Results 61 to 80 of 139 for stemmed:coordin

TPS3 Session 784 (Deleted Portion) July 19, 1976 quicker protest discomfort trigger crying

[...] The shoulder-arm area is important, and connected to the walking—not only as far as overall coordination but in terms of clear passageways of energy.

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 10, 1984 dejected trinkets play zest queries

[...] Again, I quicken those coordinates that promote health and well-being.

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 12, 1984 discomfort birthday hemorrhoids uncomfortable downhill

I may return briefly, but in any case I do now activate those coordinates that do increase feelings of self-love, exuberance, and well-being.

WTH Part One: Chapter 8: May 26, 1984 Menahem dilemma vantage choices punishment

[...] For you both again, I activate those coordinates that quicken your own inspirations, revelations, and self-healing.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 15, 1984 Rita mopped heparin styles freer

Now I may or may not return, et cetera — and once again I do indeed adjust those coordinates that quicken the healing processes.

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 12, 1984 esthetic profusion decent symphonic intrinsically

(4:30.) Once again, I activate those coordinates that quicken healing and well-being.

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 2, 1984 sonnet privacy priest hypnosis ager

I do activate those coordinates that quicken your individual and joint understanding, and the natural healing processes that do indeed promote a resurgence of natural exuberance and pleasure.

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 6, 1984 segment gallantry diseases Wilson fulfillment

End of dictation — and once again, I activate those coordinates that so quicken your vast energies, powers, and abilities.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 29, 1984 optimistic impatience favorable catheter Carla

[...] Once more, I activate those coordinates that so promote the healing processes. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 13, 1984 Joe Margaret daredevils defiers health

Now I bid you a most fond good afternoon — and once again, the sessions themselves do indeed set up excellent coordinates for the improvement of health and healing.

ECS4 Jane’s Exercise in Class August 31, 1971 pyramid flash gladly Return freedom

Seth has gone into these coordination points, and told... [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: April 2, 1984 donations options quackery insurance driveway

I do activate those coordinates that quicken the healing processes, and foster feelings of well-being and exuberance.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 22, 1984 Georgia Maude herniated myelogram balmy

I am again announcing myself to quicken those coordinates that so favor the healing processes.

SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 523, April 13, 1970 speech convey unselfconsciously transmitted words


WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 5, 1984 sex eruptions degrading bestial police

(4:33.) Once again I quicken those coordinates that energize your own peace of body and mind, and facilitate the use of your own intuitive abilities.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 657, April 18, 1973 reinforce past beliefs current mercy

(A note: My own hunch is that there’s a good connection between Seth’s reincarnational points of power, cellular memory, and the coordinate points he discusses in Chapter Five of Seth Speaks: “These coordinate points act as channels through which energy flows, and as warps or invisible paths from one reality to another. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 9, 1984 suicide depression irreversible damnation choices

Once again, I activate those coordinates that promote your own peace of body and mind, and quicken the healing processes — and I bid you a fond good early evening.

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: March 27, 1984 insurance circulate enemies health exuberance

I bid you now a fond good afternoon, and I do indeed activate those coordinates that quicken healing and exuberance.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 4, 1984 spontaneous compulsive impulses maple processes

Again I activate those coordinates that quicken your own peace of mind and self-healing processes — which are, remember, spontaneous.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 3, 1984 adult pursuit rearousing tomorrow worsen

Again, I accelerate those coordinates that lead to peace of mind and body, and promote the healing processes. [...]

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