Results 441 to 460 of 1043 for stemmed:energi
[...] You perceive certain patterns of energy as solid objects, and that energy which you do not perceive as solid, you call space.
[...] From energy you form patterns which you recognize, and give names to and use, but the utility of these objects is useless to you unless you are focused within the dimension for which they were specifically formed.
[...] I will end our session, so that you have some time for social discourse, and I myself thank our cat lover for the time and energy expended.
[...] I know that you can grow tired, however, and that sometimes a gift of energy can be quite a boost; so, again, with this letter I send my joyful recognition of your existence—and energy that you can use to reinforce your own vitality and strength.
[...] In any case, energy is being sent out to you with this letter.
That energy will arouse in you your own abilities. [...]
The ability to project idea or energy into physical construction is, therefore, generalized throughout the whole physical human body, and throughout the bodies of any living thing. [...]
[...] The fact is that this statement that I have just given you is true and false, in that chemicals alone will give you consciousness, simply because we know now that every molecule exists on your plane is there as the physical materialization of conscious energy.
Each individual atom within its generalized consciousness has the capacity, in some degree, to construct its portion of energy into physical construction. [...]
[...] The entity, for example, works with the same sort of individual cooperation, and uses building blocks of energy in much the same manner, that the atoms and molecules in the physical world combine to form cells, organs, and the whole structure of the physical body.
[...] If he now uses psycho-cybernetics as applied to his work and to the (Seth) book, and makes a definite effort with those methods to focus all of his energy into the book, the symptoms will simply fall away, and quickly. [...] Somewhat earlier his energies were so depleted that it would have been more difficult for him to do this in a rather sweeping manner, and this is what I suggest.
[...] In terms of air, water, how freely these are available to you, sunlight, even the abundance for example of emotional energy present in your friend who just left here, for he makes it available to you also, and gives of it freely. [...]
You understand the abundance of energy possessed by your young neighbor. [...]
[...] They may have no connection to others in the room; but I want (shouts) you to use the energy behind this voice for your own purposes. [...]
(Still shouting) I want you to feel the energy that is yourself rise up from the depths of your being and merge with the consciousness that you know; (quietly) and when my voice ceases its words, then I expect a spontaneous encounter with yourself and those portions of yourself that you do not recognize, and with others in the room. [...]
[...] If God could tell a man to slay a son, and if private revelation were granted validity, then “divinely inspired crimes” might not only be legion, but might also take man’s energies away from accepted Godly pursuits—like fighting the infidels or heretics at home (all louder).
The next, psychic family dream represented an actual reunion of some Sumari family members, so that Ruburt would not feel so alone, but realize he did indeed have rich emotional connections with others, at other levels, and that he was part of a family of creative initiators, full of energy and vigor, who could go out into the world or cheerfully forget it if they chose.
[...] It means that you have a block in that particular area in which you are unable to utilize energy constructively. … Theoretically, if you are using energy the way you should, you would be in excellent health and filled with abundance. [...]
[...] With our method it is recognized, imaginatively plucked out as being undesirable, and replaced by the thought of peace and constructive energy.” [...]
[...] Then we close ourselves off from the constructive energies we need.
[...] These distinctions come much later, and on another level [here Seth is considering personality as composed of energy or action].
[...] Often the person labeled schizophrenic is so frightened of his or her own energy, impulses, and feelings that these are fragmented, objectified, and seen to come from outside rather than from within.
[...] They have been taught that energy is wrong, that power is disastrous, and that the impulses of the self are to be feared.
[...] He will not have the energy to seek bread, nor trust his impulse to do so.
Also, he uses his energy differently than you, and needs to eat oftener. [...] Either he may be hungry and take his nap, or he may eat coffee cake for example that initially supplies energy that quickly depletes itself—just about the time his nap is finished.
[...] In the meantime it is an excellent tool but the true wisdom within you, once again, allows your body to spontaneously breathe as you listen to me, refreshes yourselves as you listen to me, collects from realities that you do not perceive, infinite potentials of energy that fill your being as you listen to me. [...]
[...] You do not realize how much energy you have used to produce these props in your personal thinking and how these props hold you back from the realization of what you are. [...]
Sending energy in his direction will help but he is doing very well on his own. [...]
5. Your suggestion of out-of-body activity is a good one, and diverts energy to a good goal.
[...] His energy today was turned inward more than it was turned outward.
[...] That is, these symptoms, noticed when the individual is supposed to be going about his normal physically-oriented day, can then be taken as a sign that the personality does not have all of his energies properly directed for the case at hand.