Results 481 to 500 of 607 for stemmed:constant

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 9, 1971 predestination Joel Florence slums justify

[...] And so I must think constantly to myself, oh, yes, our Lady from Florence thinks that she sits in this specific room at this specific hour and is wearing a blue outfit but I am aware of a Lady of Florence you see, in several different manifestations in various existences all occurring at once. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 578, April 5, 1971 Speakers ten training number Christ

[...] These patterns of activity, however, are also constantly changing. [...]

TES4 Session 164 June 23, 1965 impeding action illness stimuli unifying

Without any acceptance of painful stimuli the structure could never maintain itself, for the atoms and molecules within the structure constantly accept painful stimuli, and suffer even joyfully, their own destruction; being aware of their own separateness within action, and aware of their reality within all action, and not having complicated “I” structures to maintain, there is no reason for them to fear destruction.

TES8 Session 406 April 22 1968 cozily trance halt lethargy manifestation

[...] These emerging consciousnesses form new moment points, create new value fulfillment experiences that constantly allow the overall reality to be created even as it creates.

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 941, February 8, 1982 nuclear Iran tmi reactor Russia

[...] She is still uncomfortable sitting—more so, even, and I fear that her flesh will break down from the constant pressure; I’ve seen what I interpret as signs of that happening.

[...] Room is made for the existence of the devil, who rebelled against the God who created him and constantly inveighs others to follow him in choosing the not-good. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 660, May 2, 1973 foods vitamins overweight eat diet

Here posthypnotic suggestion operates as well as constant daily “conditioning.” [...]

TES5 Session 210 November 22, 1965 Helen test envelope husband primary

[...] So all in all he was not working at his best, and it can hardly be expected that he do so constantly.

TPS6 Deleted Session January 26, 1981 hostages impulses public private national

You have definite signs of the body’s overall positive response: the arms are straighter, the feet stronger, the ankles more flexible, and overall adjustments are constantly being made. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 14, 1969 flashlight channel shadowy penance psychologists

[...] You hold it in this direction constantly and you have forgotten, you see, that there are any other directions. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 negative Brad vinegar cruddy thoughts

([Brad:] “I do this constantly.”)

TPS2 Deleted Session February 19, 1972 drives chained negotiate yawns welded

[...] The constant suggestions took root, and I used this for my purposes.

TPS2 Deleted Session July 7, 1973 mindedness karate arena beliefs trailer

It also provides Ruburt however with constant stress, as he becomes consciously aware of other distractions, in his terms—physical wishes to do things that come in conflict with his staying at his table.

TPS1 Session 208 (Deleted Portion) November 15, 1965 envy penis faltered itch envious

[...] He constantly picks up and reacts to your moods, subconscious as well as conscious, interprets them, and translates them into physical realities, because of your psychic closeness and his strong telepathic abilities.

UR2 Section 6: Session 730 January 15, 1975 fetus dolphins soul selfhood astrology

[...] If their paths cannot be charted, and can indeed constantly surprise you, then why do you think that your course can be mapped out ahead of time by reading the positions of the stars at your birth?

TES5 Session 202 October 27, 1965 astral gallery seesaw tassel exhibition

[...] You are giving suggestions, whether or not you realize it, constantly. [...]

TES1 Session 9 December 18, 1963 fragments dancing Beach images board

[...] They disturbed me to such an extent that I watched them almost constantly all the time we were there, three hours or more.

TES8 Session 403 March 16, 1968 Pat Reed Dick male godlike

[...] You constantly explore a face for a sign that you have made an error. You constantly explore an expression for a sign that you are being rejected and this is directly related to your early relationship with your father. [...]

TSM Author’s Introduction paranormal God students Carol advice

[...] Who wanted to sit around singing hymns to a father-God, even if He did exist, and what sort of intelligent God would require such constant adoration? [...]

TSM Chapter Five Stevenson refrigerator Phil gumboils Rob

[...] The quality and scope of the Seth Material constantly grew, and we were to make some contacts with others in the field of parapsychology. [...]

TSM Chapter Seven cab motel Peg tests Rico

[...] He used the tests to demonstrate ESP; but more, he gave me constant practice in changing my subjective focus, explaining the whole thing as he went along.

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