Results 141 to 160 of 206 for stemmed:couch

TPS6 Deleted Session April 15, 1981 Sinful superself dilemma breakthrough fulfillment

[...] Once again we sat waiting, she on the couch as before. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session September 20, 1975 pendulum distress Leahys money equivocate

[...] During the first couple of pages of material I was rather close to being physically ill there on the couch. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 12, 1977 inoculations speakers disease medicine bacteria

[...] After supper, sitting on the couch, she experienced what she called a “profound” relaxation—a term, she said, that she seldom used in relation to her condition. [...]

NotP Chapter 10: Session 794, February 21, 1977 brain orange neural double sequences

(11:49 P.M. By now it should be obvious that this session is an excellent example of the way Seth often winds our questions and concerns into book dictation, couching his answers so that they also fit the larger framework he has in mind. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 2, 1981 crisis situation bathroom therapeutic toilet

[...] Jane leaned back on the couch.)

TMA Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 mixups triplets novel box mall

[...] Then as we sat on the couch, I remembered that for the first time in literally months I’d forgotten to bring in the evening paper, so we could look at it while we ate and watched TV. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 22, 1977 solitude rejection hurt deposits squandering

(Seth made his humorous remark because Willy Two, waking from his nap beside me on the couch, had climbed up in Jane’s lap while she was speaking in trance. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session September 17, 1977 Framework paperback detailed operate suggestions

[...] I must always couch my material for you personally—the two of you, that is—according to your situation and understanding. [...]

TES9 ESP Class July 15, 1969 tm Bega cw sw wl

[...] couched in one of the historical societies... [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 4, 1981 public exposure latest disclaimer books

[...] Once again, she’d been “so far out of it,” sitting on the couch and watching TV, that I’d given up on hearing Seth comment upon our latest ideas. [...]

[...] I urged her now to get back on the couch. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 912, April 30, 1980 genetic triggering Rembrandt conceptualize fetus

(With emphasis, while Billy slept curled up against my left elbow as I sat on the couch writing down Seth’s material:) Animals know that their own lives spell out life’s meaning. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 29, 1977 ligaments faith knees Rubin lubrication

[...] I was very comfortably ensconced on our couch. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1977 waking sleeping rational prime Dialogues

[...] The dreamer is still very much couched in the physical world, however. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 23, 1971 hooded Wally Arnold tribute hungry

[...] In your case you used religious terms in which to couch it and ease the inner self. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 6, 1971 Joel Bette divinity listen Astor

“I saw last week as Bill started to speak, the class swerved, and everybody looked and listened to the new teacher, hoping that he would have the new answers; that if you couched your questions differently he would give you the answers. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 negative Brad vinegar cruddy thoughts

(To Sue:) Do you have a question, our lady on the blue couch with the brown pigtails? [...]

NoME Introduction by Jane Roberts impulses ourselves disclosures Introduction our

Robert F. Butts, my husband, sits on the couch across from me, taking verbatim notes of what I say as Seth, transcribing these “other-worldly” communications with a modern pen on good white bond paper. [...]

TES5 Session 216 December 9, 1965 roof painless brother debt needle

[...] I sat beside her on our living room couch, notebook in my lap. [...]

TES2 Session 73 July 22, 1964 Pipers constructions chair seed depth

(See the 43rd session, page 4. Jane now pointed to a painting I had finished a couple of years ago; it hung over our divan, above the couch. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 2. 1981 fiction writer novels public recognition

[...] As a child, couched in the Catholic Church, his poetry was a method of natural expression, a creative art, and also the vehicle through which he examined himself, the world as he knew it, and the beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church.

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