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NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 658, April 23, 1973 hypnosis hypnotist tributaries inductions beliefs

[...] Each of you utilize it constantly. [...]

[...] For example: If you constantly focus on the belief that your early background was damaging and negative, then only such experiences will flow into your present life from the past. [...]

TES3 Session 128 February 3, 1965 electrical intensity shape dissection field

[...] And with some, though very few personalities, such experiences are indeed constantly played back, though of course not indefinitely.

[...] It is important also to realize that psychic gestalts are built up electrically, and that many positive attractions exist between and within various electrical fields, so that there is constant motion and travel between them.

TES8 Session 340 May 10, 1967 headache Greek despondency chorus dragons

Now: you must understand, for one thing, that telepathy operates constantly at a subconscious level. If you continually expect any individual to behave in a particular manner, then you are constantly sending him telepathic suggestions that he will do so. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 7, 1977 Keefe resources Ms Framework renewing

[...] Framework 2 provides an energy as vital as any given you at birth, and that energy constantly renews the body. [...]

[...] This occurs on a global basis, and is an everchanging process, for free will always operates, and the field of probabilities constantly changes.

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 526, May 4, 1970 soul entity eternity clumps motionlessness

[...] The ego, in other words, the “exterior” self that you think of as your self — that portion of you maintains its safety and its seeming command precisely because inner layers of your own personality constantly uphold it, keep the physical body operating, and maintain communications with the multitudinous stimuli that come both from outside conditions and inside conditions. [...]

[...] Remember that the soul is plain behind the facade that you see — that even the body is in a constant state of almost magical activity, even though as you paint it in its chair, it is physically motionless.

UR2 Appendix 17: (For Session 711) beta waves brain theta eeg

(We read that in ordinary terms highly creative people [like Jane] usually generate large amounts of theta and low-alpha waves pretty constantly while doing their thing. [...]

[...] They cannot note the rapidity with which you move through all of the known patterns constantly. [...]

NotP Chapter 11: Session 798, March 21, 1977 classifications domain contradictions recesses proven

In those terms, therefore, the universe either had “a Creator,” or it had none; or it came into being as stated in the Big Bang theory, and is either constantly expanding or it is not. [...]

[...] You must look with your intuitions and creative instincts at the creatures about you, seeing them not as other species with certain habits, not as inferior properties of the earth, to be dissected, but as living examples of the nature of the universe, in constant being and transformation.

TES2 Session 44 April 15, 1964 laws space camouflage universe durability

This fifth dimensional space, this basic universe of reality of which I speak, expands constantly in terms of intensity and quality and value, in a way that has nothing to do with your idea of space.

[...] This occurs constantly.

[...] Without constant clairvoyance on the part of every man and woman, existence on your plane would involve such inner, psychological insecurity that it would be completely unbearable.

[...] As telepathy operates constantly at a subconscious level, as a basis for all language and communication, so clairvoyance operates continually so that the physical organism can prepare itself to face its challenges.

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Thursday July 7, 1977 supernatural tho threw Thursday embarrassing

[...] My head and neck area have been “moving around” constantly inside themselves, as mentioned in yesterday’s notes. [...]

TES4 Session 153 May 10, 1965 tension landscape action creation ego

As the outer ego is constantly creative, so is the inner ego. [...]

[...] In all of these matters there is also constant pulsations of action within the outer ego, the inner ego, and all the other aspects of the whole self.

[...] The trees in his painting, being artificial reproductions, do not undergo the same physical changes, even while the atoms and molecules that compose the canvas itself, and all the pigments, constantly themselves change.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 22, 1968 withdrew cough transgression control truth

[...] Let it remind you that all things within your system sleep and then awaken, and that jokes constantly told, are no longer funny. [...]

[...] New possibilities grow constantly from the heart and spirit. [...]

TES4 Session 188 September 15, 1965 astral downstairs Hagel Bob plastic

[...] You constantly project and constantly emit energy in meaningful patterns on as many layers of activity as possible.

TPS3 Session 790 (Deleted Portion) January 3, 1977 Willy divan shame Puss hassles

[...] You constantly reinforce the framework. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 657, April 18, 1973 reinforce past beliefs current mercy

(Pause at 9:21.) Those given to such practices — constant examination of the past in order to discover what is wrong in the present — too often miss the point. Instead, they constantly reinforce the negative experience from which they are trying to escape. [...]

[...] There is a constant interaction in this multidimensional point of power, therefore, so that in your terms one incarnated self draws from all of the others what abilities it wants, according to its own specific, localized beliefs.

TPS4 Deleted Session October 29, 1977 ligaments faith knees Rubin lubrication

[...] They move now constantly, trying out their new freedoms and as they do they stimulate other positions of the body to one extent or another. [...]

[...] They are constantly exercising themselves, but are not themselves working smoothly.

[...] The alterations in Ruburt’s knees, however, send various messages to the brain, for as he walks, due to the present activity, his position is not constant. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 13, 1971 Ron proofs cards Tom suburbanite

[...] You are channels through which various realities merge and meet and in which transmutations constantly occur. [...]

[...] You are each the miracles of consciousness, and those miracles occur within you constantly in your terms of time. [...]

[...] He was the black hole for awhile then he ran around the other side of the set and became the white hole and the whole transfer occurred through him and the whole thing may have been a symbol and that this occurs back and forth and constantly in all of us all the time.”)

TES1 Session 41 April 6, 1964 spacious camouflage plane Willy quantitative

[...] The inner senses are of course utilized on your plane, as on any other, constantly. [...] And without the unconscious and constant use of the inner senses you could not even construct your precious camouflage patterned universe.

Your apparent laws of the universe have been broken in isolated instances often enough so that this point should certainly be clear, and yet your scientists constantly ignore such problems.

TES6 Session 270 June 22, 1966 oriented survival nightmare Catherine ego

[...] Now this portion of the self is indeed self-conscious in the highest meaning of the term—aware of the subconscious portion of the personality, aware of the primary conscious framework that you call your ego, and constantly directs the overall activities. [...]

[...] It functions constantly, and yet it is always in a state of becoming. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 820, February 13, 1978 Framework technique art monotony vaster

Instead, the energy of life is inserted constantly into your world, in a way that has nothing to do with your so-called physical laws. [...]

The greater life of each creature exists in that framework that “originally” gave it birth, and in a greater manner of speaking each creature, regardless of its age, is indeed being constantly reborn. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 664, May 21, 1973 catastrophe institutions earthquakes caterpillar ice

Now: Dictation: There is a constant give and take between each individual and his or her society; the divisions and characteristics of any particular civilization will be a perfect exterior representation of the overall attributes of the people within it, as they relate to one another and as they see themselves.

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