Results 221 to 240 of 1043 for stemmed:energi
Some of my energy is also projected through Ruburt, and his energy and mine both activate his physical form during our sessions, and now as I speak these sentences. [...]
[...] Instead there is an expansion of her consciousness and a projection of energy that is directed away from three-dimensional reality.
When you see Ruburt going too far in one direction, and see him trying to alter that direction, you can indeed exert your energy, leadership and direction there, for the two of you also operate jointly as well as individually. [...]
Ruburt must realize that his power and energy can, and indeed is, changing his body for the better. [...]
You recall that I told you animals relied upon the psychic energy of their owners. [...] Now this could result in a draining of available energies, but when this occurs it is only because you are not as strong as usual. When energy is withdrawn for this reason, the individual who is used to relying upon it will feel bewildered and resentful, and abandoned without knowing the reason.
[...] Putting up with him will not seem a chore if you realize that psychic energy is not only being used when you do so, but within reason, when you do so unresentfully, you are gaining psychic energies through interactions.
The use of energy in such a way does not however, and should not, ordinarily drain you. To the contrary, again within reason, it should invigorate you, allow you to draw upon additional energy, and give you practical experience in doing so.
[...] In the intense focus of awareness that occurs within the dream state, the inner self is able to direct all of its energies for the purpose of solving a given problem.
[...] It is not able to utilize enough energy to maintain a system of its own, but operates as an adjunct to other stronger systems.
[...] Regardless of what you may think of their present performance at any given “time” in quotes, it is from this system that the greatest potentials emerge; for having dealt with it, consciousness undergoes one of the severest tests in learning to handle its own energy.
[...] They do not realize the potential of their own energy, and it is not until they begin to realize it that they are, quote, “led into temptation.”
This overstimulates Aerofranz so that he tries to use his nervous energy, it is not that Adam cannot help. [...]
“The man and woman in the York Beach dancing establishment … were fragments of your selves, thrown-off materializations of your own negative and aggressive feelings … the images were formed by the culminating energy of your destructive energies at the time. [...]
[...] Again, the images marked the critical culmination of your destructive energies. The fact that the images were of yourselves shows that your destructive energies were turned inward, even though materialized in physical form.
[...] The psyche attempts to get rid of them by projecting them into a specific area of the body; in the case of ulcers, the diverted energy goes into the actual production of the ulcer itself. [...] In other instances, the inhibited emotions can be projected outward into other persons, or as in the case of the York Beach images, very charged repressed energy can actually form pseudophysical images which present the personality with the physically materialized image of his fears.
[...] In this country several generations grew up believing that the subconscious portions of the personality were unreliable, filled with negative energy, and contained only locked-up unpleasant episodes best forgotten.
[...] Simply tell yourself that they exist, that they are composed of the great energies of your being made flesh.
[...] You perceive it as solid, as you perceive all other physical matter; yet the more matter is explored the more obvious it becomes that within it energy takes on specific shape (in the form of organs, cells, molecules, atoms, electrons), each less physical than the last, each combining in mysterious gestalt to form matter.
(Seth repeated several times that we wouldn’t regret this burst of psychic energy, or the time involved, because it meant an increase in Jane’s ability to focus energy. [...] Seth stated that such gatherings increased Jane’s ability to utilize energy on different levels. [...]
You will begin to starve the ulcer of its energy. The manner in which the subconscious translates energy into construction of physical matter, again, has been covered in our sessions previously. [...]
[...] There would also be times when Jane’s energies would be at a lower ebb. There is much about energy and cycles and Jane’s abilities that he hasn’t explained to us yet. [...]
[...] For otherwise there is an automatic flow of this energy into a false disruptive pattern.
[...] And why do you believe that the energy of the universe which flows through frog and tree—does not flow also through your own being—or to refuse to use this tremendous energy because you feel you are unworthy. [...] Then also, use your own, and accept the energy and strength that is available to you. [...]
[...] In my case, the “expansion” he’s speaking of occurred as I formed it with my own psychic energy. The “contraction” took place as I withdrew the main energy of my attention from it; but I could not take back the energy that I had given it that resulted in its existence. [...]
“The energy behind his ‘black thing’ was the energy of hidden fears, but such a thing could be formed by anyone, since there are fears in any man. [...]
[...] For when Ruburt ‘ran home’ he automatically withdrew the energy [of his attention] from it. [...]
He starts off by saying: “The personality is composed of energy gestalts. [...]
[...] Certain paintings can capture the psychic energy of others, and certain paintings can release the psychic abilities and healing abilities of the viewer. [...]
There, is also a loose correspondence in the ways (underlined) that you use your cellular structure and utilize energy. [...]
The class tomorrow night might be of benefit because of the focusing of energy, although it is possible that you will encounter him earlier. [...]
The strong energy that was being diverted was working to his disadvantage, and you have felt it as a burden and a drag. You should now begin to feel almost immediately the addition of this reclaimed energy as it works for you. [...]
[...] (Pause.) I am of course fully aware, already, that greater energy is available, and we shall use it well.
[...] The trance state nevertheless is a deep one, but in this condition all of my energies can be used for other work, such as the gaining of clairvoyant material, as in the new work episode.
Now this whole self is completely unique, yet the energy that composes it is a part of the energy that also is the ground of being, for all other consciousnesses. [...]
[...] Yet this inward and outward thrusting condition effectively sets up the boundaries and uniqueness of each universal system, while allowing for a constant give-and-take of energy among them.
(10:04.) No energy is ever lost. [...]
There is the constant surge into your universe of new energy through infinite minute sources. [...]
The CU’s, following that analogy, serve as source points or “holes” through which energy falls into your system, or is attracted to it — and in so doing, forms it. [...]
[...] The energy instead had fed the nervous symptoms, to such an extent that the body was starved, comparatively speaking. This energy has been largely released and the process reversed.
Your many notes (to Jane) have been a delight to him and your changed attitude is being received by him with the most beneficial results, and this is beginning to add to your own health and energy. [...]
He also realized that at least to some extent this energy had accumulated as a result of his own good intentions, and his desire to help others. [...] The form represented (long pause) the personified, accumulated positive energies that were working to his advantage at that time, that provided him protection, but that also automatically worked to the benefit of his life and projects.
[...] He sensed that the form was composed of energy that was definitely predisposed to come to his assistance, or to do his bidding.
[...] It was not necessary for Ruburt to see the form again—merely to sense the reality of that powerful energy, and realize that it worked on his behalf. [...]
[...] Hence it is also filled with energy, and also becomes a collector of it.
[...] You listen to the words and that is all, but the power behind the words, and the power behind the voice, is emotional power and emotional energy and it represents, again, energy that is within each of you and there is no need to be afraid of it. [...] You must learn to recognize and use and pool your emotional energy. [...]
(To Mark D.) Now simply through the energy that you sense in this room you should be able to sense your own emotional reality and strength and tap it and use it. [...]
You will shortly learn, here at least, to be honest with your own self, to free your own emotional energy and then learn to direct it. [...]
[...] He suffered from the attacks of “magicians” who were stealing his energy: “Plates” of energy were being stripped away from his chest in layers, until he feared his inner self would be exposed. [...]
[...] He told me that within the last five hours something had happened that he’d feared all his life: he’d lost the last of his energy. [...]
[...] He sees the oil company people out there with helicopters and sophisticated machinery that destroys people’s vital energy—simply a more colorful, exaggerated version of the same idea personally applied. [...]