Results 1 to 20 of 186 for stemmed:exagger

TPS1 Session 567 (Deleted Portion) February 17, 1971 assertion blockage exercises exaggerated repressed

In his own way he is fond of your mother at the same time, you see, but also terrified of her because the repressions cause him to exaggerate the hidden fears. When you are frightened of fears then the most minute one is exaggerated.

The exaggeration of negative influences was brought about because of the repression. Now, for example: so as not to bother you, Ruburt made it a point of conscience to speak to your mother on the phone for you, and not call you, when he did not want to do so. Very seldom was he even aware of his true feelings here, and when he was he was ashamed of them, and was 10 times nicer to your mother to cover up the feelings from all of you.

(At last break I had asked that Seth deal with three questions tonight after finishing dictation on his book: 1. The ideas behind Jane’s exaggerated response to events, particularly fears. 2. The idea of physical activity on her part instead of suggestion. 3. I was curious to know something about the mechanics behind Jane’s slowed-up movements after she had been quiet for a while. That is, after she had been sitting for, say, half an hour, she was slow in getting up and under way, etc.

TPS1 Session 473 (Deleted) April 7, 1969 aggressive maze hurt college monks

[...] Often in such situations he will hurt himself because he has an exaggerated (underlined) idea of the hurt any normal aggressive reaction, from a frown to a verbal one, can have.

There is still an exaggerated idea of the power of aggression. [...]

I explained earlier his exaggerated notion of aggression and also the reasons behind it. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 28, 1981 custody hostages negotiations intellect Iranian

Both portions of this world mind, or world brain, therefore, operate in exaggerated fashions, so that their own characteristics are almost caricatured, untempered as it were by other portions, as if perhaps in an individual the left and right portions of the brain were artificially functionally separated. [...]

[...] Both react, again, by exhibiting exaggerated versions of the characteristics involved, however. [...]

[...] In the case of hostages and those in protective custody, a certain kind of enforced isolation is also bound to happen —and to some degree or another, the individual involved will display in certain areas the same kind of exaggerated postures between various portions of the self, as the Americans and the Iranians display in their behavior together. [...]

NotP Chapter 4: Session 768, March 22, 1976 sexual lesbian homosexual taboos identification

Lesbianism and homosexuality, as they are currently experienced, also represent exaggerated versions of natural inclinations, even as your experienced version of heterosexuality is exaggerated.

Because of your exaggerated focus, you therefore become relatively blind to other aspects of “sexuality.” [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 921, October 8, 1980 schizophrenic devil demons personifications debased

[...] Such cultural models are present in society to begin with, because in one way or another they express in an exaggerated form certain portions of man’s psychological reality that he does not as yet understand. [...]

Such (pause) “communications” with the gods or demons, St. Pauls or Hitlers, represent in such instances dramatized, exaggerated personifications of the portion of the personality that is at the head of the chain of command at the moment.

The Christ figure represents the exaggerated, idealized version of the inner self that the individual feels incapable of living up to. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 11, 1977 fanatic threats stimulated wholesale realistic

[...] If you try to retire from the world in whatever fashion, then it is easy to exaggerate such threats, while never encountering one, or giving yourself the opportunity of easily conquering it.

[...] The homosexual episode mentioned the other day does represent a considerable number of people, in one way, for it shows them their own ideas, but exaggerated.

[...] The refreshment of prime data, the return to natural stimulation, allows you to react appropriately to any realistic “threat,” without exaggeration.

TPS4 Deleted Session August 14, 1978 solve compounds defects perfectionism problem

The best way to protect yourselves from an enemy, for example, is to exaggerate your enemy’s power and evil qualities, and this is somehow supposed to bring about peace. The way to solve a health problem, whether private or national, is to emphasize its existence, exaggerate its characteristics, and project into the future, and this is supposed to bring health.

Your whole civilization is immersed with the idea that the way to solve a problem–any problem, private or worldwide–is to exaggerate it, see its worst projection; and this, then, is supposed to make you take proper action. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 2, 1981 crisis situation bathroom therapeutic toilet

[...] This does not mean there cannot be discussion, or decisions made about seeking help from others, or whatever, but that the idea of a crisis situation aggravates the very natural feelings (long pause) that are present and unfortunately exaggerated in the entire situation. [...]

[...] Any anger that you felt toward Ruburt in the present was then exaggerated by this negatively imagined future, so that you became angrier. [...]

[...] That pattern often means that both your strengths and your weaknesses appear in exaggerated form. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 6, 1978 Stuart hero threats cloning Francisco

(10:02.) He expresses in exaggerated form many quite paranoid tendencies that are considered in a milder version as quite normal. [...] He sees the oil company people out there with helicopters and sophisticated machinery that destroys people’s vital energy—simply a more colorful, exaggerated version of the same idea personally applied. [...]

[...] You were able to gain insights that you simply would not have if you were not presented with exaggerated realities. [...]

[...] You are presented with bigger-than-life situations, provided with raw material from life, given exaggerated versions so that from them you can draw the knowledge to help you answer your own questions, and the knowledge to help others whose plights may be less colorful but equally vital.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 28, 1984 viruses disease contributors darted Maude

— is instead the result of an exaggeration or overextension of perfectly normal body processes. [...] We will have more to say about such issues later on in the book — for I hope to show you how certain feelings and beliefs do indeed promote health, while others promote an unfortunate extension or exaggeration of perfectly normal bodily processes, or viral activity.

TPS2 Deleted Session December 20, 1971 eat weight food disapproves yesterday

[...] Granted Ruburt exaggerated where you made adjustments, but both of your emotional attitudes are the same at that level.

[...] Telling him to eat without understanding your own emotional attitude is useless, for he picks up and exaggerates the Puritan-like feelings toward food. [...]

[...] Your combined emotional feelings toward food have been exaggerated by him. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 5, 1978 public fears art threat livelihood

The exaggerated fears carried threats not simply of scorn, but as you so clearly put it the other evening “Those people would burn us at the stake if they had the chance.” [...] But in the face of that kind of exaggerated threat they were considered very strict, but reasonable enough under the conditions. [...]

Because the fears were hidden, they could not be countered through, say, fresh experience that might show them to be at least exaggerated. [...]

TPS3 Session 786 (Deleted Portion) August 16, 1976 implanted muscles soreness Frank accustom

The difficulties have been exaggerated then to some degree, though the improvement itself continues. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session October 18, 1978 safety fest tyrant unpredictability illustrated

[...] It is the overly developed, exaggerated, “unnatural” need for safety. Such an exaggerated need for safety is quite rampant in your society. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 26, 1978 scorn impulses cleansing unfair prerogative

[...] Some of Ruburt’s exaggerated fears, for example, become minimized automatically as he realizes that he can do some activities that he had given up.

[...] His being demanded expression through the use of its abilities, and despite his need to be accepted by others he began to exaggerate the threat of their disapproval into scorn. [...]

The two of you exaggerated your position. [...]

TPS1 Session 503 (Deleted Portion) September 24, 1969 disruptive desire cue he september

[...] But if he seems afraid it is because he fears, in an exaggerated manner, that if given freedom he would want you, and you would consider this disruptive, of work and schedule.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 17, 1968 dog door taskmaster yaps fear

[...] You have exaggerated its strength, and because you have exaggerated its strength, you have given it more strength than it possesses on its own. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 27, 1978 revelation obedience reunion God era

The beginnings of science were apparent before its full blossoming—and in a way it is important because of its strict interpretation of objectivity, exaggerated though it may be.

[...] The “New Aquarian Age” may be an exaggeration, and about it are grouped many distorted ideas—yet it is a popular term that stands for an insight on the part of the people, and is a result of quite valid inner knowledge that an era is ending, and that another has to some extent already begun.

TPS1 Deleted Session January 20, 1971 protest fears terrified mother accuser

In the initial stages of Ruburt’s withdrawals, the exaggerated chatter also served to fool him, you see, as well as others. [...]

He greatly exaggerated their power, you see, in that regard. [...]

The unrecognized fears latched upon any unpleasant event then, exaggerating it out of all context.

TPS6 Jane’s Notes March 16, 1981 Mafia gangster nightmarish Burnett kid

[...] I also half knew that the entire affair was exaggerated.... [...]

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