Results 101 to 120 of 1018 for stemmed:condit
[...] I told her that although the penis had reverted to its original condition, I had been aware of a noticeable and steady improvement in the right hand condition, although no previous suggestions or energy had been sent to the hands before, by Seth.
[...] The next day the condition was as before; and I had described this to Jane today.
[...] Under some conditions animals in perfect condition will play dead, or otherwise immobilize themselves. [...] When those specific conditions vanish, the animal arises and goes about its way.
Spontaneous biological motion is an animal’s best insurance of survival, except under those conditions where the animal spontaneously plays dead.
Much of that energy had been used to heal his bedsores, to keep his condition stable, and then to begin renewal of excellent health. [...]
[...] However there are certain conditions necessary before precognitions can arise to conscious levels, and there are definite conditions that must exist before what you call apparitions can be perceived.
These help form the reality of human conditions upon your planet at any given time. Those conditions are at least partially the result of such mass dreams.
[...] Your thought forms however can be used as definite aids when you are in the proper mental condition, and they can impede your progress if you are not. [...]
[...] A trace in electromagnetic reality, where it can then be activated by anyone when certain conditions are met, or are favorable. [...]
In a very real manner, all conditions exist in your mind. [...]
[...] This reinforces the negative condition.
[...] He called a colleague of his who was in Ithaca, and described Jane’s finger condition to him, but if memory serves he received ambiguous information again. [...]
[...] He feared that his own strong disinclination was simply the result of negative conditioning, and because he was interested in the doctor’s opinions, since this would be the first specialist in that field of arthritis—that he would have a chance to talk to, with all tests completed, and so forth. [...]
[...] The sharpness of the encounter made Ruburt come to the decision then and there that he would not use drugs to combat ahead of time conditions that may or may not appear at some future time. [...]
Many conflicts naturally begin to resolve themselves in your relationship as you handle Ruburt’s changing conditions. [...]
They were frightened and angry, their condition such that they were often in constant pain. [...]
[...] They are in their own eyes “bad”—and in one way or another that kind of belief was behind the condition to begin with.
[...] And many who are cured, of course, come down with other conditions if they have not succeeded in identifying their own fears sufficiently with the author’s.
(10:02.) The attitudes I am recommending this evening will greatly help (amused), for the neck area is extremely important, both in the eye condition and the walking. [...] He needs your help there—not in ignoring, say, the condition of the world, but by putting that in perspective, and by balancing it out by a determined effort to enjoy each day and to not let your worries minimize simple pleasures. [...]
[...] Despite the perhaps deplorable conditions being televised—whether of wars, massacres, graft, or whatever—the great inventiveness of man’s mind is responsible for that technological achievement. [...]
[...] They died, quite simply, knowing beneath it all that they were not annihilating their consciousnesses, but bringing a given life to a conclusion in protest against certain conditions that exist to some extent among many others.
I have told you that the very cells of the body are aware of the conditions in the environment, of other cells, and of course of the creatures within the environment. [...]
[...] Had you been relaxed, following your impulses, and unhampered by the fearful beliefs that your friend’s condition also aroused, then those cellular messages would have been smoothly translated into an impulse to call Leonard, or to have Ruburt call. [...]
On a particular level however this makes little difference, because such communications are carried on constantly at subconscious levels, seldom reaching ego awareness, so that individuals are subconsciously conditioned—and underline subconsciously conditioned—therefore expecting, all unknown to the ego, such communications when certain chemical changes come about; since these chemical changes also occur for other reasons when these conditions occur, on a practical level communications will then most easily happen. [...]
Emotional outbursts or reactions do cause chemical conditions, and certain chemical conditions can facilitate such communications. [...]
[...] He would have finally used his psychic abilities in any case, but they would have under those conditions been tools, or used as tools of the personal subconscious in diverse ways, shattering beyond repair the unity and integrity of the personality.
Dear Joseph, when I spoke of you both being in excellent overall condition, I did not mean that I overlooked your yearly hay fever, into which we shall go in so far as causes and alleviation of symptoms are concerned, and shortly. [...]
In a way the child allowed itself to be hypnotized into the condition, the symptoms becoming potent physical “posthypnotic” suggestions. [...] She was overly fearful, ironically enough, for the child’s safety—and hence he developed a condition that kept him under scrutiny all the while.
[...] You have again fallen into the habit, negatively, of considering your achievements in other areas as insignificant—(louder:) in light of Ruburt’s condition as if they caused his condition. [...] His condition was caused by a set of beliefs, and so was everything else in your lives. [...]
[...] Ruburt’s condition is in no way reprehensible (repeated twice)—there is no reason why you should consider it in such a fashion. There are more people than you know, relying upon the best medical knowledge of the society, who are in far worse shape, whether or not the condition is observable—millions, incidentally, with false teeth.
There is no doubt that improvements have occurred in Ruburt’s condition. [...]
It does no good to exaggerate Ruburt’s condition, and if you do not exaggerate it, then you must admit the improvements that have lately occurred.
Those sequences follow the pursuits of value fulfillment so smoothly that they can be reactivated whenever the conditions are fortunate—for even the animals are not concerned with simple survival alone, nor the plants, but with what I can only call (long pause) emotional qualities: qualities that seek a full appreciation and creative extension of those conditions of consciousness that stamp each species as itself and yet join it with all others.
[...] The pleasure principle can probably be likened most to the latent appreciation of beauty that is everywhere apparent if you look for it: the ecstasy of each form of life for the wonders of its own existence, in which love’s values go beyond themselves, and yet a condition in which each species or life form “realizes” that its own fulfillment adds immeasurably to the existence of all other forms.
[...] Each portion of nature is also equipped to react to changing conditions, and therefore deals with its own kind of predictive behavior, so that it can grow today into tomorrow’s condition.
[...] The condition however also raises body temperature (which Jane had noticed), so that certain necessary antibodies are released into the system that help clear the joints and purify the blood.
[...] Then the kind of condition just mentioned initiates a new normal adrenaline whose effects, again, are different.
The condition should last only long enough to alter those balances. [...]
I will have more to say about suggestion, how it operates personally, and how it affects political beliefs and even economic conditions, for it causes your daily reality. [...] Others have resulted in Ruburt’s physical condition. [...]
[...] Tonight Jane remarked: “If only I could get my physical condition to work as well as the money one.” [...]
[...] In the same way highly significant improvements not yet visible, are in the offing in Ruburt’s condition, that will, say, seemingly require no effort when in your terms they do appear. [...]
[...] In terms of creativity, however, Ruburt has long been operating in Framework 2, and this session should help him make certain correlations so that he can automatically begin to use such methods in regard to his physical condition.
(10:49.) The same applies to mental conditions, which have a way, sometimes, of working themselves out better without your professional therapies than with them — often cures happen in spite of your best-intentioned treatment. One of the latest ideas is that certain mental conditions are caused by chemical imbalances. [...]
The dream’s happening affects your entire physical condition, and so has this constant therapeutic effect. [...]
The whole organism is not at one with itself under such conditions. [...]