Results 761 to 780 of 1043 for stemmed:energi

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 920, October 6, 1980 magical Iran schizophrenia approach debased

(Long pause at 9:44.) Such people are afraid of their own energy. [...] On the other hand, the person feels unable to use energy in a normal fashion, since in the ordinary world no venture could live up to the superior self’s exaggerated ideals. [...]

[...] Often such people are highly creative, with good reserves of energy, but caught between highly contrasting beliefs, either of good and evil, or power and weakness. [...]

[...] And from experience I know that enough energy is generated to do this though the results will come to me in time. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session March 19, 1979 child healer lamb Bob Enquirer

[...] The healer telepathically reminded the child that he was indeed full of energy and vitality. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 658, April 23, 1973 hypnosis hypnotist tributaries inductions beliefs

[...] All the forces of energy are mobilized at once, while little relaxation is usually involved.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 8, 1981 Cec Curt cheesecake Ellspeth Saturday

(Long pause.) At deeper levels you are being sent support and energy from all of those people, known and unknown, who have your best interests at heart. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 29, 1968 Lillian dependent disintegrate joy taught

[...] In reality you project your psychic energy outward unto the physical universe. [...]

TMA Foreword by Robert F. Butts Laurel publishing Amber Allen Library

My wife, Jane Roberts, dictated The Magical Approach for Seth, the “energy personality essence” she spoke for in a trance state, in 1980—but the pressures of Jane’s illness, and of our producing other books, kept us from publishing it quickly. [...]

TMA Session Eleven September 15, 1980 resurrection Christ biblical ascension tomb

[...] The power, devotion, and energy, the organizational expertise of Christianity, cannot be disputed. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 20, 1970 Nassair houseboys Vanessa Dennis disbelief

[...] No God can change it for you for He has given you the creative energy to form your own world, and you can change it through joy and not through dignity. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session March 6, 1972 repressed discouraged Crying tour emotional

[...] It is taking care of itself, and your joint energies have already made their imprint. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 635, January 24, 1973 guilt violation shalt instinct Thou

The collection of unrecognized artificial guilts, built up through the centuries, has led to such an accumulation of repressed energy that its release has resulted in violent action. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 526, May 4, 1970 soul entity eternity clumps motionlessness

It is energy concentrated to a degree quite unbelievable to you. [...]

UR2 Appendix 17: (For Session 711) beta waves brain theta eeg

[...] In addition, the two hemispheres of the individual brain often show variations in electrical energy states. [...]

TES4 Session 190 September 21, 1965 John Taylors Donna loud reconstruction

(As often happens when witnesses are present, Seth was in a fine and frisky mood; there is no doubt that a witness or two will produce what appears to be abundant extra energy on Seth/Jane’s part. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 16, 1979 taxes Joyce Bill Gallagher conventional

(1. “Exercise: to send energy to Rob. [...] Imagine and visualize the energy all around the corner of the house and sky, rushing toward him; then am surprised when mentally the top of his head comes neatly off, like a lid from a jar. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 6, 1979 foreign Crowder money Prentice Ariston

[...] Part of your personal problem now is because you feel you have cut off the easy flow of creative energy into your painting and into Mass Reality, and even to some extent—on your part, now—because the contracts are unsigned, and the flow in that area momentarily is somewhat impeded. [...]

I would try to be content with the self that I am, and rejoice in my uniqueness, and tell myself that my energy could flow freely in all areas of my life, and the physical problem will then easily clear itself. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 936, November 17, 1981 conserving Iran Iraq Moslem nostalgia

(9:01.) In private living and in so-called evolutionary terms, however, life necessitates the intrusion of surprising events, unforeseen actions, leaps of insight or behavior that could not come alone from any accumulation of knowledge or simple conservation of energy, but seem to suggest entirely different new developments.

[...] These allow for the insertion of unofficial new energy, the introduction of surprising events. [...]

[...] Then in a moment of dozing I suddenly found my body moving forward, half standing, with strong energy and more or less natural motion—all by itself.

[...] Once my right arm suddenly moved out to the left, throwing my pack of cigarettes I was holding to the floor with sudden energy. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session May 7, 1981 responsibility pleasure penance gloom incoherent

[...] And talking out his feelings allowed for the release of energy, physically speaking. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 4, 1981 rollers cushion services absolute Frank

[...] We didn’t try the table today, but she did do the healing energy thing, and evidently with some success: She’s to write a description of it to insert in the pendulum notebook. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, August 20, 1968 classes sic choosy sailing withdraw

[...] It can then gain and gather about it the potentiality to hold and control more and more energy. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, June 23, 1970 couch transpose solid organization assumptions

[...] You will discover the multidimensional love and energy that gives consciousness to all things. [...]

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