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WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 16, 1984 genetic deficient divergent qualifications elasticity

(Long pause at 3:35.) It is not too frequently noticed, but many so-called mentally deficient people possess their own unique learning abilities — that is, often they learn what they do learn in a different manner than most other people. Many possess abilities that are not discovered by others, that are most difficult to explain. They may utilize chemicals in a different way than other people do in the learning process itself. Some may even have superior understanding of physical and psychological space. Their qualifications emotionally are also quite advanced, and it is quite possible that they are gifted in terms of mathematics and music, though these gifts may never come to fruition, since they are unsuspected.

Many deficient individuals in their way are as vital to the development of humanity as geniuses are, for both preserve the elastic nature of human consciousness, and promote its coping qualifications.

Children who are labeled mentally deficient or even called idiots, can often grow and develop far beyond medical science’s suppositions — particularly if they are aided by loving parents who constantly provide stimulation and interest.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 15, 1984 fetuses offspring cart born deficient

[...] You may be born in excellent health in one life, with a high intelligence and great wit, while in still another existence you may be born ill or crippled or mentally deficient.

(4:12.) Perhaps the greatest variances in human behavior show in mental states, and so parents are apt to feel most crushed and despondent if any of their children prove to be what is generally regarded as mentally deficient. [...]

TES8 Session 359 August 7, 1967 Stephen Pete Ferd goals Denver

[...] It is not good for you to lose so much weight, and many of your symptoms are directly connected with various deficiencies brought about through your diet. [...]

[...] You are overly nervous, partially as a result of your dietary deficiencies, and also by certain temperamental tendencies. [...]

The eye symptoms are connected with the weight deficiencies. [...]

TES9 ESP Class June 3, 1969 Tom health wl secure VMcC

[...] in mental deficiencies... A man or a woman who has strong and definite mental deficiencies... [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, June 3, 1969 Theodore health Brad secure vocational

[...] Now various kinds of lacks can show up in many ways—in mental deficiencies—a man or a woman who has strong and definite mental deficiencies—who has strong negative habits—such a person has blocks in those areas. [...]

TES7 Session 313 January 18, 1967 John company caucus m.j Chicago

[...] To do with red and white blood corpuscles, a deficiency, a check upon the deficiency, and an alteration of nervous reaction patterns. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 908, April 16, 1980 cognition classified mathematical savants musician

[...] Others, children [or adults] who would be classified as mentally deficient, can tell, or have been able to tell, the day of the week that any given date, past or present, would fall upon. [...]

Some of those abilities show themselves in those classified as mentally deficient simply because all of the powers of the reasoning mind are not activated. [...]

TES8 Session 362 September 11, 1967 Bernard mirage stocky Sarah John

Thank you… There is a vitamin D deficiency here with our Bernard. [...]

[...] The diet is very deficient (pause) generally speaking, and is robbing the tissues.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 11, 1981 Tam Prentice editors competent taxes

Ruburt himself recognized the book’s deficiencies, and he and Tam together hit upon the idea of switching my book, Seth Speaks, which was not yet contracted for, instead of Dreams. [...]

He trusted you in the manuscript itself of a Seth book to provide the accuracy of record, in which he felt he was himself relatively deficient, and also to contribute the background material he felt so necessary, yet which he found difficult himself, and he valued of course your loyalty, support, and inspiration. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 649, March 19, 1973 race moral judgments wealth illness

[...] If you are bound and determined that “GOD” (in capitals and quotes) creates only “good,” then any physical deficiency, illness or deformity becomes an affront to your belief, threatens it, and makes you angry and resentful. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 24, 1972 thrashing felt uncherished deprived he

In the face of this he threw even greater determination into his work and his “success” (in quotes), to make up for what he felt as other deficiencies. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 22, 1984 protected association tears pregnant wouldn

(Long pause.) Ruburt felt that his writing, and writing abilities, justified his existence — that it, the ability to write should make up for all other deficiencies. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 16, 1982 superhuman thyroid crumbled helpless Synthroid

[...] If our words could not convince him, or his own understanding grasp the truth, then you had the “truth” uttered with all the medical profession’s authority—and if once a doctor had told him years ago how excellent was his hearing, the medical profession now told him that his slowness [his thyroid deficiency], helped impair his hearing to an alarming degree. [...]

TES3 Session 94 October 5, 1964 vessel leaking lad Loren pajamas

[...] I realize that it is frowned upon to speak in terms of a limited intellect, which cannot understand a whole reality because of a built-in deficiency; nevertheless while it is true that the intellect by itself cannot grasp or comprehend inner reality, this should not be thought of as a deficiency inherent in intellect.

NotP Chapter 11: Session 800, April 4, 1977 downtrodden nourishment psyche stance chords

[...] Yet it is far better, and more practical ultimately, to concentrate upon the beneficial elements of civilization — far better to organize your thoughts in areas of accomplishment than to make mental lists of man’s deficiencies and lacks.

TPS5 Deleted Session January 28, 1980 Leonard slap truck react age

[...] Certainly my learning was deficient, I thought. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 637, January 31, 1973 cells soul entity greater structure

In your terms, if you believe that you chose illness to compensate for a past-life deficiency, then it will help you to realize that you form your reality now in your present, and can therefore change it.

TES9 Session 422 July 10, 1968 protein poem spontaneous overtime reserves

[...] It also necessitates additional work of this same sort, hence often the physical vitamin deficiencies that occur. [...]

TES3 Session 98 October 19, 1964 nodule arthritic wrist irritation injury

[...] The deficiency is not in the matter itself, but is projected upon it.

TPS3 Deleted Session December 18, 1974 authority economy anonymous secrecy buy

[...] Many such ideas have been held by those relatively innocent of any great creative ideas themselves, in order to rationalize their own deficiencies.

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