Results 801 to 820 of 1043 for stemmed:energi

SS Part One: Chapter 3: Session 520, March 25, 1970 permanent form environment constant thought

[...] The inner self, therefore, individually and en masse, sends its psychic energy out, forming tentacles that coalesce into form.

TPS5 Session 853 (Deleted) May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity connotations prostitute

[...] She was to be handled by wearing down her energy through continual childbirth.

TES7 Session 282 August 31, 1966 Wollheim apparitions potbellied root system

[...] It is possible however for the energy being used to act as a trigger that momentarily recreates sensual data under some conditions.

TES9 Session 463 February 5, 1969 atoms perception molecules electromagnetic paranormal

(“Do you mean changes in the atom such as the number of electrons and/or other particles, literally; or are you referring to the nonphysical content of energy within, or carried by, each atom? [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session July 31, 1972 emotional rapport sang weren Nebene

[...] You would have gone to the most considerable lengths to help direct his energy. [...]

TES9 Session 495 August 13, 1969 glaze figure sell entrust character

The man to whom I have referred is approximately 62, but filled with energy, and would have intuitive understanding of your work. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 853, May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity women marketplace

[...] Women were to be handled by wearing down their energies through childbirth.

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

[...] It is this of course that makes the walking possible, and that is releasing new energy from Framework 2. You can indeed expect more frequent improvements, and I will give you whatever current information is helpful. [...]

TES1 Session 10 December 20, 1963 board brother wolves Loren wound

[...] This sort of psychic maneuver uses many reserves of energy.

TES1 Session 21 February 3, 1964 Throckmorton maid Lessie Dick daughter

[...] Not only does such a potential depend upon inherent abilities, but also upon a facility to use energy and to gather it together in one field as a unit.

[...] There are planes with much simpler camouflage patterns, and some inhabited by personalities too weak or limited in this ability, and others inhabited by personalities strong in this ability to use energy, but who no longer need to use it in such a camouflage pattern.

TES2 Session 68 July 6, 1964 Mark Bill doorway apparition bath

[...] As he sits in his chair, constantly he creates his own image physically, using his own psychic energy, and using particular atoms and molecules for the construction of his body.

[...] As far as his psychic energy is concerned he is very gifted. [...]

[...] Jane was still booming along in her deep strong voice with unflagging energy; she revealed no symptoms of any kind of discomfort.)

TES3 Session 139 March 10, 1965 action sphere pulsation perpetuating termination

Though both of you give much in time, energy and dedication and effort to our sessions, you will receive much more than you give. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 24, 1981 Sinful troublesome intensified Speaker church

[...] You must remember that the entire problem does indeed exist in a larger personal framework in which life and energy are abundantly and freely given. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 28, 1980 Leonard slap truck react age

[...] The whole idea of the body’s wearing down, as that is understood in your society, is based upon the idea of the body’s mechanistic model: energy is given at birth, and gradually wears down. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 698 May 20, 1974 dream lackadaisical semiconstruction world useless

[...] Not a reflection, therefore, but a by-product involving not only a chemical reaction but the transformation of energy from one state to another.

TPS5 Deleted Session April 30, 1979 Yale Moorcroft ld relaxation Professor

[...] Each particle, visible or invisible, is awareized energy. [...]

TES8 Forward by Rob Butts Rick Laurel Volume Elmira Early

[...] Surely her intuitively-chosen manner helped us acclimate to the highly original and creative fact that Jane was learning to speak in a dissociated (or trance) state for Seth, a disembodied worthy who called himself an “energy personality essence.” [...]

SS Appendix: Session 595, September 20, 1971 reincarnational Denmark details immediacy prosperous

(And although I was getting weary, it was apparent that Seth could easily shift into a state where his energy would seem inexhaustible.)

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 822, February 22, 1978 ether ego medium Framework Plato

[...] By the last decades of the 19th century, and in line with Newtonian physics, the ether was postulated as an invisible, tasteless, odorless substance that pervaded all unoccupied space, and served as the medium for the passage of electromagnetic waves of light and other kinds of radiant energy, like heat — just as the earth itself serves as the medium for the transmission of seismic waves, for instance.

TES4 Session 186 September 8, 1965 stamps depicted test tavern diverted

[...] There must be a recharge of energies.

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