Results 521 to 540 of 1043 for stemmed:energi

TES6 Session 255 May 2, 1966 Maxine suitable photo Del identity

The energy that composes personality therefore consists of an inconceivable number of separate identities. These separate identities form what we call the inner self, which retains its individuality even while the energy that composes it constantly changes. [...]

[...] I have told you that the most minute portion of energy possesses consciousness and has its own identity. [...]

TPS1 Session 560 (Deleted) November 11, 1970 feminine masculine intellectual precipitated male

[...] You were perfectly free to support yourself in your early years in that way, and your energy was released because in that regard you felt free to use it. When the natural freely creative energies were aroused in you, you instantly dispensed with all ideas of a commercial market, and completely divorced the idea of painting from selling for the reasons given.

[...] On your part (RFB) initially as a very definite warning that you were not to put your full energies into a job. [...]

TPS1 Session 563 (Deleted) December 2, 1970 noncontact tendencies spontaneity role relationship

[...] Considerable energy is used to continue the repression as the pressure from beneath grows.

[...] Now it is true that withheld sexual energy can be diverted to creative aims, but in your cases it was the feeling of daily emotional nourishment that was sometimes lacking.

[...] Your work will show great advantage, and the energy that has been bottled up can be released. [...]

TES8 Session 405 April 18, 1968 touchy Montgomery quotes afraid spirit

I am what I have always said that I was, and I said it in as emotionally neutral terms as possible: —an energy essence personality. [...]

(Before this evening’s session I had said that publication of the Seth material could help many more people than Jane [called Ruburt by Seth] could help personally in her ESP classes, and that too much energy expended in the classes took away from that available for the theoretical material available to us in our regular twice-weekly sessions. [...]

[...] (Now Jane touched the carbon copy of the manuscript of her dream book.) The energy in this book was not wasted. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: April 4, 1984 coldhearted heart brokenhearted healing feeders

[...] There is always an unending reservoir of energy at the command of each person, however, regardless of circumstances, and we will also discuss the ways in which you can learn to tap that source and better your own health situation.

ECS1 Session 386, ESP Class, December 7, 1967 [Florence McIntyre’s Version] Poland McIntyre Andrea Majurak Florence

The energy that moves the universe is the same that moves your hand now. [...]

TPS3 Session 798 (Deleted Portion) March 21, 1977 Prentice hip fleeting vascular company

Now (loudly) I will leave with you some additional energy—that is, with both of you—use it and enjoy it.

TPS3 Session 772 (Deleted Portion) April 19, 1976 crying feminine stereotyped hungrier noncompetitive

[...] Since it is late I will end our session—but I leave some energy with you. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 21, 1983 Fred Georgia Lorrie doughnut swelling

Peggy Gallagher is subconsciously aware of your new beginnings, and when she comes she does bring with her a positive energy that is very supportive. [...]

[...] Again, according to those energies and rhythms of which I have spoken. [...]

TES9 Session 497 August 20, 1969 proficient astral obtained dreambook traveling

[...] In two cases he was using his own energy to sustain and direct the group, and to transport them, so to speak. [...]

For that matter you will be giving them additional energy and refreshment because of the experiments. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 834, February 5, 1979 mosaics painting shared cults paranoia

Only in a manner of speaking (repeated twice), there are certain(humorously:) a necessary qualifying word — “power selves,” or personalities; parts of your greater identity who utilized fairly extraordinary amounts of energy in very constructive ways. That energy is also a part of your personality — and as you paint such images you will undoubtedly feel some considerable bursts of ambition, and even exuberance. [...]

TES9 Session 427 August 7, 1968 yearned Dave agony cosmic sepia

[...] Yet it is doubtful that without this “period” in quotes, of contracted yearning, that All That Is could concentrate its energy sufficiently enough to create the realities that existed in probable suspension within it.

[...] The psychic energy exploded in a flash of creation.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 17 Nicoll Sue bitter probable Carl

[...] A strong sense of exhilaration was present, as was the feeling of great energy. [...]

[...] It took great effort for me to withdraw that much energy away from what I was doing. [...]

[...] The kids downstairs, full of fun, began yelling with great energy on the porch. [...]

[...] They disappeared from your view, but energy created in such a fashion, as you know, cannot be negated and must continue along its own lines of development.

TES1 Session 23 February 5, 1964 breathes admit camouflage plane Throckmorton

[...] Since their potential has individual variety, it depends a good deal upon the personality’s ability to utilize energy as a unit, or to transform energy into unit patterns.

This talent for using energy to form unit patterns is elemental, not only on your plane but in all other planes. [...]

[...] Energy is received by the mind through the inner senses and transformed by use of mental enzymes into camouflage patterns.

[...] And the part of himself that did teach him to see still guides his movements, still moves the muscles of his eyes, still becomes conscious despite him when he sleeps, still breathes for him without thanks, without recognition, and still carries on his task of transforming energy from an inner reality to an outer camouflage.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 645, March 5, 1973 core bridge beliefs invisible sensual

[...] They contain great motion and energy. [...]

(Pause.) Ruburt is determined, persistent, stubborn, with great energy; creative, intuitive, and endowed with excellent flexibility of consciousness. [...]

Using it, he is only now in the process of assimilating the newly available energy. [...]

TES4 Session 151 May 3, 1965 action limitless moment ego points

[...] Not only do you impart energy into a painting, but you also derive energy from a painting even while you are working on it. [...]

In such cases the artist captures the dominant essence, and through the energy which he has given the art, it then makes such an effect upon the ego, which could not ordinarily perceive so much.

TES6 Session 273 July 18, 1966 wheel sweater ribbon parallelogram nurse

[...] The nature of identity is strongly dependent upon the innate ability to draw upon, utilize and direct psychic energy.

Certain portions that deal rather directly with the manipulation of psychic energy are being instructed also. [...]

The psychology of personality cannot be grasped unless reincarnation is taken into consideration, but even then this only represents energy operating within one system. [...]

TES9 Session 443 October 21 1968 ionosphere pyramid crew flight orbit

We have helped nurse it along by our energy. [...]

[...] So much of your energy is used in these productions that you cannot afford to perceive any reality except your own. [...]

[...] Our basic and ancient knowledge and energy automatically reaches out to nourish all systems that grow—

TES8 Rob Pendulum Q&A June 12, 1967 tomato canned corn pendulum margarine

[...] Energy is at present being diverted from the sinus condition to other physical symptoms. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 30, 1982 increased motion noncommittal ordeal downgraded

His increased energy will show as his increased and increasing motions become more apparent. [...]

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