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TMA Appendix B magical e.s.p pesty grinned conversation

There were several other themes floating about our lives … Sue Watkins’ new book Conversations with Seth about my E.S.P. classes was to appear in the fall. A vague uneasiness was growing in my mind: It seemed that Prentice-Hall was taking unusually long to officially clear The God of Jane and Seth’s The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. I expected to hear from my editor any day. In the meantime the pesty fleas continued their household tyranny and all of this was somehow wrapped around a ribbon of excitement as we watched the Democrats and Republicans battle on the news just before we left for our respective work rooms.

As with so many instances, these weren’t esoteric startling visions, but a kind of in-between event, difficult to identify, or one like the following, that was second-handed. On August 7th at supper time a young fan appeared unexpectedly at the door. I’ll call him John. Rob grinned when he saw him; John had been here twice before (once a year), he was good-humored, good-looking, eager, healthy and strong. He was engaging, and knew it. We talked to him for an hour (while, alas, dinner got cold), but he was one of those people pleasantly gifted in a variety of fields who hadn’t yet settled down to concentrate on the development of any one or two abilities in particular. He was like some kid admiring a box of chocolates; each piece representing one of his own talents, wondering which piece to nibble on first. Somewhere in the conversation, with a smiling sense of wonder, he told us what had happened as he drove through Elmira on the way to our house.

The same night I had an experience with a mental conversation [that turned out to be precognitive].1 I think both instances represent activity and communication … at the magical level. They represent a kind of mobility … a psychological motion, at another level than the usually conscious one.


TES9 Postscript to Session 454 December 7, 1968 Eve plant Tam clarifying bonsai

[...] Seth’s voice was precise, but quick and conversational; also, we had the opportunity to exclaim in a brief conversation, which I of course found most gratifying.

(As I have said before, Seth has a way of answering questions that come up in conversation or even confirming or clarifying thoughts I have worked out for myself, without mention to anyone. [...]

TPS5 Notes on Session 844 Continued message item questionnaire magnitude devised

(1. Sue has to do a considerable amount of research for Conversations with Seth, incidentally, especially locating, then interviewing—in person, by telephone or by mail, as the case may be—numerous class members. [...]

[...] Part of it will appear in your daily experience in one way or another—in your conversation or daily events.”

TPS1 Session 239 (Deleted Portion) March 7, 1966 dominate treat Philip woman primarily

She feels threatened by serious conversations, Philip, for she fears the unknown. [...]

The trivial conversations which you were all discussing would be helpful here, as reassurance. [...]

[...] The big conversation, in which you attempt to communicate your ideas, only frightens her. [...]

TES4 Session 169 July 12, 1965 Instream Dr Rhine crack gullible

(Instead I took down the gist of their conversation, key words and phrases, and thus captured most of what they said. No major topics of conversation, for instance, were lost. [...]

[...] Our conversation then turned to the matter of scientific proofs and related subjects. [...]

[...] Unless otherwise noted what follows is the exchange between Dr. Instream and Seth only, and reports the gist of their conversation as taken from the notes and quotes I made on the spot. [...]

Irregardless of our particular interests, I look forward to long conversations with you on less formal topics... [...]

SDPC Epilogue — A Personal Evaluation interior apport flavor provided alertness

[...] Seth also relates beautifully to other individuals in sessions and in give-and-take conversations, as I’ve tried to show several instances. [...]

[...] Seth’s monologues are broken up by humorous references or snatches of conversation with Rob. [...]

ECS1 January 14, 1969, Tuesday Conversation Between Rachel and Ruburt Rachel wheat unfriendly group leave

(Conversation back and forth between Rachel, Ruburt and others about leaving and not leaving past group and present group. [...]


TES5 Session 204 November 1, 1965 John Driscoll Dudley Elms companion

I assume from the earlier conversation that we have your permission.

The conversation had to do with policy on the company’s part. [...]

[...] The conversation of which you are thinking is the one to which I refer concerning the raise.

[...] Instead the conversation turned to the fact that last week Jane was offered a part- time job as a dancer in a local supper club. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 588, August 2, 1971 Christ Paul Zealots a.d Righteousness

On an unconscious level, however, he knew the meaning of the dreams, and his “conversion,” of course, was only a physical event following an inner experience.

[...] The inner knowledge, of course, exploded in the physical conversion experience.

[...] Before his conversion, he knew he had a purpose and mission, and flung himself with all the passion of his being into whatever answers he thought he had found.

TES9 Session 438 September 23, 1968 Eve notime accident Helena rm

[...] There will be a particular conversation of an evening, with I believe six people present, and during the conversation a project will be born, spontaneously, and it will to some extent change your lives.

A suggestion will be made, not by you or Ruburt, during this conversation, and it will be taken up by others. [...]

TES7 My Evaluation of Gallagher Nassau Tests Gallaghers uncheckable nassau disagreement evaluation

[...] There was some slight disagreement between the Gallaghers’ written notes and remarks made during conversation about the Seth impressions, which I took down on the spot. [...]

TES4 Session 184 September 3, 1965 test Gallagher border Leonard trends

(Bill and Peggy Gallagher, who have witnessed several sessions, visited us this evening, Friday, September 3. Our conversation touched upon many subjects. [...]

(Seth told us that he merely wanted to join in the general conversation, as he had during the unscheduled 182nd session last weekend, which the Gallaghers also witnessed. [...]

(It would be a great help if I could learn to talk with my parents in a conversational way, about inconsequential things.

[...] For the most part however the conversation moved along quite easily.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 23, 1984 temple Steve rub numerous warmth

(Carla interrupted our conversation to check Jane’s vitals — temperature 98.4. During our talk I noticed that it didn’t take my wife long to begin reacting emotionally to my questions, which I thought were innocent enough — but it was apparent that the subject matter of our conversation had an emotional charge for her. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 909, April 21, 1980 genetic deformities doodle gifted liabilities

[...] She’d encountered me there, in my own out-of-body state, and we engaged in a very animated conversation. [...]

The entire conversation was an attempt to make the event seem reasonable, an attempt to color in the picture.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 844, April 1, 1979 nuclear Harrisburg Island Mile smarter

[...] She’s worked each day at her third novel on the adventures of Oversoul Seven, and has heard often from Sue Watkins about Sue’s progress with her book on Jane’s ESP class: Conversations With Seth.1 And with all of her other activities, Jane has held four sessions since the 14th: two personal ones, and two [842–43] on matters other than book dictation.

1. Sue has to do a considerable amount of research for Conversations With Seth, incidentally, especially locating, then interviewing — in person, by telephone or by mail, as the case may be — numerous class members. [...]

[...] Part of it will appear in your daily experience in one way or another — in your conversation or daily events.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970 Gert Florence Arnold Doug Brad

[...] He can carry on a conversation with you while I carry on a conversation with you. [...]

(Gert was asking about conversing with Seth, truth, etc.)

Now I do not want to monopolize your conversation and so I will let you take a break and when you are ready for new material I will give it to you. [...]

(To Florence.) I had a fine conversation with you in your dreams three nights ago but you are such a hobble-gobble that you did not remember and you have hurt my feelings. [...]

TPS6 Session 931 (Deleted Portion) July 15, 1981 dmso stomach anatomy reconciled sympathetically

[...] I thought it a good idea, myself, so when she slept until 10:30, and then became busy talking to Frank Longwell about the conversion of our front porch to a glassed-in affair, I didn’t ask that she try any. [...]

TPS3 Session 764 (Deleted Portion) January 26, 1976 techniques consistently inhibiting supersede worrying

[...] When he does find himself worried, he should feel free to speak to you, however, as your conversation about the dentist was illuminating to him. [...]

TES7 February 2, 1967 Dream: First Sequence collegelike Mahaar multicolored Dane knolls

[...] Great conversation, stimulating, fun, etc. [...]

TES8 Session 342 May 17, 1967 action sparked nonfact event intensity

Now: conversely, if you do not accept the idea of reincarnation, this does not mean that reincarnation is not a fact. [...]

[...] An exciting conversation, an exciting inner mental activity serves well to divert him. [...]

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