Results 101 to 120 of 414 for (exact:understanding AND stemmed:develop)

TES7 Session 305 November 30, 1966 Infinity god systems illusions diversity

[...] But each self must go its own way and develop its own abilities and explore the possibilities which it creates itself, otherwise the whole would stagnate.

[...] The vitality must constantly create itself in new patterns and each new pattern, of course, brings forth new possibilities of development.

[...] Systems and planes far different develop and in turn form other systems. [...]

[...] Their psychological development however is far different than any that you know.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 647, March 12, 1973 Satan denial Adam evil Buddhism

[...] The woman being created from his rib symbolized the necessary emergence, even from the new creature, of the intuitive forces that will always come forth — for without that development the race would not have attained self-consciousness in your terms.

[...] It would aid in understanding the later myths and the variations that came from them. [...]

As the mind developed, the species could hand down to its offspring the wisdom and law of the elders. [...]

[...] Neither theory contains an understanding of the functions of the conscious mind, or the evolution of consciousness — or, for that matter, certain aspects of greater physics. [...]

NotP Chapter 9: Session 792, January 24, 1977 events shared cellular network rose

[...] Dreaming then provides the species with learning experience not otherwise available, in which behavior and events can be judged against more developed and higher understanding than that present in conventional daily reality at any level.

[...] This does not mean that those negative qualities should not be combatted, for in the terms of conventional understanding it certainly appears that men and women are victims in many such cases. [...]

(It will be most interesting to see what develops.)

UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974 spin electrons technology biofeedback science

Give us a moment … The particular thrust and direction of your own science have been directly opposed to the development of such inner sciences, however, so that to some extent each step in the one direction has thus far taken you further from the other. [...]

[...] It’s important to note here that Jane’s dream connected experiences include some new, and very exciting, psychic developments for her.)

My first example concerns the development of biofeedback machines in the 1960’s. With one of these devices the individual was to learn to control, when necessary, his or her own blood pressure, or any of certain other involuntary body functions. [...]

Strange but inevitable, I think, how the conscious mind, developing such disciplines as biofeedback and astronomy (to use the examples considered here), finds itself led back to its own inner sources.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 17, 1968 dog door taskmaster yaps fear

[...] It is fine and well for me to come here and talk to you, but you are not taking time from your daily activities to develop your own abilities, not to look inward, and you (Theodore) need not be included here. [...]

[...] Behind that door lies spontaneity and joy and understanding, and from these you have nothing to fear. [...]

[...] You need concentration and focus and a strong impetus, and you can develop these and use them. [...]

[...] I appreciate the effort and I thank you, but for your own development, you must still look inward. [...]

TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

I hope that you will develop along these lines, but the rate of progress is of course up to you, and your individual abilities will vary as to particulars. [...] As a rule the use of psychological time will help you both develop in a fairly balanced manner. [...]

[...] The sessions themselves have helped Ruburt develop discipline.

[...] This clairvoyance is of the easier variety, and yet represents an important step in his development, and should in your own. [...]

[...] Traveling without the camouflage physical form is a giant step, of course, but a possible one according to your development. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 2, 1969 kindergarten truths yourselves Oliver baby

[...] You are at a certain level of development or you would not be here. Because you are at this level of development, you are ready and able to use your abilities more. [...]

[...] And my invisible and nonexistent heart goes out to you in understanding. [...]

[...] You have only a shadowy understanding of what the world means. [...]

[...] You (Florence) are meant to teach other classes, but you must develop you own abilities to do so. [...]

TSM Chapter Eleven Sally Jon Ann Jim Lindens

[...] “Karma presents the opportunity for development. It enables the individual to enlarge understanding through experience, to fill in gaps of ignorance, to do what should be done. [...]

[...] The boy had been related to his foster mother in another life, and also returned to help her gain needed inner development. [...] In no uncertain terms, Seth told her to stop this practice and to work for inner development instead.

[...] In each life we experience conditions that we have chosen beforehand, circumstances and challenges tailored to fit our own needs and develop our own abilities.

[...] He only came to show you what was possible, and to bring you both to an understanding of inner reality. [...]

NotP Chapter 3: Session 762, December 15, 1975 Cézanne skill psyche triggered inclinations

[...] In other words, because the pattern for development exists in your terms, this does not mean that each such development is not unique.

[...] Yet education should serve to introduce a student to as many fields of endeavor as possible, so that he or she might recognize those that serve as natural triggers, opening skills or furthering development. [...] Future information is theoretically available there, just as the body’s “future” pattern of development was at your birth — and that certainly was practical.

(Sessions 760-61 were devoted to separate topics that Seth has been developing apart from his regular book dictation for Psyche.

[...] You may comprehend the meaning of a dream without understanding it at all in verbal terms. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 28, 1968 impart transmit solve am community

[...] For solving them is a challenge and helps your own development. [...]

[...] The material which I have given is not given in a jovial manner, even though I speak jovially at times, and for your own development it is imperative that you understand it and apply it. [...]

Now, let you all for a moment remain quiet as I divest myself of those characteristics that you find so human and understanding, and remember that inner portions of yourselves also have existences that are as strange. [...]

[...] I can only to some extent communicate at this channel, yet you realize that the Seth you know, while a part of my identity, is nevertheless independent, and progresses along the lines of his own development. [...]

TES8 Session 406 April 22 1968 cozily trance halt lethargy manifestation

[...] His understanding, and even his writing abilities, were simply not up to it.

[...] The practical utilization however must follow an understanding of the material.

[...] (Pause.) We will also be developing the God concept in terms of my choosing (amused), the pyramid-consciousness gestalts of which I have spoken in the past. [...]

This will be a different kind of in-depth learning, a rather unique and original development that will be as devoid as possible of stereotyped symbols, which are usually almost automatically superimposed on strong experiences so that they seem—so that the experiences seem—to be made up of stereotypes. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 17, 1977 Paul dentist adequate Carol office

[...] That belief will always bring the best possible developments from Framework 2. Ruburt should concentrate on his creative work. [...] There are several good developments coming your way that I will let you discover, and there should be some definite improvements in Ruburt’s eyes—I would say, very quickly.

Had your goals previous to your psychic experiences been adequate to your natures, and sufficient to you, nothing else would have developed—nor would you have been seeking so avidly answers to the kinds of questions that then and now concern you.

[...] You sought instead questions that would stretch your abilities, and develop them, that would bring out all nuances before unknown to you. [...]

[...] In a strange way, the depth of your understanding, to some extent now, determines how much I can tell you, and I am not speaking of personal matters here. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 10, 1973 Tam dilemma tooth face Seven

[...] At any level of your artistic development thus far, you could have cashed in with some application, and been, you felt, betrayed by money and acclaim as a certain level of development.

In reference to my book’s theme now, the basic dilemma as well as its reasons and development, was quite available in Ruburt’s conscious mind all of that time. [...]

[...] You understood, though you would not face your understanding. [...]

The money motive did help Ruburt in other areas, and led him to greater understanding while he always knew it had to be dispensed with. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 13: June 23, 1984 superbeing schizophrenic personage dogmas genius

One of the most rare and extraordinary developments that can occur in schizophrenic behavior is the construction of a seeming superbeing of remarkable power — one who is able to convince other people of his divinity.

[...] The trouble is that while such religions can also inspire people to acts of great sympathy, heroism and understanding, their existence rests upon drastic misreadings of the nature of reality.

TPS4 Deleted Session October 10, 1977 Dineen James Carol Rusty Hal

(It may be that I’m quite intrigued by the understanding that in Framework 2 one doesn’t have to be concerned with the details—that desired goals are being arrived at in ways we may not easily grasp—but that the work is being accomplished. This understanding, faith, if you will, in such a process can then be seen as quite a leap in understanding for me, with my love of detail.

[...] All in all, it will mean that generally speaking you will keep in contact with areas of thought or development in which you were once interested, and will be able if you wish to follow their development in time.

[...] Somehow the two incidents described, involving Rusty and Hal, and Carol and Fred, had served to impress upon me the validity of Seth’s ideas about Frameworks 1 and 2 in ways that the intellectual understanding of those concepts alone hadn’t done. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 583, April 21, 1971 snoring astral lay bed bathroom

[...] It has the capacity for developing sense organs that, practically speaking, will not be developed if the cell becomes an elbow or a knee, but the capacity is there. This applies not only to your own species but in many cases between species, and there are basic units in all living matter capable of forming animal or vegetable life, capable of developing the perceptive mechanisms inherent in any of these.

[...] There are no boundaries to the self, and no barriers put upon its development. A personality may “originally” be a part of a given entity, and on its own develop interests quite different. [...]

[...] There are also balances that exist before moderation and understanding are reached. [...]

If you are presently experiencing a life in which you have chosen high emphasis upon physical locomotion, for example, then through vague dream memories of flying you can be inspired toward, say, the invention of airplanes or rockets; but if you actually understand the fact that your own consciousness can indeed travel outside of the body, then the impetus toward physical developments in locomotion is not nearly so intense.

NotP Chapter 11: Session 797, March 14, 1977 impregnated universe invisible visible species

[...] There is a biological understanding that exists, for example, when one animal kills another one for food. [...]

[...] One piece had been written by a brain “researcher” who, we thought, exhibited remarkably little understanding of the human condition. [...]

[...] You chose “this” probable reality in order to ask certain questions about the nature of man — seeing him where he wavered equally between creativity and destruction, knowledge and ignorance; but a point that contained potentials for the most auspicious kinds of development, in your eyes. [...]

You each also became involved in this probability precisely to use it as a creative stimulus that would make you seek for a certain kind of understanding. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 20, 1981 Sinful science church religion Frankenstein

[...] It was also a reminder of how far she had carried her resistance to change and confrontation with the Sinful Self—and often without my really understanding just how badly off she is. [...]

(It goes without saying that we hoped Seth would go into the whole experience of early this morning, since it represented such a good improvement in her effort toward self-understanding. [...]

It took some time before such a framework began to develop—a kind of double one—represented by my work and by his own—an excellent accomplishment, of course. [...]

[...] It is when dogmas distort the natural goodness that trouble develops. [...]

TPS2 Session 603 January 10, 1972 Rembrandt varnish compromises pigment Italy

[...] They have within them the power to develop and mature. [...]

[...] The situation however is such that almost any clear emotion is automatically denied expression, shunted aside and often replaced completely by an opposite—all under the guise of the idea of (in quotes) “being good and understanding.”

Understanding your own reactions helps you understand the reactions of others. [...]

Your own discussions, and the improvement in your relationship as I told you, in one way is responsible for your latest developments in our sessions, and I include the Sumari—the songs, and the statement. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 527, May 11, 1970 soul perception citadels extrasensory mortal

[...] In considering “immortality,” mankind seems to hope for further egotistical development, and yet he objects to the idea that such development might involve change. [...]

It continues to grow and develop, but its growth and development is highly dependent upon its realization that while it is distinct and individual, it is also but one manifestation of the soul. [...]

[...] Let me emphasize again that these personalities exist independently within and are a part of the soul, and each of them are free to create and develop.

[...] It grows and develops even through the experience of those personalities that compose it, and it is, to put it as simply as possible, more than the sum of its parts.

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