol that the sunny inner self is clouded, and he feared he could not change himself any more than he could the weather.

[...] As a child he closed off the expression of emotion from his mother out of fear, and when the fear element becomes strong as it did later for a different reason, with Walt, and much later for a far different reason with you, the pattern was reasserted.

TPS4 Deleted Session April 11, 1978 overemphasis pendulum lifework career triggers

The sessions I gave on spontaneity and work should be most helpful now, as long as the fears are now being admitted. There is nothing wrong with fears. Unidentified fears are something else.

[...] This kind of situation of course then triggers old fears of doubt or threat. Those fears are then not admitted, for he thinks that they must indeed be beneath a person whose entire life work is devoted to a search for the nature of reality, and therefore a person who must possess, or try to possess, the answers to all of the questions.

[...] The most important thing, of course, is that you have set up communication, so that Ruburt’s fears are no longer being inhibited. But those fears must be considered in the light of the material given this evening. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session February 10, 1971 success appalled pendulum furious succeed

[...] He felt he could expect no comfort from you, that he must face both your fears and his alone. Superstitiously he felt that in hiding fears about your parents he hid them for you both—shoved them under the psychological rug; but the rug became heavier and heavier.

He fears that you would find any real success of his highly distasteful. He fears that he might go hogwild with it. [...]

[...] The fear projections, repressed, telepathically attract like projections, and inhibit other ones. He had tuned himself toward fears, and these are what he picked up most frequently. [...]

TPS5 Session 870 (Deleted Portion) August 1, 1979 upcropping bathroom jolted deep rearouse

[...] Your dream merely reflected fears about Ruburt. [...] The dream reflected your deep concern, and your fear that he might not make it, but get worse after all. [...]

Ruburt’s improvement in a way triggered your hopes, and because of your beliefs of the past also triggered your deep fears. [...]

[...] Do not let the improvements rearouse old fears, but remind yourselves that improvement is natural and spontaneous, and easy in the new system of beliefs. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 5, 1978 Framework stimulated pendulum walking impediments

Such incidents serve as important lessons, for in each case Ruburt will be able to see that the fears are unjustified—that a fear is based on anger instead, or that the fear exists but is exaggerated in degree.

I did not mean to suggest that words like “fear” should not be used, but the day should not be begun by reminding the self of generalized fears. [...] This does indeed insert necessary new countering information, and also allows for the expression of fears—for Ruburt will feel safe enough to express them.

[...] The earlier questions about fear of the world, for example, reinforced to some extent, now, generalized fears, without for example specific incidents connected to them.

TES8 Session 337 April 26, 1967 war peace battle outcome argued

[...] That which is feared is feared so strongly and concentrated upon so intensely that it is attracted rather than repelled. The approach should not be fear of war but love of peace; not fear of poor health but concentration upon the enjoyment of good health; not fear of poverty, but concentration upon the unlimited supplies available on your earth.

Desire attracts but fear also attracts. Severe fear is highly dangerous in this respect and in this context.

TPS5 Deleted Session January 24, 1980 Leonard Crestwood deer thermometer message

[...] Had you been relaxed, following your impulses, and unhampered by the fearful beliefs that your friend’s condition also aroused, then those cellular messages would have been smoothly translated into an impulse to call Leonard, or to have Ruburt call. Your fears got in the way. [...]

Actually, Ruburt had thought of calling before, but also did not for fear of aggravating your own situation. [...] You would not tell yourself that Leonard could stand some help, because your fear made you misinterpret the message. [...]

[...] That fear, however, also helped bring about a kind of switchover in communications that I will try as best I can to explain. [...]

TES3 Session 98 October 19, 1964 nodule arthritic wrist irritation injury

Needed energy is held back in the fist of fear, and not used for fullest repair within the physical body. When the fear is activated it, the fear, drains more energy from the physical construction, contracting, the fear being like a short-circuit mechanism; and indeed definite electrical forces are here activated.

I would state furthermore that indeed Ruburt did have occasion to be angry at the chiropractor, since with an emotional fear unthinking suggestions such as his, made with only the flimsiest of evidence, can be most harmful and destructive. And in an unwary, emotionally upset personality, particularly if under stress, such a suggestion could cause a harmless and protective nodule to be changed by the strong powers of adverse expectation, or rather expectation poorly used, into the form of what is feared; as a slight but harmless irregularity of heartbeat, with the unthinking suggestion of a doctor, can become through the patient’s fears an actual functional disorder, so could suggestion turn a relatively harmless formation like Ruburt’s into an arthritic condition.

Despite Ruburt’s understanding, his intellectual understanding of his fear of arthritis, he was thrown into an understandable and regrettable emotional state, with which he grappled with at least some success. But you see here what under other circumstances could have been the final straw, so to speak, the word of authority that would say “Your fears are justified.” [...]

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