Results 81 to 100 of 798 for stemmed:express
[...] Consider however a situation in which the personality needs to express dependency, but feels that such an expression is not possible within his waking experience. [...]
In dreams the personality first attempts to solve many problems, and to give freedom to actions that cannot be adequately expressed within the confines of the physical universe.
[...] Psychologically however the experience would be completely valid, and the dependency therefore expressed.
Dreams do express a personality’s basic reality. [...]
There was no normal (underlined) give and take in a family with siblings, where equals—children—could more or less safely express themselves between themselves.
When they began your attitude did not encourage him to express them.
The Nebene characteristics, now creatively used, then also mitigated against Ruburt’s easy expression of such feelings, and he did tie up some characteristics of Nebene with his mother’s scorn. [...]
[...] Then your expressions are true expressions of quality, and they are not marred. [...] Yet always must your existence flit between the two; between the desire and the ideal; between the dream and its execution; between your love and your expression of it. [...]
[...] To express the joyful creature nature that is your own. And through that expression your spirituality will flower. [...]
([Sheri:] “Seth, are you still with us, because I waited to express this for a very long time.
([Sheri:] “I must express to you how much I love you and say thank you for all that you’ve done for all of us.”
[...] You have various gradations of intellectuals; you have various gradations of those who are willing to express some emotions; you have some of those who are willing to disappear at the drop of a hat, and I am looking at no one in particular. I am the only one who expresses any emotions and I am supposed to be dead. [...]
[...] And in a preliminary step in expressing modesty in this room, and in expressing your own experience and feeling, each of you, therefore, tell a secret and put your beliefs into action. [...]
([Ned W.:] “I think the society we live in is expressed around the fact that you don’t show emotion.”)
On the other hand, there are many highly gifted people who continually put down their abilities, and are afraid to take one small step toward their expression. [...] They will be fairly easily given expression, so that they add to your own fulfillment and to the development of the society as well.
[...] They express themselves through the impulses and creativity of the species’ individual members.
(9:42.) You do not dwell upon the unfortunate conditions in your environment, but you do take steps in your own life to express your ideals in whatever way is given. [...]
[...] It is very important that you express your idealism actively, to whatever extent you can, for this increases your sense of worth and power.
[...] In most cases, what you have here are expressions of strong portions of the self that are more or less purposefully kept in isolation. [...]
[...] Usually you are presented with, say, semi-personalities, or even with lesser versions (dash)—fragmentary expressions of impulses and desires that are dramatically presented only in snatches, heard by the person as a voice, or perceived as a presence.
[...] Such cultural models are present in society to begin with, because in one way or another they express in an exaggerated form certain portions of man’s psychological reality that he does not as yet understand. [...]
[...] This is tricky to express, because the application of a psychological awareness through the auspices of the flesh automatically makes certain transformations of data necessary.
[...] Some of your inner feelings are difficult for me to express, because they are in so many layers that I am not sure of their relative importance. To some extent, again then, the sale of a book, a new sale, is somehow connected in your mind with disapproval of yourself, Joseph, in that Ruburt seems able to express what I think you interpret as competitiveness, that you feel you are not expressing—and you add that to your arsenal of disapproval. [...]
The Gallaghers trust spontaneity only when it is expressed through physical motion. To some extent, again, Ruburt trusted it only when it was expressed through subjective motion. [...]
(11:09.) You believed to some degree—varying degrees, but jointly—that subjective activity and creative activity must be achieved at the expense of some physical expression. [...]
[...] Your own physical vigor is there, and can express itself, comparatively speaking —comparatively speaking—with far greater ease once you rid yourself of those polarized concepts and the disapproval that goes with them.
You could not only copy sentences, but—important development—you could form your own sentences, and express your own thoughts in that form. [...]
[...] Your so-called mistakes exist as mistakes only in the light of your aspirations to perform better, to express more fully developed experiences, rather than to write better sentences.
She had carried those beliefs of course throughout that period of time, and they were expressed unconsciously through her body — through gestures, expressions, tones of voice. [...]
[...] After supper this evening Jane expressed a desire to vary the routine, although she did not want to skip the session. [...] Jane, very amused, commented every so often that she received little “messages” from a certain party, expressing approval of our actions, and merely suggesting that we do get to the session at least a few minutes before the Instream material was due.
If it seems to you that there is a great gap existing within Christianity, between ideals expressed, and actions, then let me tell you that conditions would indeed be far worse if these ideals had not initially been expressed, and if they were not yearly reaffirmed.
[...] Culturally speaking, there is a strong connection with pagan intuitions, deep and meaningful, that found newer and broader expressions.
He should definitely express any feelings that come to mind in that fashion, and as he did with the flashing moment of anger at you (this afternoon). [...] They will work themselves out as long as they are expressed. [...]
[...] With such an edifice, Ruburt can only use his abilities under certain conditions, and he imagines all kinds of impulses, situations, or whatever, that might steal them away, or steal away the time necessary to express them. [...]
The dilemma between expression and protection is a paramount one in your world, and people handle it differently. [...]
You must realize that expression and not repression is the natural complement of creative abilities, and that in freeing his body, in encouraging physical mobility, he also encourages and frees his inspiration, his psychic awareness, and creativity.
The whole area of work, time, inspiration and protection should be explored, and kept in the open, and Ruburt should write some kind of statement that expresses his understanding of the matter thus far, and states his questions. [...]
His present desire for expression will certainly not change. It is therefore the fear of expression that must be erased. [...] For both the fear and the anxiety is based simply upon a resulting distrust of his ability to handle eloquence or verbal expression.
[...] Jane and I were therefore pleasantly surprised to learn that Bill and Ida had read some of the material; and while not hostile to it, they still expressed a healthy skepticism—an attitude Jane and I much prefer to any gullible, overenthusiastic belief blindly undertaken.
It is the present personality’s desire to express himself, opposed by the subconscious memories of that past life, with its fear of the effects of eloquence used without discretion, that now cause his difficulty.
(“Despite the beliefs and teachings of religion and psychology, impulses are biological and psychic directional signals, meant to nudge the individual toward his/her greatest opportunities for expression and development privately—and also to insure the person’s contribution to mass social reality.”
(“The authority of the self has been eroded by religion, science, and psychology itself, so that impulses are equated with anti-social behavior, considered synonymous with it, or with individual expression at the expense of social order.”
[...] Making ready for the session, I discovered that she was quite vehemently going over and expressing [to some extent] what she’d learned today. [...]
[...] Those who possessed such gifts knew it at once, but they must walk a cautious path while still allowing the abilities expression and insuring their development. [...]
The act of writing the poem at this time, regardless of the poem’s message, you see, represents a willingness to allow the spontaneous self expression. [...] Even the emotion in the first portion, spontaneously expressed and creatively formed into art, is a good indication.
It was a welcome to the spontaneous self, expressed creatively. [...]
In his case he made alterations that severely prevented expression of spontaneity, in physical movement. [...]
Ruburt’s body is expressing as much of that desire as he, and secondly you, have felt free enough to express. [...]
[...] During their visit the woman, Carol, several times expressed the thought that she returned the second time, to see if we were home, because “it was meant to be,” or words to that effect. [...]
So far, you have been hesitant—Ruburt particularly, but both of you—to release or express that desire for normal physical flexibility on Ruburt’s part. [...]
[...] If however you understand what I am saying about Frameworks 1 and 2, then you can express and release that desire fully and without fear, knowing that the meanings or the details—the way—will be found in Framework 2 to bring about the desired results.
“In a way, with [this] book and with your art, your purpose is the expression of the ideal, and that expression must be physically materialized, obviously. Your joy, your challenge, should be in the manifestation of the ideal as you see it, whether or not you can in your terms count the consequences or the impediments — whether or not the expression comes to fulfillment in your terms — and even if it seems to fall on ground on which it will not grow.
“When you thoroughly understand what is meant by the entire safe-universe concept, then the physical, cultural climate is seen as a medium through which the ideal can be expressed. [...] The ideal seeks expression. [...]
“As an artist alone your purpose is expression, which involves disclosures, the difference between the ideal and the actual. Be reckless in the expression of the ideal, and it will never betray you. [...]
[...] Of course Jane and I want Seth’s ideas and our own to touch responsive reflexes within others; then each individual can use the material in his or her own expression of that useful ideal, letting it serve to stimulate inner perceptions.
You and Ruburt have always done well expressing your intellectual ideas to each other. It was your emotional feelings that you did not express adequately, and again, do not neglect your intimate relationship.