Results 281 to 300 of 1043 for stemmed:energi
(Deliberately:) Imagination and emotions are the most concentrated forms of energy that you possess as physical creatures. Any strong emotion carries within it far more energy than, say, that required to send a rocket to the moon.
[...] They are energy formed and directed, formulations of interior and exterior patterns of reality. [...]
(“The needs and desires of others naturally enter in,” Seth continued, “and some energy must be used to close them out. [...]
[...] He should understand this by now, but the effort, energy and concentration that is expended. Now, it is to be expected that he expend energy and that he concentrate with some thoroughness, but at times he becomes emotionally weary as a result of expending huge amounts of energy within a small amount of time, comparatively speaking.
When he does so he forgets to draw from subconscious energy and uses nervous energy, and is therefore somewhat depleted. [...]
[...] Unless he narrows his focus and concentration to concentrate upon the present individual during a session, Seth told us he sees a composite image, an energy reality that is composed of past personalities, and in many cases also of future personalities that will be adopted by the inner self.)
[...] Ruburt, generally speaking, has been doing very well in utilizing the energy available to him from other portions of the self, and in so doing he has indeed picked up clairvoyant information of which he is not aware on a conscious level.
[...] Each thought forms its own electromagnetic reality, and is composed of energy which can never be dissipated, but only transformed.
The subjective reality of one man, left alone in the universe, would emit enough energy to seed another. [...]
The energy that is within you is inconceivable to you.
You block your own energy many times because of old habits. [...]
[...] Such a policy would allow you an automatic way of making such decisions, would clear the air, and give you each a far more exuberant flow of energy.
[...] It represents a way of handling your energy that is native to your own being, and permits creativity its easiest, most natural flow.
[...] There is a continual exchange of energy and vitality, in other words, of actual atoms and molecules between one plane and another … the interaction and movement of even one plane through another results in effects that will be perceived in various ways … as necessary distortive boundaries, in some cases resembling a flow as if a plane were surrounded by water, or in other cases a charge as of electricity. But on each plane the effects … of this interchange of energy will take on the camouflage [physical appearance] of the particular plane.
(And from the 40th session:) The tissue capsule is actually an energy field boundary … At the same time it protects the whole self from certain radiations which do not here concern you. [...]
[...] You have at your command literally infinite amounts of energy. [...] You must learn to handle and use this energy. [...] If you want to speak in terms of God, then from that infinite gestalt you receive the energy to create, but because you have free will, you create what you choose and you learn through experience. [...]
Too many compromises do sap your strength and energy, and the work compromise was inhibiting your painting to some extent. The focus upon compromise automatically forces you to withhold directness and energy in all of your pursuits. [...]
[...] The sleeping requirements were a result of the sudden use of physical energy. He should find the requirements quite lessened this week, and that should be followed by a noticeable easy release of physical energy during the normal day.
(Smile, emphatically:) I am not concerned, because I know the energy available to you, but I do have his concern to deal with.
Out of his desire he applies energy (gestures) and color over it, so that the paintings have then the reality he hopes for.
[...] But you must find a position in which your full energies can be directed rather than scattered as they are now in several endeavors. And that is most important for in that way you can feel progress and a concentration of energy. Now your energies are scattered, and you do not feel accomplishment. [...]
[...] That you think these secrets are that important, that they can stop the energy of the universe from working its way through you when that energy gives you your vitality and strength. [...]
I have told you often that I use the means available to me for teaching purposes, and many of you wondering when I use the voice with force, why I do so, should by now recognize the fact that the energy generated is spent by you in many ways, and that if atoms and molecules could jump up and sing in a great congregation then they would, indeed, make such a noise in such a fashion in their own way and to remind you not to be so sober and not to hold your problems as gates holding back the universe. [...]
[...] What you have here is latent energy, vitality and capacity, with much of it withheld or suspended momentarily. [...] It is in a state of drowsiness on the one hand; and on the other, it focuses the usable portion of its energy into being a tree.
[...] They have their own, it is true, but, unknowingly, you reinforce their energy and health.
[...] I only saw that she could use the rest, since she obviously didn’t feel well generally—but I also thought she was waiting for one of her characteristic surges of creative energy before digging into her next book (of which she always has several going). [...]
[...] Whenever that flame shows signs of dimming, of losing rather than gaining potential energy and desire, then danger signals appear everywhere. [...]
In Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment Seth outlines the great cosmic and private energies that in our terms once brought into existence the reality of the universe and the birth of those private, cohesive realities in which our own individual daily lives are couched.
[...] The painting spirals outward from your inner reality, and it brings forth energy and previous connections and interpretations. [...]
[...] When you have achieved this oneness with your own center, then you automatically free additional energy and vitality into your life.
[...] There is a more intense focus of concentration, high use of energy, a merging of capabilities, intent, direction, directly from the center of the self, that can be compared, properly used, to a laser.
(Jane said now that there was a “tremendous amount of energy” available, but that it was being withdrawn slowly so that she wouldn’t feel any letdown.)
The energy from any construction can be weakened if it is countered by another strong energy force. [...]
Denying energy to such a construction can be like pricking a balloon. [...]
If the exercise is done correctly it is literally impossible for the old idea to obtain any energy for its continuance and your attention is directed to the desired end. [...]
[...] Energy is being blocked because of problems that began — in your terms — with sexual questions in puberty. Energy is experienced as sexual.
[...] Beside this, they have lost their conventional sexual roles, in which they earlier expressed their energy.
[...] It does mean that the male so divorced himself from the common fountain of love and sex that the repressed energy came forth in those aggressive acts of cultural rape and death, instead of birth.
First of all, before we get to the meaning or import of the tapes, let me say that Ruburt is learning to handle energy in other fashions. [...] Energy is received and discharged wholeheartedly, exuberantly and spontaneously through sound. [...]
[...] There are important healing aspects connected with the Sumari development, as Ruburt is beginning to suspect—a different kind of breakthrough, or easy access to energy.
[...] All energy at the inner self’s disposal is then concentrated to bring about the results asked for by the conscious mind.
(Pause.) Because ideas and beliefs have this electromagnetic reality, then, constant interplay between those strongly contradictory beliefs can cause great power blocks, impeding the flow of inner energy outward. [...]
When you realize this, then our energy transformation and our change of molecular structure comes into play. There is no barrier of space to be overcome, there is merely a transformation, first of all of psychic energy, and then because you are on your plane bound to many camouflage concepts, there will be a secondary reconstruction of physical image.
[...] We have a delicate balance here, and in the delicate balance itself lies the outgrowth and release of energy. [...] You are free of space, and to a large degree of time, in the sleeping state, because you are not using your energies to transform ideas into durable physical camouflage patterns.
I have also explained how energy is transformed, and changes, adapting itself to the particular camouflage pattern of any given plane. [...]
[...] You are always and constantly in the process of transforming energy from the inner senses into physical idea constructions. [...]
I will indeed now close our session, the reason mainly being that Ruburt has been oriented in a quickened fashion toward our work since he began his book again, and he has used additional energy in doing so. [...] It is only the transition here that has caused the additional use of energy, and he is readily adapting himself so that he will not be under strain. Our sessions have been highly compact as of late also, and intensified in energy content.