Results 241 to 260 of 1043 for stemmed:energi
[...] In many such cases, however, the people so worried about the occurrence of danger from the outside world are instead concerned about the nature of their own energy, and afraid that it might destroy them.
(4:03.) In other words, they do not trust the energy of their own lives. [...]
[...] Now he is beginning to understand that his energy is the gift of his life — to be expressed, not repressed — and to understand, again, that spontaneity knows its own order.
He just told you that when he begins to speak for me he senses an entire tall structure of words, and unhesitatingly he lets that structure form (intently). The same is true with his ability to move and walk; the more he trusts his energy, the more his spontaneity forms its own beautiful order that results in the spontaneous physical art of walking — and he is indeed well along the way. [...]
[...] She continued to doze, however, and I thought that the heavy meal was taking too much of her energy for digestion—reminiscent of the days when she’d first returned to the house from the hospital seven months ago. [...]
His body is engaged in a process in which interchanges of his energies are involved as they change themselves almost automatically into different organizations of power and utility. [...]
The returning motion and energy that is released will automatically take care of the condition—and watch yourselves with your nurse’s mention of the bedsore episodes. [...]
[...] The living portions of nature are the result of your own creativity, projections and fragments of your own energy; energy that comes to you from All That Is and goes outward from you, forming its own image manifestations as you form yours.
You are biologically connected, chemically connected with the earth that you know; but since it is also formed naturally and spontaneously from your own projected psychic energy, since you and the seasons even have a psychic interaction, then the self must be understood in a far greater context. Such a context would allow you to share in life experiences of many other forms, to follow patterns of energy and emotion of which you barely conceive, and to sense a world-consciousness in which you have your own independent part.
Now these are units moving faster than the speed of light, excellent energy sources intruding into and impinging upon matter without ever materializing. [...]
Some of your own energy has been held back then from your work for that reason. [...]
[...] Your full energy for work and your creative drive is released, and will be, as you creatively use and understand your problems, but not concentrate upon them, not let them close your eyes to the joys and freedoms that you have. [...]
On your return I expect you to concentrate your energies in both of your works, then in maintaining communication. [...]
[...] The drive, when it shows itself as last evening, is often irritating because the muscles and nerves connected have been so held back, instead of a clear flow of sexual energy then.
[...] And you can feel as an echo within my words the energy of the interior self that is your true identity. [...] And it can also be used to acquaint you with the easy release of energy that is your own, and the free spontaneous joy of expressing it. [...]
[...] And yet, if you listen, you can hear the easy release of energy as the blood flows throughout your veins and directed outward for those purposes in which you believe. [...]
If you imagine yourself as a part of energy and a part of All That Is and an identity that forms and creates your body, then you know you create it with each breath that you take. [...]
Now the late affairs with the table have been good training on Ruburt’s part, and given him a release of energies that is acceptable and beneficial. [...]
When I look at you, I see a multidimensional form in motion, a geometrical collection of highly intensified energy, with a nucleus that is your whole self. [...]
It was an excellent display of intense focus of energy and utilization of materials. [...]
We will go directly then into the whole table affair, how and why it is done, and give the source of the energies behind the phenomena. [...]
[...] You have all the energy, all the ability, all the power and all the strength you will need within you to face each and every situation and be the selves you want to be. You have only to know and understand this and you can bring up from yourselves energy such as you never dreamed. [...]
[...] I had already done one and found I could not do it again because I had spent all of my creative energy on the first and could not do another one like it. [...]
[...] These were dolls made of wood and into them he projected all of his creative energy, and he made a doll that looked like you, and he called it Susan without ever knowing where he got the name. [...]
[...] I have aroused sufficient energy in each of you so that you can use this when you sleep this evening and be thankful that I have human tendencies that are so obvious and noticeable. [...]
[...] Because your personalities were momentarily disconnected from their usual physical and psychic environment, and because the ordinary physical duties were not necessary, it was all the more easy for you to release these energies into the formation of the images you saw. However, you very nearly drained your energy reserve in forming these images. The energy you used dancing came from psychic reserves, saved subconsciously for emergency.
[...] Speaking about the problem you mentioned, because your aggressions are fairly well controlled consciously, and because in the present your creative energies are in the realm of your subconscious, at this stage they can be, and often are, used to create unhappy image personality situations such as at York Beach. [...]
Seth has always maintained that there are no closed systems, that energy is constantly exchanged between them, regardless of whether such transfers can be detected. (In Volume 1, see Session 688, plus Note 2 for the same session.) The second law of thermodynamics, on the other hand, tell us that our universe is a closed system — and that it’s fated to eventually run down because the amount of energy available for useful work is always decreasing, even though the supply of that energy is constant. A measure of this unavailable energy is called entropy.
The second law of the inner universe is energy transformation.6 This occurs constantly. Energy transformation and value fulfillment, both existing within the spacious present [or at once], add up to a durability that is at the same time spontaneous … and simultaneous.
[...] Both deal with energy, yet to me they’re opposites. [...] (When this session was held Jane knew nothing of the three laws of thermodynamics, or how they define energy/heat relationships in our universe. [...]
I think it obvious that by “energy transformation” Seth doesn’t mean that the energy (or consciousness, to my way of thinking) in our system is inevitably decreasing. [...]
Illnesses can be seen as impeding actions representing actual blockages of energy, action turned into channels that are not to the best interests of the personality. The energies appear concentrated and turned inward, affecting the whole system. [...]
A certain portion of the energy practically available to the personality is spent in the maintenance of this impeding action or illness. It is obvious, then, that less energy is available for actions more beneficial to the personality system as a whole.
[...] If the impetus is powerful, then the impeding action will be of more serious nature, blocking huge reserves of energy for its own purposes. [...]
We have here an excellent focus of energy, an excellent use of action, that of itself propels itself onward; I might say, somewhat sarcastically: Oh, ye of little faith. [...]
[...] It goes without saying that such a work actually contains a portion of focused psychic energy, which is action, and which has its effects.
The energy charge in this particular manuscript is not only very vivid, but well focused. [...]
[...] And again, all of your energies are in ascendancy.
[...] One: Energy and action are basically the same, although neither must necessarily apply to physical motion.
[...] Mental action is directed psychic energy.
Objects—this is four—are blocks of energy perceived in a highly specialized manner.
[...] You are simply in a position where you can pick up and translate the energy pattern before you.
Comment: now: for all of the fanatic’s display of energy, he feels basically powerless. [...]
Nerves are stimulated so that the areas of the body become more alive and responsive to energies that can be overlooked in the face of cultural or secondary events. [...]
[...] You have each been afraid to really exert all of your energies to rid yourselves of this problem.
[...] You must find within yourselves the willingness, the energy, and the intent—the willingness to take a chance, and not to so fear failure.
The energy of the overly conscientious self is as strong as that of the spontaneous self, hence the impasse that had been reached. [...] For the personality knows full well the tremendous force of its own energy potential, and it would be literally disastrous for one portion to go ahead at the expense of the other. [...]
The overconscientious self is also extremely powerful, driven by remarkable amounts of energy. [...]
[...] To anticipate danger, or to imaginatively take on the troubles of others robs you of the very energy with which you could help them. [...]
[...] If this is cherished, nurtured, encouraged, then additional energy is generated that is not needed for the purposes of daily private life — a superabundance, that can be effectively directed in those areas of the world where help is most needed.
[...] To add your own energy, focus, and concentration to dire circumstances in other portions of the world does not help, but adds to, such situations.
Instead of developing physical complications, in usual terms, sometimes one portion of the personality actually does act with assurance, power, and energy, while another equally valid portion refuses to use energy or power in any way whatsoever. [...]
[...] One portion of the personality might be whole-heartedly in favor of good expression of personal power, and be stimulated to express and use his or her energy and strength. [...]
The individual may act purposefully, with power, energy, and strength, for varying lengths of time. [...]
For Ruburt, spring and fall are periods when all of his energy rouses at a highly creative level, and insights are particularly valuable at such times. [...] The seeking toward birth is a spiritual stimuli that is then re-enacted, but in new creative ways: so that Ruburt in winter, particularly in late winter, is on the one hand working toward new births of energy and creativity; and on the other is aware of the very need for such new birth, that would be implied in a before-birth situation.
Riding the creative energies in that manner, you see, would allow him to recognize his own rhythm, flow and ebb. [...]
[...] When the stint was over he would feel perhaps a strong burst of physically directed energy, and want to clean the house or go for walks.