Results 1 to 20 of 181 for stemmed:dwell

TPS1 Session 533 (Deleted Portion) June 1, 1970 land gardening dwelling ambiguous purchase

There is simply a deep difference. Ruburt for example will enjoy and make use of whatever land he has, be it only the dirt in a window-sill plot. He does not have ambiguous feelings to supercharge his reactions in this particular area. To you this apartment house and its grounds are considered in terms of land, and dwelling. You think of the land you do not have. You have not been able to take advantage of the yard or the ground available as positive things of joy and refreshment, and have therefore been denied an extra advantage from this place, and the conditions that Ruburt has enjoyed.

He thinks of this place in terms of a dwelling rather than as land, but because his attitude is not charged and because he does love land, he is able to enjoy what land there is. Now he compares this place for example to his childhood home, as subconsciously you compare it to yours, whether you know it or not. He comes out far above in comparison. You do not, and this angers you.

Give me a moment. A long moment. (To me:) You are largely the one to be satisfied, for Ruburt will find joy in almost any environment that he considers his own; you see he personifies in a way that you do not; any place he is in is his place, to his mind, as this is his yard. So any dwelling that you find he will personify and make his own, and therefore your own, if you follow me.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, November 23, 1971 Sumari guises lona dena Sheila

[...] And as I dwell in many realities, so dwell you in many realities. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 13, 1972 move resentment dwelling money tenants

In your present dwelling there are many obvious issues. [...] Ruburt simply carried it to the extreme, but the inclination is obvious in your dwelling.

[...] You have been also highly ambiguous in your own attitudes about your dwelling. [...]

[...] You have used your dwelling place as a symbol then, which is why it becomes important. [...]

TES9 ESP Class Notes May 20, 1969 Crosson Jim answers Venice Reverend

Now, dear friends, you all dwell in the same unlimited simply have not opened your eyes to see it. [...] The universe in which I dwell is the universe in which all of you dwell. [...]

[...] As Ruburt would say, they’re the space garments you don in order to dwell upon your earth. [...]

TPS3 Session 756 (Deleted Portion) September 22, 1975 appropriate bogeyman inappropriate unsafe agitated

[...] When you believe that you dwell in an unsafe world your reactions are far more agitated.

[...] When you realize you dwell in a safe universe, such defenses are unnecessary—and later perhaps you will see that they are as comical as a child is who screams in terror at a bogeyman. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 20, 1969 Jack Cross answers lighthearted journey

Now, dear friends, you all dwell in the same unlimited dimension—you simply have not opened your eyes to see it. [...] The universe in which I dwell is the universe in which all of you dwell.Some of you have better eyesight than others and the vision is not physical. [...]

[...] As Ruburt would say, they’re the space garments you don in order to dwell upon your earth. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 637, January 31, 1973 cells soul entity greater structure

[...] You dwell within its reality as a cell dwells within the reality of an organ. [...]

[...] The cells, however, while a part of this body, are not aware of the entire dimension in which your consciousness dwells. [...]

TPS2 Session 625 (Deleted Portion) November 1, 1972 list pitfalls cybernetics psycho unworthiness

Twice a day for 15 minutes at a time, to take the place of psycho-cybernetics, I want him to dwell upon these positive activities and characteristics. [...]

TES9 Session 433 September 2, 1968 nontime road game systems aid

[...] This does not mean that each individual at such a stage is isolated, nor that he dwells in some universe of his own, for interactions always exist. [...]

[...] In nontime there is full recognition and sometimes use of time systems, but the personality realizes that it dwells in nontime, and it forms a time schedule or system to get where it wants to go in the same way that you would make a road or path. [...]

[...] (Long pause.) Entities then form the time in which they seem to dwell. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 8, 1968 bell task Lafinda ring brandy

[...] Now you should realize that this endeavor is indeed a highly creative one, for you have here at the least, at the very least, two personalities, my own and Ruburt’s, and we dwell entirely (in) different dimensions. [...]

[...] Now, there is something here upon which I shall not dwell in class. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 1, 1984 parenthood simplicity unfavorable promise future

[...] Worrying about future events, or dwelling upon past unfavorable situations, only confuses the body’s mechanisms, and undermines their precise activity in the present moment.

[...] She said she’s going to start with Day One tomorrow, and take it from there, trusting the body, not dwelling upon the past, and leaving the future open. [...]

UR1 Preface by Seth preface Roberts unknown n.y metaphysics

[...] They give notice of psychic bridges connecting the known and “unknown” realities in which you dwell.

[...] Your religions do not explain your greater reality, and your sciences leave you [just] as ignorant about the nature of the universe in which you dwell.

TPS5 Session 850 (Deleted Portion) May 2, 1979 stress unpleasant reconcile affectionate potent

[...] If one unpleasant event today automatically causes you to think of 20 more that might happen in the future and you dwell upon those, then you hopelessly confuse your body. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session September 20, 1975 pendulum distress Leahys money equivocate

You stop, each of you, and think “Actually, how safe is this universe in which we dwell?” The money, or the need of it, in your particular situation, becomes merely a symbol for an inner sense that the universe is not safe, and so money becomes a needed security. [...]

[...] You must completely accept the fact that you do indeed dwell in a safe universe—one in which you are free to develop, say, your painting abilities to the fullest, without fearing that that development will dull the weapon that brings you money.

If you thoroughly understood that you dwelled in a safe universe, you would need no such concepts. [...]

TES9 Session 446 November 6, 1968 lessons system training polls ideals

[...] Only the conscious self dwells within it in any case, and it is other portions of your personality who simultaneously dwell within the other training systems. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 566, February 15, 1971 probable violin selves bleed event

[...] It is very poor policy to dwell negatively on unpleasant aspects of the past that you know, because some portions of the probable self may still be involved in that past. [...]

(10:12.) To dwell upon the possibility of illness or disaster is equally poor policy, for you set up negative webs of probabilities that need not occur. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 26, 1970 god joyful browbeat takers commandments

[...] As long as you dwell on your own imperfections you accept that god, and it has no meaning in reality. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 616, September 20, 1972 Willy examine psychoanalysis channel beliefs

We will later discuss the nature of mass reality, but for now we are dwelling upon the personal aspects. The main point I wanted to make in this chapter was that your conscious beliefs are extremely important, and that you are not at the mercy of events or causes that dwell far beneath your awareness.

TES4 Session 180 August 23, 1965 test border plateau confidence clairvoyant

It dwells in the physical universe, but it can indeed also perceive and appreciate other realities. [...] The personality can dwell, and does dwell, in many worlds at once.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, June 4, 1968 sic Theodore spare immortalized shortcuts

[...] We dwell in different dimensions but vitality and personality dwell in all dimensions. [...]

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