7 results for stemmed:edific

TPS4 Deleted Session May 31, 1978 edifice steal security walking protect

Now, to some extent, you and Ruburt felt enough the same way to make the analogy feasible, only Ruburt was the one who constructed the edifice that would protect his own abilities, first of all, and yours as well. Beliefs are the attendants—not strangers at all. With such an edifice, Ruburt can only use his abilities under certain conditions, and he imagines all kinds of impulses, situations, or whatever, that might steal them away, or steal away the time necessary to express them. Just like our millionaire, who everywhere imagines in the most innocent face the gluttonous look of the thief-to-be.

You have both built an excellent edifice of a different kind, in Ruburt’s books and mine, and in the sessions themselves, an edifice most admirable, and one that is composed of a kind of material that on its own possesses, among other characteristics, automatic self-protective ones. Not trusting that, however, or understanding this, Ruburt constructed a security system of his own, and with the best of misguided intentions.

The millionaire checks all of the locks, perhaps, or has the bank president show him the latest security measures that are being taken—and to some degree, now, Ruburt, and you to a lesser degree, have checked Ruburt’s security system. Was it secure enough to keep you from accepting invitations, to allow you to avoid distractions, or emotional complications that might arise from any considerable contact with others in, say, “professional terms?” Ruburt built the edifice, but you looked on, for though you disliked the building blocks, say, the symptoms—you thought until very lately that it did serve its purpose very well.

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 893, January 7, 1980 dreamers language ancient cooperation ancestors

[...] It was indeed a dreamlike world, but a highly charming and vital one, in which dreaming imaginations played rambunctiously with all the probabilities entailed in this new venture: imagining the various forms of language and communication possible, spinning great dream tales of future civilizations replete with their own built-in histories—building, because they were now allied with time, mental edifices that automatically created pasts as well as futures.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 29, 1981 Sinful dmso document entire Self

[...] The entire edifice appears. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Sessions May 3, 1978 Wayne flamboyant discipline housewife shine

The vast majority of intellectual deductions are based upon unconscious, intuitive realizations, and the edifices built by the intuitions have a dazzling framework of high intellectual content and reason, so brilliant that the mind itself often cannot follow.

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 907, April 14, 1980 genetic determinism artist volition actor

[...] Thoughts are mental activity, scaled to time and space terms so that they are like mental edifices built to certain dimensions only. [...]

TES7 Session 310 January 9, 1967 Keck Caroline Pomerantz Louis Brooklyn

[...] Both edifices being made of stone, as well as with additions of brick, etc.

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 885, October 24, 1979 Ankh Hermes materialists Spreekt Mitzi

[...] Moreover, science’s thesis meets with no answering affirmation in the human heart—and in fact arouses the deepest antipathy, for in his heart man well knows his own worth, and realizes that his own consciousness is no accident.5 The psyche, then, possesses within itself an inner affirmation, an affirmation that provides the impetus for physical emergence, an affirmation that keeps man from being completely blinded by his own mental edifices (all with much emphasis and fast delivery.