Results 81 to 100 of 389 for stemmed:exercis

TPS2 Session 625 (Deleted Portion) November 1, 1972 list pitfalls cybernetics psycho unworthiness

Now the same exercise for readers will be a part of the book in a later chapter dealing with that subject partially. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 9, 1978 Christ thy condemnation thesis crucified

[...] The ommm exercises and the rune exercises are showing results because some of the material has come through again to you from the sessions, and you are jointly suspending your self-disapproval. [...]

[...] This knowledge, however, of the innate goodness of the self literally gives the individual the inner support necessary for the exercise of man’s fullest potentials.

TPS5 Deleted Session January 1, 1979 list accomplishments ingratitude lightheartedness miracles

(Jane is still faithfully doing her exercises twice a day, and walking more than ever; I am starting a chart. [...]

[...] It will vastly increase the effects of his exercises and walking. [...]

TPS5 Session 874 (Deleted Portion) August 22, 1979 sperm nest quaked undersides bears

[...] He should do such exercises daily. [...]

TPS3 Session 778 (Deleted Portion) May 31, 1976 impatience muscular reorientation gradually overdone

[...] Each change he notices, however minute, acts as a trigger, activating other portions of the body, which themselves must then be aroused, exercised and strengthened before they in turn begin to play a new dependable role in overall mobility.

TPS3 Session 799 (Deleted Portion) March 28, 1977 sweetest fanfare cure ingrown idiocy

[...] Massage of the knees should be continued, with the exercises. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 15, 1973 repair synthesis relaxation badminton weight

[...] Next week I would like you to begin certain short exercises with them. [...]

[...] The badminton again, however, should be established, and the squatting exercises. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 1, 1981 Werner Jim Adams muscular difficulties

[...] Once a day an exercise in the utilization of healing energy should be used. [...] In their way library exercises are also helpful, as is the forgotten point-of-power exercise—all practical techniques that have not been put to any concerted use. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 527, May 11, 1970 soul perception citadels extrasensory mortal

Now I do not mean this to be merely a symbolic exercise, for though it may begin with imagination, it is based upon fact, and emanations from your consciousness and the creativity of your soul do indeed reach outward in that manner. The exercise will give you some idea of the true nature, creativity, and vitality of the soul from which you can draw your own energy and of which you are an individual and unique portion.

(10:02.) For now, here is one quite effective but simple exercise. [...]

TPS3 Session 679 (Deleted Portion) February 4, 1974 photo compliance Amen modest smothers

To begin with: 10 minutes—and that is all—of simple yoga exercises. [...]

TES7 February 2, 1967 Dream: First Sequence collegelike Mahaar multicolored Dane knolls

[...] As I talk, I do yoga exercises easily and am surprised at this. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 2, 1983 stone grunting spot Honey minerals

[...] The exercises that he does help keep it flexible. [...]

[...] Then she swung each arm in turn in a large arc, the elbows working especially well in this exercise. [...]

TMA Session Nine September 8, 1980 stomach Hall Prentice logic medical

[...] When she wakes up she does exercises sometimes. I suggested she get up, but the exercises seem to substitute for the physical activity that getting up would entail.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 19, 1971 peer fantasies ii indivisible perceive

You have all been exercising your inner sense to one degree or another. [...]

[...] It is a good exercise. [...]

TPS1 Session 382 (Deleted) November 27, 1967 Psycho Cybernetics table compassionate divan

[...] He is not having success with the exercises I suggested because he is trying too hard. (Seth’s suggested motion exercises, instead of passive ones.

Your recommendation to him earlier was excellent, having to do with his exercises, and the book. [...]

TPS2 Session 657 (Deleted Portion) April 18, 1973 satisfactory ashes Cybernetics Psycho diverts

[...] Ruburt’s exercise today however represented exactly what I spoke of, and in that way should be avoided—the paper that you read this afternoon, that he wrote—and when each of you review your joint past, do so looking for your accomplishments. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 3, 1978 approval ommm calm misunderstandings berate

Physical exercise becomes the area between, taking you from both your painting and writing, and furthermore is a reminder, an angry one, that the physical working area—the chores—are largely yours to do.

His ommm exercises can serve a good purpose; they calm body and mind at once, that is at the same time, and they can serve you also. [...]

[...] The ommm exercises can clear your minds. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 806, July 30, 1977 memory events past floating future

[...] Such exercises also involve you with the facts of the events of your own life, for you automatically are following probabilities from the point of your own focus.

[...] Such a memory exercise can also serve to bring in other-life memories. [...]

Such an exercise is not some theoretical, esoteric, impractical method, but a very precise, volatile, and dynamic way of helping the present self by calming the fears of a past self. [...]

TES9 Session 437 September 18, 1968 notime painting blaring foreground segments

[...] The yoga exercises are good but can be performed with a lighter heart, not a do-or-die attitude. [...]

[...] You, Joseph, at the least several times a week, should make an effort to embark upon more psychological time exercises, for your own abilities have also grown; but you have not realized it.

[...] If you are simply exercising, trying to use the inner senses generally, then state this mentally, also. [...]

TPS2 Session 606 March 3, 1972 worktable Troy fl nicely return

It must have occurred to you that you have writing abilities, and no time, it seemed, in the past to exercise, develop, or use them. [...]

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