Results 21 to 40 of 74 for stemmed:cosmic

UR2 Appendix 20: (For Session 713) plane saucer science craft flying

[...] A plane is not a cosmic location. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 8, 1984 proclamations leg glittering tendons hurt

cosmic laundry.

TES7 Session 309 December 14, 1966 structure yous psychological selves step

[...] This state has been called cosmic consciousness, but it is hardly that.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 11, 1970 dazzle roses Kyle crushing turmoil

[...] The great trip, the great fascination, the cosmic energy and power and strength resides within the eyes of a frog, within the body of a suburbanite who mows his lawn. [...]

TES8 Session 383 November 29, 1967 Liveright vision painting Pell Psycho

[...] It is not true however that anyone else could pick them up, so to speak, from cosmic energy. [...]

TES2 Session 61 June 10, 1964 intervals antimatter pulsations negative instantaneous

[...] If it will help you, think of the energy as a wind, a cosmic wind that fills up from the inside, certain patterns. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 22, 1968 withdrew cough transgression control truth

[...] You have only to close your eyes and see—as now, if all of you are quiet you can feel the cosmic breezes blow through your cheeks, and yesterday flies through your skull like clouds disappearing. [...]

TES3 Session 136 March 1, 1965 duplicate identical electrical sender transmitted

The components of the electrical universe are drawn from all energy, in a manner that could be described as a cosmic juggling act. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 566, February 15, 1971 probable violin selves bleed event

As you sit reading this book in your present moment of time, you are positioned in the center of a cosmic web of probabilities that is affected by your slightest mental or emotional act.

NotP Chapter 9: Session 790, January 3, 1977 kitten Willy psychological awe dream

In the most cosmic and most minute ways, physical experience springs from inner reality. [...]

UR1 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts volumes Unknown sections footnotes letter

[...] And whenever I read about conventional Eastern conceptions of a supreme spirit, I remember what Seth had to say in the 596th session in the Appendix of Seth Speaks: “I have used the term ‘expansion of consciousness’ here rather than the more frequently used ‘cosmic consciousness’ because the latter implies an experience of proportions not available to mankind at this time. Intense expansions of consciousness by contrast to your normal state may appear to be cosmic in nature, but they barely hint at those possibilities of consciousness that are available to you now, much less begin to approach a true cosmic awareness.”

SS Part One: Chapter 1: Session 512, January 27, 1970 nail identify outer onion dimensions

I am telling you that you are not a cosmic bag of bones and flesh, thrown together through some mixture of chemicals and elements. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 899, February 6, 1980 isotope creatures Eden meltdown plutonium

In a fashion (underlined), it was a great creative and yet cosmic game that consciousness played with itself, and it did represent a new kind of awareness, but I want to emphasize that each version of All That Is is unique. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 19, 1977 hired coincidences clues Beloff detectives

[...] It is not just that the universe knows you as you, but that you carry within yourself a knowledge of the universe also, and an innate, intimate, though unconscious, feeling of relationship, and a certain sense of identity with that cosmic heritage. [...]

TES2 Session 78 August 10, 1964 immersion system props outer closed

I repeat that no system, either microscopic or cosmic in size, is ever a closed system. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 4, 1981 bondings matrix safety bindings abandonment

[...] Jane has scanned portions of it and found it excellent; we’re surprised that we haven’t heard of it before, especially in light of Pierce’s two bestsellers on The Crack in the Cosmic Egg. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 560, November 23, 1970 drama Christ twelve disciples God

[...] This was a living parable, made flesh among you — a cosmic play worked out for your behalf, couched in terms that you could understand.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 835, February 7, 1979 whooosh victims Americans leader Jonestown

[...] No person dies without a reason.2 You are not taught that, however, so people do not recognize their own reasons for dying, and they are not taught to recognize their own reasons for living — because you are told that life itself is an accident in a cosmic game of chance.

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 870, August 1, 1979 impulses ideal urge civilizations headache

[...] There was no exterior cosmic Pied Piper, singing magical notes or playing a magical tune, urging the universe into being. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 886, December 3, 1979 divine Zeus flat Zoroaster homogeneity

[...] [Your] world did not just come together, mindless atoms forming here and there, elements coalescing from brainless gases—nor was the world, again, created by some distant objectified God who created it part by part as in some cosmic assembly line. [...]

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