Results 601 to 620 of 1043 for stemmed:energi

TES9 Session 456 January 8, 1969 approach restricts portrait potato technique

The resulting inner freedom will also free his own creative energies, and his career will continue to expand. [...]

[...] Now either of these techniques will serve you very well and refresh your creative energies. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 25, 1977 future compliment equated confidence uncreative

[...] One entity might focus its main energy, intent, and drive in one particular earth life, filled with incredible creativity, so that that “focus life” becomes a central core for all other existences, the foundation and the source of energy for all other lives.

UR1 Section 3: Session 699 May 22, 1974 photograph dream snapshots waking picture

[...] It has organization on its own levels that you do not comprehend, and from its rich source you draw much of the energy with which you form your daily experience. [...]

[...] You form it through information and through energy that on the one hand has its source outside this system, and that on the other constantly flows into this system — and so in that respect the systems are united.

TES9 Session 428 August 12, 1968 Elver fox Van Lennon Alice

(Jane was full of restless, positive energy this afternoon and evening. I viewed it as a helpful expression, and wondered if it was connected with the letter she had received from Harry Edwards, in England, last Friday, August 9. In the letter Edwards told of a program he had begun, to send healing energy to Jane.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 26, 1983 neck echelons elbows hydro fabulous

The sessions add extra energy and impetus, so that many of Ruburt’s improvements show themselves near or close to the session format. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 6, 1984 surgery disc Diana Billy employees

Tell Ruburt that the same energy that healed or mended his right knee can also straighten it out. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 18, 1984 fund swifter stick cavernous Newman

[...] The conscious mind is one brilliant segment of your larger consciousness, but it is composed of the same universal energy and vitality that composes all consciousness. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session June 5, 1982 finger darker powder calindula Hal

Ruburt has used considerable amounts of energy in this evening’s exercise. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 24, 1978 precepts worry crossword puzzles reinforced

[...] Such desires and the challenges mean that you are provided with additional energy and support in Framework 2, but you must have the faith that this is so, and that faith will allow you to draw upon it.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 636, January 29, 1973 grace guilt conscience punishment violation

[...] Seth’s material has been infused with a driving energy. [...]

Your body has within it the miraculous strength and creative energy with which, in your terms, it was born. [...]

DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Session 881, September 25, 1979 billion creationists reptiles ambitious evolutionary

Scientists say now that energy and matter are one. They must take the next full step to realize that consciousness and energy and matter are one.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 2, 1969 kindergarten truths yourselves Oliver baby

[...] And again I will tell you: the energy that is behind and within me now, that energy is available to all of you and it resides within the selves of which you are composed. [...]

TES9 Session 504 September 29, 1969 Otis fetus father units stationary

You used up an unwarranted amount of energy at your mother’s. Symbolically you did not like to put on the storm windows, feeling that perhaps it would be the last time that you did so, and that you were sealing up the house. [...]

[...] Jane said Seth “was full of energy. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 856, May 24, 1979 Watergate President idealized nuclear fanatic

[...] The increasing dependence of the United States upon nuclear power is being deeply questioned, even though that energy is supposed to help alleviate our growing reliance upon foreign oil. [...]

[...] These challenges aren’t just national, of course, but worldwide: The scientific rationale embodied in TMI runs headlong into the western world’s reliance upon energy supplies — mainly oil — from nations that are largely religiously oriented, and that profess all kinds of antipathy for social orders other than their own. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 1, 1984 choked recovery panic tougher pillow

(The session for February 5 even stressed that the same energy that healed her right leg could also straighten it. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 671, June 21, 1973 dream space orientation waking solutions

[...] During them, the self or consciousness literally travels to the source of its own energy. [...]

(Slowly:) It may seem that such comprehensions have little to do with your daily life, particularly since they are so seldom recalled, and then only in translation; yet they provide you with additional energy — and when you need it most.

TPS1 Deleted Session December 6, 1971 disappointment emotional interaction inhibition relationship

This will automatically break down some projections, clear the air, but more than this the repressed energy being used to prevent communication, open communication, is physically and psychically released.

[...] You were not living clearly in the sensual, physical world, in that large amounts of energy were being used to repress physical communication.

UR1 Section 3: Session 701 June 3, 1974 Einstein physicist diagrams theories destroying

[...] Each physical experience is unique, and while the energy for it and the creation of it come from within, the pristine, private, and yet shared quality of that experience could not exist in the same way (more emphatically) were it not so exteriorized.

[...] These are swirls of energy. [...]

TES5 Session 232 February 9, 1966 photo Ezra twisted table envelope

(For the record: In the 227th and 228th sessions Seth discussed the book of poetry Jane produced so quickly by using suggestions for abundant energy, and told us the book would be published. [...]

The book of poetry which Ruburt has just completed can also be taken as tangible proof that he is in the process of learning how to use energy in such a way that it can be most beneficially used psychically, but also with very practical results. [...]

[...] It is easier for the physical organism to utilize energy in order to make any desirable adjustments.

TES3 Session 100 October 26, 1964 Jimmy j.j Marian thermostat Jeep

[...] Seth stated that he did not realize Jane would achieve this focusing of inner energy so early in her studies with psychological time, and furthermore said that it could have unpleasant effects if it was unwittingly directed toward someone else. [...] Any energy can be used for almost any purpose.”

[...] A personality, or personalized energy, is never destroyed; but transformation of form remains a necessity for continuation of each personality, and in some cases an emotional denial on the part of the living, of this fact, can lead to resistance in so far as the personality of those no longer connected with the physical field. [...]

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