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NotP Chapter 5: Session 773, April 26, 1976 sexual sex devotion Church expression

You have tried to divide mental and emotional characteristics between the two sexes, forcing a stereotyped behavior. Again, the male who was intuitive or artistically gifted in certain ways often therefore considered himself homosexual, whether or not he was, because his emotional and mental characteristics seem to fit the female rather than the male sex.

You have put sexual labels, then, on the intellect and the emotions, so that they seem like opposites to you.

[...] Because the intellect and the emotions were considered so separately, however, attempts to express intuitive abilities often resulted in, and often do result in, “unreasonable” behavior.

TES4 Session 195 October 4, 1965 Lorraine Asheville dreamer Marleno breakage

[...] Dreamer “A” need not necessarily have an emotional connection with dreamer “B”. However there will be at the very least an emotional connection between the event within dreamer “B’s” dream, that has strong meaning for dreamer “A”. [...] Not because he is necessarily connected with the dreamer, but because the experience will strike at him emotionally, and he will then attract the dream.

Now generally speaking, such emotional responses set up electromagnetic forces. [...] The emotional blockage sets up barriers however whose main purpose is to protect the individual from anything that he considers at all unsafe or threatening, or simply unpleasant.

Now these same sort of emotional systems operate under all conditions, and they regulate the kinds of experience to which an individual is susceptible or open, and they close out from his awareness those experiences which he has already decided he will not accept. Again, the emotional attitudes have their own electromagnetic reality. [...]

NotP Chapter 3: Session 764, January 26, 1976 modes exercises scenes associations daydream

[...] Your emotions trigger your memories, and they organize your associations. Your emotions are generated through your beliefs. They attach themselves so that certain beliefs and emotions seem almost synonymous.

(9:40.) The next time an opportunity arises, and you recognize the presence of a fairly strong emotion in yourself, then let your associations flow. [...] You will clearly see the connection between the emotion and event, but others will not be so obvious. [...]

(9:20.) First of all, these other organizations do not deal primarily with time at all, but with the emotions and associative processes. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 665, May 23, 1973 flood riots catastrophes region local

The overall emotional tone or feeling-level of masses of people, through their body connections with the environment, brings about the exterior physical conditions that initiate such an onslaught of natural energy. (Seth describes feeling-tones in the 613th session in Chapter One.) According to the mass emotional conditions, various excesses are built up physically; these are then thrown off into the atmosphere in different form. The ghost chemicals mentioned earlier (in the last session) play a part here, and the electromagnetic properties of emotions. [...] Your emotions are quite as real as rocks. Your collective feelings affect the flow of energy and their force — in terms of natural phenomena — can be seen quite clearly in a thunderstorm, which is the exteriorized local materialization of the inner emotional state of the people experiencing the storm.

[...] Your own unique and highly private beliefs help bring about the overall emotional condition. The pool of emotional energy into which your emotions flow is still composed of unalike charges, but generally speaking, the individual contribution of all those participating will fall into a coherent pattern that gives impetus and direction to the storm, providing the charge and the power behind it.

Now: Natural disasters are brought about more at an emotional level than at a belief level, though beliefs have an important part to play, for they generate the emotions to begin with.

TES2 Session 76 August 3, 1964 expectations constructions aggressive money g.i

[...] Since I have said that expectations are formed by the emotions, then it is obviously the basic emotions themselves that must be manipulated, since the expectations are the frameworks formed by the emotions. [...]

As physical objects can be manipulated, so can the emotions be manipulated, so can they be combined into various shapes and psychic constructions. A man’s expectations are the result of his emotional heritage, and his own ability to understand and manipulate that heritage.

Emotions, or emotional energy, can be transformed rather easily from one to the other. [...]

NotP Chapter 6: Session 776, May 17, 1976 language molecular sounds amplification identification

(Long pause at 10:20.) In a kind of emotional magnification unknown to you, each person’s private emotions were given an expression and release through nature’s changes — a release that was understood, and taken for granted. In the most profound of terms, weather conditions and the emotions are still highly related. [...]

[...] The emotional reaches of his subjective life, then, leapt far beyond what you think of as private experience. [...] Yet the grandeur of the emotions was allowed full sway, and the seasons of the earth and the world were jointly felt.

[...] In those early days man possessed a gargantuan arena for the expression of his emotions. [...]

TES8 Session 400 March 20, 1968 vision technical technique realism medium

The emotionalism within the household seemed to be threatening, and in a free form. [...] Basically you have felt this magical commitment to realistic work, for to leave it would be to break the lines of this imprisonment, letting loose the emotions that you feared.

[...] She said she felt she had achieved an emotional rapport or contact with the “person,” whom she had never met.)

(Long pause.) You deal with emotion and creativity, and have always done so. [...]

TES4 Session 152 May 5, 1965 subconscious resiliency pendulum layers ego

It is, as a rule, lack of knowledge on the part of the ego as to the nature of reality, and its part in it, and the resulting fear, that often prevents a personality from accepting spontaneous expression of emotions in general. [...] When one fears to experience seemingly unpleasant emotions, the personality also tends to set up an emotional pattern of rejection that seriously cuts down, also, not only on the expression but the very perception of joy.

This does not mean that the personality must be completely swept away by an emotion, though this is what such an ego fears. Emotion replenishes even the ego. Emotions demand resiliency, and resiliency is both the result of spontaneity, inner assurance, and discipline. [...]

[...] There is no need to fear identity’s complete immersion into emotional sensation. Such emotional experience actually strengthens not only the ego, but it opens communications between the ego and the subconscious, and allows for a much greater flow of energy from the primary source of action.

TPS2 Deleted Session June 14, 1972 church prophet intellectual Doran Christs

[...] The clash with the emotional aspects occurred only when a system of thought seemed formulated that would oppose the early emotional views.

[...] He was recognized as the too intent, emotional and mystical personality, and to some extent distrusted.

Ready arguments for the other side have been taken for granted by him emotionally. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 595, September 20, 1971 reincarnational Denmark details immediacy prosperous

[...] Persons and events of meaning, carrying strong emotional charges, will come through far clearer. Dates that are associated with emotional events will also be recalled. The past life is (smile) like a crossword puzzle that must be put together, but at its center is the emotional reality from which the puzzle springs.

(Long pause at 10:15.) The details that so concern you now are, of course, important, and yet in a larger way it is the deep emotional experience of your life that is “later” remembered. [...] Therefore in reincarnational data the emotional values will come through more vividly, and with much less distortion.

Many such reincarnational narratives are liberally sprinkled with names and dates simply to satisfy those who insist upon them, because the emotional and psychological validity may not be accepted otherwise. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 negative Brad vinegar cruddy thoughts

[...] Do not, therefore, be afraid of emotional feelings, accept them. [...] If so, in your first attempt to get along with the expression of emotion you may find some exaggeration. [...]

[...] Now, an overindulgence in negative emotions is worse than an overindulgence in negative thoughts. You have a love of nature and a love of existence that you can suffocate with an overindulgence upon negative emotions. [...]

As you all know, and this is not new, your pitiful body changes with each thought that you have and with each emotion. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 817, January 30, 1978 myths mythical disaster factual manifestations

All being is manifestation of energy — an emotional manifestation of energy. [...] Man’s psyche, however, is emotionally not only a part of his physical environment, but intimately connected with all of nature’s manifestations. Using the terms begun in the last chapter, I will say then that man’s emotional identification with nature is a strongly-felt reality in Framework 2. And there we must look for the answers regarding man’s relationship with nature. [...] The manifestations of physical energy follow emotional rhythms that cannot be ascertained with gadgets or instruments, however fine.

[...] Is the disaster the result of God’s vengeance?” A scientist might ask instead: “With better technology and information, could we somehow have predicted the disaster, and saved many lives?” He might try to dissociate himself from emotion, and to see the disaster simply as the result of a nonpersonal nature that did not know or care what lay in its path.

[...] It will seem obvious to some, again, that a natural disaster is caused by God’s vengeance, or is at least a divine reminder to repent, while others will take it for granted that such a catastrophe is completely neutral in character, impersonal and [quite] divorced from man’s own emotional reality. [...]

TES9 Session 422 July 10, 1968 protein poem spontaneous overtime reserves

Such images are constructed of emotional energy, but they also are partially formed from the chemical structure of the individual or individuals behind such productions. [...] The impetus is emotional, and the pseudoframework is formed of emotional energy, but the image itself must be built up in part of physical components, and these must come from somewhere.

[...] Even the emotion in the first portion, spontaneously expressed and creatively formed into art, is a good indication.

The emotional charge provides the pattern, and the impetus for creation, and in the York Beach affair and like situations, it provides for the actual projection or externalization itself. [...]

TES7 Peggy Gallagher’s Notes Regarding Friday, September 23, 1966 Barb Greenwich Connecticut pine grip

[...] I think she did & that I blocked, saying it was another woman—would also explain later emotional bit.] Greenwich, Connecticut, connection very strong within three years. [...]

(?”6th grade important year”—moved from New York to Pleasantville—[no emotional reaction though.]

[...] Strong emotional resentment. [...]

TES8 Session 390 January 8, 1968 Blanche contact Anne unpleasant Baltimore

[...] As I continued speaking, trying to help Jane get an emotional feeling of making contact without being engulfed by any strong or unpleasant emotion that Blanche might be reexperiencing, Jane began to whimper in a subdued way. [...]

[...] My own idea was for Jane to make emotional or feeling contact with Blanche, without whatever emotions she encountered becoming too intrusive and so interfering with any data we might get.

(Blanche died last February, and Jane had many emotional connections with her from years past; in addition Jane had recently received correspondence from Blanche’s closest friend, Anne Healy, in Baltimore. [...]

TPS1 Session 477 (Deleted) April 21, 1969 annoyance abundance reacting postponed adequately

[...] It is the spontaneous nature of emotional creatures, and it frees the self and opens the channels of creativity. When you are pleased or joyful or have a pleasant comment, then these should also be expressed at the time, and in the fullness of those emotions, for such expression satisfies and pleases your own system, and also pleases others.

When reactions seem emotionally out of proportion to one event then it is usually because of inadequate reactions to the same kind of event in the past. [...]

[...] In terms of air, water, how freely these are available to you, sunlight, even the abundance for example of emotional energy present in your friend who just left here, for he makes it available to you also, and gives of it freely. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, October 5, 1971 Phil Janice baby goddess Persia

[...] You had other wives afterwards ...I’m trying to get something you can check, but it’s so long ago you can’t ...but the emotion is fantastic. [...] and you [Phil] never knew, never went back, and you’re meeting Pete K. now ...and I’m trying like hell to cut the emotion part out ‘cause I don’t want to get into...” [...]

Now I want you to open your eyes and look about, to say those words that are on your lips, to unite with strong emotion and in most real and valid terms, in tears or in laughter, even in anger, in all those fresh, lively emotions that have their counterparts in many worlds. [...]

[...] Sethpherverando was the name for the baby ...I’m getting the scene and I don’t want to get into the emotional end, so I keep cutting that off to just give you the information. [...]

NotP Chapter 11: Session 796, March 7, 1977 nonliving illumination life evolution spatial

So Ruburt’s dream made possible a conscious emotional realization of fear — but more, it provided for that fear’s release, or gave the solution to a deep emotional equation. In this case it was the realization emotionally that life is not given by the parent, but through the parent — by LIFE (in capitals) itself, or All That Is, and “with no strings attached.”

The second part of the dream, the solution, had not come consciously and emotionally to Ruburt before. Intellectually he had that solution, but it did not become part of the emotional equation until the dream put the two together. You cannot logically, mathematically explain such emotional reality.

It is often not enough — in fact, seldom enough — that deep emotional fears simply be realized once or twice. [...]

TES9 Session 463 February 5, 1969 atoms perception molecules electromagnetic paranormal

His idea of intellectual merit sometimes presupposes a lack of emotionalism. Speaking to the reader releases his intuitive and emotional and creative abilities.

Any physical perception is actually an action response at a psychic level to thoughts and emotions, and these exist independently of their physical counterparts. The thoughts and emotions however also have their own electromagnetic reality. [...]

[...] (Pause.) Now, as simply as I can put this, thoughts and emotions form, of their own electromagnetic reality, vitalized physical products called atoms and molecules. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 4, 1972 Josef paintings fake channel underlined

[...] You dealt with emotion unrestrained by discipline, and with the feelings of a young man. [...]

You knew when you would be ready and your emotions, repressed until then, would then emerge as new to illuminate the forms and to fill them out.

Your own great problem, the inhibition of emotion, fits in with your own designs as well as his did. [...]

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