Results 321 to 340 of 1043 for stemmed:energi
[...] On the other hand you may try to pretend the feeling out of existence, in which case you dam up that massive energy and cannot use it for other purposes.
[...] Seeing these bloody results, they became even more frightened, more awed by what they thought of as this terrible energy that sometimes seemed to drive them to kill.
Give us a moment… Without going into any detail, I simply want to point out that in the United States strong national efforts were made after World War II to divert the servicemen’s energies into other areas on their return home. [...]
Now: Love is also a great inciter to action, and utilizes dynamos of energy.
[...] These people can and will help him, and add their mental and psychic energy to his own in a strongly supportive manner. [...]
[...] They are psychic, spiritual and physical exercises that will let him handle energy more effectively, and release his abilities smoothly. [...]
[...] The energy that will be released will show itself most beneficially, being directed into your other affairs. [...]
Now, he was able to soak up energy in your natural surroundings, and to use it. [...]
[...] There is a spontaneous flow of psychic energy with appropriate hormonal reaction in both situations. You do not have energy dammed up through repressions, for example, and emotions and their expression are not feared.
[...] Its character is transformed, so that the “dark” qualities are seen as actually illuminating portions of conscious life, while also providing great sources of power and energy for normal ego-oriented experience.
[...] Their expression becomes very difficult; great blockages of energy occur, which in your terms can result in neurotic or even stronger, psychotic, behavior.
As you know, camouflage elements are formed from the vital energy, which itself forms of itself all dimensions and all realities. [...]
The whole self as you know has its existence in uncamouflaged energy, and is therefore capable of the assimilation of knowledge in so far as it can, if it chooses, be basically unaffiliated to any one camouflage dimension or perspective. [...]
[...] It is not space that separates, it is the focus and the form of energy.
There are here in what you call the subconscious, abilities and realities of which you know little, and as you see how the subconscious projects itself into other dimensions, so will you see more clearly how energy is projected outward to form your own world of matter. [...]
[...] Watch television or whatever, but imagine—lightly, now—a pyramid with each of you at its base, going upward into Framework 2. The energy you sense in whatever program you watch imagine almost like a generator, as energy here drawing power from Framework 2 into the room, into Ruburt’s body and your own, activating both your physical and psychic existences.
[...] This is affecting you, releasing your own creative energies, for his holding back in the past reinforced your own tendencies in that direction. I have said this before: as he helps you by releasing, as he has, these energies in the directions mentioned, then help him by taking the initiative at times, as he has in those directions.
I have told you of Ruburt’s energies. [...]
[...] The occurrence would be an accumulation of energy — turned into action — and be brought about by corollary beliefs.
[...] The images in your mind draw to themselves all the proper emotional energy and power needed to fill them out as physical events.
[...] Circuits within the nervous system are changed, and energies that you do not understand seek out new connections on much deeper levels far beyond consciousness.
[...] If you assign greater force to the past, then you will feel ineffective and deny yourself your own energy.
[...] You are not just given so much energy, in those terms earlier mentioned. “New” energy is everywhere available. [...]
[...] It seems that each individual is in effect isolated in certain vital regards — given, say, a genetic heritage and a certain amount of unspecified energy with which to run the body’s machinery (intently). [...]
(9:23.) It is not just that each person has his or her source in a “magical” dimension, from which his or her overall life emerges, but that the private source itself is a part of the very energy that upholds the entire planet and its inhabitants, and the overall construct that you understand as the universe.
In a new crisis situation, in facing a present crisis squarely and dealing with it in adult terms, he may indeed free himself largely; for the present situation through association brings up highly charged emotional energies that have been stopped up and causing difficulty.
[...] Your mother represents to him the destructive, unreasoning energies of his own mother, and in the pull and conflict between your mother and father, he sees the tortured connections of his mother’s soul.
[...] His abilities are being released because energy is now being released.
[...] In your system of reality you are learning what mental energy is, and how to use it. [...] What seems to be a perception, an objective concrete event, independent and apart from you the perceiver, is instead the physical materialization of the perceiver’s own inner emotions, energy and mental environment.
Such an idea is much like some scientific ones, that see the universe running down, [with energy] being dissipated and order gradually disintegrating into chaos. [...]
[...] In this model there is always new energy, and all systems are open, even though they may seem to operate separately. [...]
(Jane’s delivery for Seth hadn’t been her fastest by any means, although that “energy personality essence” closed out the paragraph above quite intently and with more than a little amusement. [...]
The needs and desires of others naturally enter in, and some energy must be used to close them out. [...]
[...] He has not had (underlined) to fight for a book in strong terms, but his energy and belief helped it greatly at Prentice, and was transmitted to the salesmen. [...]
[...] There was energy on both sides, but Seven was, and is, literally Ruburt’s inner self flying quite as the Seagull flies—for fun, freely, without having to answer questions, and without having to be brought down to specifics.
[...] Telling me about it—we also reread this session—Jane said it would be more than a casual mention of The Seth Material in the article, and that now she could “feel a tremendous amount of energy gathering around” the fact of Dick Bach, us, Seth, etc.
The sort of things with which we are involved then often imply an interruption of action of this kind, and a translation or transformation of data from one range of electromagnetic energy to another. [...]
[...] An invisible cabinetlike effect, if you prefer, within which energies were concentrated and directed.
[...] The reason is simply that conscious knowledge of such an effect would inhibit him, regardless of his best intentions, and the energy used would block the action or effect that I was trying to deliver.
Such effects occur when my own energies are high, and when conditions are excellent. [...]
It is precisely because Ruburt will be cut off from funds that he will permit himself, and demand of himself, that he use all of his tremendous energy in his work. Not in any sort of conscious desperation, but in the sudden and joyous release of energy toward constructive ends.
[...] The mechanisms by which psychic energy or consciousness forms matter should also be included, and naturally the concept that matter does not have duration.
[...] The expectations, and the acts of expectation that will generate the necessary emotional and psychic energy must come from you, and wholeheartedly. [...]
Again, he is quite to blame here, in that he is intuitively aware of pent-up energy that should go into his own work.
In a very simple example, consider that you yourself use your own energy to create your dream world. [...]
[...] And here the use of energy for this purpose is conscious, that is the strong hidden self actually makes use of the camouflage conscious self and molds the two into a reality that combines two planes. [...]
The intensity is the core about which the electromagnetic energy units form. [...]
Now, this is not to be a technical book, so this is not the time nor place to discuss thoroughly the action, behavior or effects of these coordinate points; nor of the electromagnetic energy units — those natural emanations of consciousness of which I spoke. [...]