5 results for stemmed:dmso

TPS6 Deleted Session July 8, 1981 dmso innocence Sinful bonding Christianity

(Late yesterday afternoon we received our order of DMSO. We have hopes for good results, without hoping too much. I’ve started a detailed account of its use, including times of application, body parts treated, etc. Yesterday evening we checked to see if Jane would have any negative reactions. She evidently doesn’t. So far we’ve tried it tentatively on various portions of her body, with what appear to be some promising results. Anything will help, of course, so we’ll see. See my records for a complete account of our efforts with DMSO.

(We sat for the session at 8:10. We wanted Seth to comment on the DMSO, and on Jane’s very swollen right foot. [The left foot has lost some of its original swelling, and now appears much better by contrast.] I told Jane I thought Seth was correct in the deleted session for June 24, 1981, in which he said the swelling effect helps cushion the new motion of some joints, so there is no grating. I also told her I thought another reason applied, however, one that led to the swelling to begin with. She is waiting apprehensively to see what the public’s reaction to God of Jane is. Although a few hundred copies of this book may have been shipped, it hasn’t really come out yet. The idea had come to me some days ago that Jane’s foot troubles were directly related to her fears of being accepted in a controversial role. “I thought you knew something like that was going on.” I said. She shook her head: “I don’t know what I think. I’d like him to say something about the DMSO, and that material I got this afternoon, and maybe the foot....”)

(I was pleased by Seth’s comments on the DMSO. I’d been thinking that it could hardly be a coincidence that Jane has been getting the Sinful Self material, that Peggy G. wrote the article about the DMSO in the paper, that the paper carried the ad where we could order it, and that we’d decided to try it at this time....)

TPS6 Session 931 (Deleted Portion) July 15, 1981 dmso stomach anatomy reconciled sympathetically

(Today, for the first time since we received it on July 7, we didn’t apply DMSO to any portion of Jane’s anatomy. [...] Her stomach was okay except for a couple of brief episodes of that strange feeling mentioned in my own DMSO notes, so we don’t know really whether or not the drug has any connection with the stomach sensations after all. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 29, 1981 Sinful dmso document entire Self

[...] of DMSO gel, responding to an ad in the local paper Saturday. We’d expected to see a long article on DMSO in the paper, written by Peggy Gallagher, but it wasn’t printed: Over the phone today Peg told Jane the article was put off until next weekend because of space limitations. Peg has interviewed many local doctors—and others—about the analgesic properties of DMSO, and we want to read the article before trying the product ourselves. [...]

(Jane had no direct questions for Seth, as usual, she said, unless he wanted to comment upon the DMSO question. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 13, 1981 wholeheartedly restrictions motivation tube recognition

(Jane’s reported what seems to be a general improvement in relaxation since we began using the DMSO a couple of times a day. [...] Yet I added that we didn’t want her developing any internal reactions because of the DMSO, so we decided to keep watch very carefully. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 20, 1981 handicap Tom symptoms insight aggravated

[...] She said she’d have a session, after I explained that I was interested in Seth giving some information on her hearing, swollen feet, and what seemed to be some reactions she was having to our use of the DMSO. [...]

The substance you are using (DMSO) acts in its way, now, almost like a shock treatment, introducing certain parts of the body to a relaxation that feels unnatural because it is not gradual. [...]