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Now: This extended period, given to waking consciousness without rest periods, builds up chemicals in the blood that are discharged in sleep. But in the meantime they make the body sluggish and retard conscious concentration. The long sleep period to which you are accustomed then does become necessary. A vicious circle then is formed. This forces overstimulations during the night, increasing the body’s work, making it perform continuously over an extended time physical purifications that ideally would be taken care of in briefer periods of rest. The ego feels threatened by the extended “leave of absence” it must take, becomes wary of sleep, and sets up barriers against the dream state. Many of these are highly artificial.
Rest or sleep cures — very extended sleep periods — have been helpful for therapy in some cases, not because extended sleep is in itself beneficial, but because so many toxins had built up that such extended periods were required. Learning processes are definitely hampered through your present habits, for there are certain periods when consciousness is attuned to learning, and yet you try to force learning during unrecognized minimal periods. Creative and psychic abilities are thrust into the background simply because of this artificial division. Dualities result that affect all of your activities.
(10:28.) Because of your habits of an extended sleep period, followed by an extended waking period, you do not take advantage of these rhythms of consciousness. The high peaks are to some extent smothered, or even go unnoticed. The sharp contrasts and the high efficiency of the natural waking consciousness is barely utilized.
[...] Those people had only to deal with their own enclosed civilization, for the conscious mind, in the terms of this discussion, now, could not extend itself to the extent that is now habitual. [...]
[...] It is a time of turmoil—but it is a time of turmoil partially because consciousness has been willing to extend itself in that particular fashion. [...]
This barrage is meant to push consciousness in its official stance nearly to desperation, so that it opens other doorways of awareness, and extends itself into the intuitional realms, giving itself greater insight, and providing “an extra band” of communication—the merging of man’s innate “psychic” abilities with his normally attuned consciousness. [...]
[...] They are physical landmarks of psychic and artistic inner journeys, but what you do with your consciousness, how you extend it, is even more important, for as physical play is meant to lead to a future physical body that is mature and fulfilled, so the creative nature of that kind of inner play leads to future extended consciousness, an inner being that is the mature version of an earlier self. [...]
[...] It is also, like physical exercise, an energizing phenomena, one that expands and extends the mental and psychic properties as surely as physical exercise develops the body’s being. [...]
(9:59.) Think of yourself as a creative consciousness, capable of both a detailed and an extended, both a visual and a thoughtful, merged focus. [...]
From itself, therefore, and of itself, consciousness gave birth to its new dimension of experience, and then experienced what it had created, further extending itself and in turn bringing forth further possibilities of development.
The physical body itself however has much more to do with the maintenance of environment than is realized, for you use it so that your environment becomes almost like a second body, extending outward from the first, through which you express your inclinations and characteristics. [...]
The self is extended, so to speak, existing within many dimensions. It extends as vitally and actually in the dream universe as it does in your own physical universe. [...]
[...] As we speak of such subjects in their relation to various phenomena, again it must be kept in mind that such realities are being considered often from one aspect only, but that their reality extends into many other dimensions.
[...] shudders, like a car trying to start; particularly something trying to drop or extend or lengthen in the right side of my neck between head and shoulders; and my sinus drain / with this, a willingness more to walk, difficult to describe; and I feel LIGHTER ON MY FEET; though I don’t weigh much when I walk I feel very heavy... [...]
[...] To the extent that you extend yourselves, your abilities will automatically be developed, as you read and study the material. [...] You have become dissatisfied with those ways, but in becoming dissatisfied you must also extend yourselves to learn new methods of perceptions, and you must expand your consciousness. [...]
[...] See this pyramid extending, and whatever you find within it meet freely and with confidence. [...] Now you are seated physically in a particular room upon an autumn night and yet these pyramids extend where seasons are not known and where autumn nights are not known and you are traveling on paths between dimensions. [...]
[...] These are not basic limitations, but have to do with the individual’s ability to so extend himself. [...]
[...] There is a pooling of energy in such cases, and in such a pooling of energy telepathic communications are facilitated; for the many selves present, in pooling their energy, extend themselves.
[...] Many of those who are counted among the fatalities might otherwise die of extended illnesses, for example. [...]