Results 1 to 20 of 28 for stemmed:dissert

TPS5 Jane’s Dream Sunday, June 3, Nap. shadows Scene hide shackles storage

Scene 1—At an art gallery supposed to be the Arnot. A woman is in trouble from taking drugs. I talk to her sympathetically, give a terrific dissertation on art, its therapeutic qualities, and use as a natural high. Lots of people around.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 18, 1981 Sinful Prentice Hall document dissertation

[...] Today Jane had worked a little on page 6 of her “Manifesto from the Sinful Self”—a long dissertation from that entity that she’d started to get yesterday afternoon. [...]

(Nor was Jane finished with her dissertation. [...]

UR1 Appendix 11: (For Session 698) Wonderworks intersection chameleon objectification levels

(Jane wrote an intuitive dissertation on the wonderworks idea as soon as she received the title; this took up two single-spaced typewritten pages. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 888, December 10, 1979 Guy Camper pinpoint Dr electron

[...] Seth came through several times, delivering beautifully organized little dissertations to Dr. Guy on how he might relax enough to allow the psychic signs that he’s so interested in to come through. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 887, December 5, 1979 library Archives journals unpublished copies

[...] Now Seth came through with a rather long dissertation concerning the psychological manipulations Jane and I make between Frameworks 1 and 2, and how we can help each other during those transitions. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 8, 1968 bell task Lafinda ring brandy

[...] I will continue my dissertation, for I had one planned. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April [1?], 1969 Christ jolly murder tulips Easter

[...] First of all, I have been about to hear some of your excellent dissertations on my behalf. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

Dissertation: taxes, indulgence, age, and beliefs—that is the headline (with amusement). [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 28, 1981 custody hostages negotiations intellect Iranian

(At 8 PM tonight ABC TV News had begun a three-hour dissertation on the whole American-Iranian-hostage situation, narrated by Pierre Salinger. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 743 April 21, 1975 unknown ufo Atlantis Bermuda entices

(“That was an excellent dissertation,” I said.

TPS3 Deleted Session February 9, 1976 ideal taxes expression mutilate envision

(With some amusement, emphasis, gestures, loud passages, etc.:) We will begin with a dissertation on your attitudes toward taxes.

TES1 Session 14 January 8, 1964 solidified plane counteraction board cup

[...] Otherwise your dissertation was excellent. [...]

[...] Friends do not always talk of high and weighty matters, and at times when we have the energy left over from our philosophical dissertations, then let us now and then indulge in at least some pleasantries.

TES3 Session 116 December 21, 1964 censorship props procedure replenish proceed

A short dissertation. [...]

NotP Chapter 1: Session 755, September 8, 1975 psyche canvas brushstroke artist greater

(Then in the 754th session, on August 25, Seth gave an excellent dissertation on what he called “the stamp of identity” — explaining how the individual psychically marks certain exterior aspects of reality and “makes them his or her own,” in tune with personal inner symbols. [...]

TES3 Session 101 October 28, 1964 fifth dimensional dimensions midplane resistances

(See the 41st session for Seth’s first long dissertation on the spacious present. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 642, February 21, 1973 aggression violence passive beliefs animals

(Lately I’ve been asking Jane if she thought Seth would give at least a short dissertation on probabilities for this book. [...]

TES2 Session 75 July 29, 1964 structures psychological perspective construction hatred

Now imagine the idea, not of triangle, but the idea which has the shape of a triangle, being then expressed in architecture, in a philosophical dissertation, in color, in a sculpture, in a poem, in a painting, in music, and also in so-called natural phenomena such as the shape of a rock, the angle of a shadow, a portion of a crystal, a tree branch.

TES3 Session 88 September 16, 1964 layers secondary subconscious undifferentiated dominant

[...] Before I continue into a discussion of other layers, and hence into a following dissertation connecting various types of dreams according to their origin in these layers, I will make a present, pertinent statement.

NotP Chapter 11: Session 799, March 28, 1977 condemn secondary man primary destructive

(With elaborate humor:) A dissertation on the nature of man, for your edification.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 9 clock sensation Miss Rob twenty

[...] Often, just beforehand Ruburt does not have a thought in his headand then my ‘excellent’ dissertations begin, if you will forgive a touch of egoism on my part. [...]

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