Results 81 to 100 of 469 for stemmed:contact

TES2 Session 84 September 2, 1964 boat rowboat sympathy constructions wharf

[...] If I feel like going on for hours, it is because one year ago tonight I first made contact with Ruburt—at least a subconscious initial contact of which he was not consciously aware. [...]

There is an emotional bond that is important in the setting up of such contacts, and what is clear in such clairvoyance may take in certain objects or situations that are perceived, not because of their logical cohesion, but events or situations which the emotional bond makes significant.

TES2 Session 48 April 27, 1964 essence location girl swimming circumferences

It will take some time before you will be able to maintain such an experience long enough to make such contact, but if possible give your own name and address, and also ask that whoever you meet write to you. [...]

In this instance of traveling by personality-essence, any contact would be telepathic, and a potential observer would see nothing, using the outer senses alone.

[...] At all such occasions, try to establish some kind of contact if possible, but do not be discouraged if this is not achieved at once.

TES3 Session 111 November 30, 1964 universe threefold correlations systems distortive

(I also mentioned that I hoped Seth would say something about our experience of last Saturday evening, when Jane contacted the nameless spokesman for the “group.” [...]

[...] And I said I hoped Seth would say something about the “group” Jane contacted Saturday night. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session September 12, 1977 Turkish outlaws monks leaders sword

You also both felt that you needed isolation from society, and a position from which you could examine it with some solitude, while still maintaining contacts—and while still affecting it through your works. You did not want to sell your paintings because you did not want that much direct contact with that society or marketplace (intently).

Prentice served your purposes for the same reason, and because of reincarnational contacts with Tam.

TES4 Session 171 July 21, 1965 Instream taped harsh extralong July

[...] One point first: Doctor Instream is the best man that you could have contacted. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session May 28, 1979 faster Scout permission consoled ground

[...] They act often like barriers, or coats of armor, and according to the situation another person must first confront this condition or coat of armor, if he ever hopes to establish contact with the personality. [...]

[...] The beginning of our sessions represents to you your own version of hearing the voice of God, in that you felt that it was the first time in your life that in whatever guise, some portion of the universe “had a message for you”—or that you were in contact with anything beyond the ordinary, that at least held hopes for a glimpse of any real knowledge beyond the known.

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979 units ee sperm particles unmanifested

[...] Again, I could choose another term, but I want to emphasize each person’s intimate contact with that other reality that does occur in what you think of as the state of dreaming (all very intently).

[...] In a couple of essays I discussed, and asked questions about, the roles played by the 200 million to 500 million sperm that don’t make contact with the female egg at the time of conception. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 20, 1977 materialistic spray jaw glasses forecast

[...] The eyes naturally need contact with different kinds of light, temperature, wind, and air. [...] Contact lenses impede that responsiveness, to a greater extent than glasses. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 3: Session 519, March 23, 1970 computer illusion environment intrude assumptions

[...] So in my contacts with your sphere of activity, I do not sweep through bright golden skies like some spiritual superman into your physical domain.

(10:17.) When I contact your reality, therefore, it is as if I were entering one of your dreams. [...]

TES9 Session 492 July 7, 1969 Pietra heightened thrashing period barrier

[...] It was almost a nightmare—in fact Jane woke me out of it to prevent this seeming reaction on my part, I was fairly sure the dream concerned my father’s approaching death, but certain elements in it were similar enough to Seth’s suggestions about contacting Dr. Pietra, above, to make me tell Jane about it—on the off chance the dream had been more than it seemed.

[...] I have had no success in contacting Dr. Pietra, or at least in retaining a conscious memory of doing this. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 537, June 24, 1970 John center Barclay death corpse

You will feel comfortable with the form that you choose, therefore, and you will usually use it when you want to communicate with others you have known; though for such communications with the living, you may instead adopt the form you had when you were known to the individual you want to contact.

Now you may take a break, and I will contact you again.

SS Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 577, March 31, 1971 list adjacent Middleton shortest unacquainted

[...] She has of course had contacts with the book, aside from her own imperfect memory. [...]

TES1 Session 27 February 19, 1964 inferiority unjustified Joseph winter explosions

[...] But beyond this he is now able in some small way to contact me. That is, I have contacted you in the past, and now you are gaining the ability to contact me, and this is a step forward on your part.

I am now in contact with your parent’s entity and he tells me that subconsciously even his present personality, that is your father, appreciates this fact and loves you deeply. [...]

TES3 Session 102 November 1, 1964 Gallery Bill Macdonnel doubter Cameron

[...] From the recent material we had received on the dream world, I said it sounded as though Bill was in contact with other parts of his inner or whole self.

[...] You have been in contact with other parts of yourself for a long time. [...]

[...] Interested area artists can contact Mr. Macdonnel between 1:00 and 3:00PM on Saturdays and Sundays at the gallery.

TES7 Session 310 January 9, 1967 Keck Caroline Pomerantz Louis Brooklyn

[...] It is quite possible, as you should know, under certain circumstances, to contact survival personalities. It is highly difficult however for you to contact your own probable personalities.

This is done to some extent in the dream state, but it is not a deliberate contact. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 10, 1977 Dineen James Carol Rusty Hal

(Note that in both cases, involving Rusty and Hal, and Carol and Fred, the couples returned to 1730 after their first visit had failed to make contact with us. [...]

[...] She might have looked at a map and said “Someone in one of those houses must have had a personal contact with the Buttses, in case we do not meet them. [...]

[...] All in all, it will mean that generally speaking you will keep in contact with areas of thought or development in which you were once interested, and will be able if you wish to follow their development in time.

TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1973 Hugh steak demands significant greater

[...] You both need that contact, but free you see of the demands he has felt from, say, correspondence. [...]

Nor need he feel a responsibility to allow people to come to class from afar—but that might, generally speaking, represent his contact with others psychically. [...]

All contacts with any spiritualistic groups must be avoided. [...]

TES9 Session 499 August 27, 1969 sand plain Carl Sue empty

[...] You are able to see for yourself not only the experiments that are being tried, but often to come into contact with other portions of yourself, who are involved in those experiments. [...]

I told you that after the prime points the autumn would be the next time of contact. [...]

If you begin with the experiments I have suggested, then you can hopefully try to contact him in his own reality. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 670, June 13, 1973 peacock profusion acquired waking narrowly

Such a procedure can bring you in contact with wisdom you have been denying yourself, help unify your entire life situation, and release your energy for practical everyday purposes. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 617, September 25, 1972 core beliefs invisible reinforce illness

Either way the ideas of reality are reinforced both consciously and unconsciously, not only within the family but among all those with whom the family comes in contact.

[...] Instead he or she may emotionally feel that life has no meaning, that individual action is meaningless, that death is annihilation; and connected to this will be a conglomeration of subsidiary beliefs that deeply affect the family involved, and all those with whom such a person comes in contact.

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