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TPS3 Session 694 (Deleted Portion) May 1 1974 gullibility monitor spontaneity trusted compromise

[...] The very fact that anyone looking at him sees he has not solved all problems is meant to portray exactly that message.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 30, 1984 Oh dentist die lunch worsening

[...] They go into exact detail as to what was wrong, and they fit today like a glove. [...]

TES4 Session 194 September 29, 1965 rem test Beach photo sleep

This could be studied to some degree if proper suggestions were given to the individual that he would awaken at the exact point when a dream ends. [...]

[...] Mostly design, but with bare portions, and originals rather than exact duplicates. [...]

TSM Chapter Nine Phil illusion Gene dunes Shiva

Exactly a week later Bill called us, sounding very nervous. [...] Bill told me that exactly a week before he had been awakened suddenly. [...]

[...] Numerous sand dunes were nearby and wooden posts, exactly as described, were scattered along the dunes.

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 585, May 12, 1971 drama internal religion outward religious

[...] This is craftily done, for the inner self knows exactly what will impress the ego, and what kinds of personalities will be best able to personify the message at any given time. [...]

TES1 Preface Rick published binders Roberts eight

[...] These 510 sessions, then, are exact copies from the verbatim transcripts I made in my homemade shorthand while Jane spoke for Seth; I added notes and comments while typing the material after each session. [...]

TES3 Session 109 November 23, 1964 universe inwardness parallel sales regenerated

The first origin, my dear friends, is constantly reoccurring, but never in the same or exact manner, never in terms of a rehappening or of a record played over and over.

[...] While development of the two universes overall is parallel, no exact evenness in all respects is achieved. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 24, 1972 thrashing felt uncherished deprived he

Your lack of verbal communication of your exact feelings, plus your learned facility for facially expressing disapproval, only allowed him to reinforce his ideas.

TES1 Session 8 December 15, 1963 fragment Mesophania board superego Ace

[...] Whenever she dictated an answer to me, or part of one, it is noted in the text of the answer at the exact point dictation began. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 16 precognitive dream manuscript prospectus freight

[...] I wrote back to see exactly what they had in mind.

[...] The place of impact was the exact area where I usually go for my walk.

In telepathic, clairvoyant or precognitive dreams, exactly what is transmitted? [...]

TES1 Session 33 March 9, 1964 limb confidence wind Kennedy permission

[...] As such they make quite an effect upon your level, but they are always reassemblies and never are they the actual reappearance of the exact camouflage as it may once have existed upon your level.

[...] It is no longer necessary that the same form be maintained and it is entirely impossible for the exact pattern to materialize upon your level. [...]

That’s exactly it.

TES2 Session 66 June 29, 1964 construction overlapping continuums glass Voghler

[...] Just as I became comfortably seated she entered, saying that although she did not know the exact time she felt she should come upstairs.

[...] In the past he was not as honest as he is now with himself, and in his younger years as an adolescent he would never allow himself to know exactly what he was angry at.

TES5 Session 230 February 6, 1966 grandfather Lepanto death Gallaghers age

[...] Since our index is not completed for all the sessions, I cannot find as many exact references here as I would like, other than to ask Seth for help in naming particular sessions, and do not know whether this is possible. [...]

TES7 Session 307 December 7, 1966 drugs chemical psychedelic drugless nuts

[...] These may have counterparts, though not exact identities, within other systems totally alien to you as you know yourselves. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 862, June 25, 1979 born therapy crime law proven

[...] Volume 2 is a massive book, yet I still couldn’t believe all the time — almost exactly five years — that had passed since Jane, Seth, and I began work on it. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 622, October 18, 1972 beliefs unworthy change examine suddenly

[...] When visitors enter your home, they do not see it exactly as you do because they also view it through the screen of their beliefs. [...]

TES7 Results of the Gallagher Test Session 294 October 17, 1966 statue verandah San commemoration indentation

[...] The San Joseo is not correct exactly. [...]

TES4 Session 170 July 19, 1965 Footage dear display prove doctor

[...] Nevertheless the situation in which you put me is exactly like the situation which I have only now described.

[...] I want to tell you exactly what you want to know, and if you will hear me then to a large measure you will have to accept some of my terms, for I am quite willing to accept some of yours. [...]

[...] My own inclinations may not exactly be the same. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 10, 1977 relaxation shoes suggestions inequalities inoculation

[...] That is exactly what Ruburt has feared, relaxing, so such ideas seem to confirm such needless worries to some degree.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, June 23, 1970 couch transpose solid organization assumptions

[...] You structure your own existence and you choose those realities that have exactly as much organization as you need at any given time. [...]

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