3 results for stemmed:downhil

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: March 5, 1984 Bathers dragonfly rolling downhill p.m

go rolling downhill

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 12, 1984 discomfort birthday hemorrhoids uncomfortable downhill

(At least when I’ve been there in 330, Jane’s appetite has gone downhill, and she’s slacked off on free-association material and the sessions. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 26, 1978 interview walking Poett inferiority spontaneiously

[...] As soon as Seth mentioned her feelings of inferiority at the beginning of the session, it was all downhill for me; I thought we’d done a reasonable job on encountering those with our pendulum work, but it seemed that they were still as present and active as ever. [...]