Results 261 to 274 of 274 for stemmed:convers

TES7 Session 300 November 7, 1966 page article sheet Seminary torn

[...] From a conversation I overheard, so to speak, neither of you properly understand the importance of that material. [...]

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

[...] The ideas within it deserve a hearing, despite their source, and conversely, because of it.

SDPC Part One: Chapter 3 cobbler Sarah village wires bullets

This was enough to send me to Miss Cunningham’s apartment, hoping to bring up the name in conversation. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 21 astral snoring projection bed park

[...] We talked for some time, but now I can’t remember the conversation. [...]

TES1 Session 23 February 5, 1964 breathes admit camouflage plane Throckmorton

[...] I had the odd feeling that the sensation was related both to the subject of conversation, and to some kind of message or communication I sensed or felt within; I believe that each time I experienced it, I was involved in talk about other people; relatives, children or perhaps parents.

TES5 Session 236 February 28, 1966 drawing smudges tracing horizontal stickers

(The evening’s conversation had largely concerned matters other than Seth, but his name had been mentioned. [...]

TSM Chapter Eight test Rob portrait Instream impressions

One of our favorite topics of conversation that year was when will we hear from Dr. Instream? [...]

TSM Chapter Twelve Doris Matt reincarnation Rev Jon

[...] So for a while our conversation was rather bright and frantic.

TES8 Session 403 March 16, 1968 Pat Reed Dick male godlike

[...] When certain points are being discussed, ask questions as in a regular conversation. [...]

UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism

[...] The appendix, however kept growing as I worked on it; I found myself adding quotations from other sessions, along with comments derived from my own reading and from conversations Jane and I had on the subject.

[...] I have yet to see in those accounts anything about the role consciousness will play in this truly miraculous conversion of dead matter into that of the living. [...]

SDPC Introduction Valerie metaphor grief hospital death

[...] Sue published her two-volume work, Conversations With Seth, in 1980-81; her father died two years later. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 7 Friday, May 7, 1982 reincarnational redemption essay serf magical

[...] Also, she’s indulged in long conversations with me—and on occasion with certain friends—when we apparently were present in out-of-body states. [...]

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

[...] And I have always enjoyed conversation, which is the liveliest of all arts….

TPS1 Introduction By Rob Butts Laurel Ed hawk Walt wife

[...] Amid the other conversations going on I didn’t really appreciate what the two women had experienced until Laurel went into detail about it the next day. [...]

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