Results 41 to 60 of 158 for stemmed:commit

TES2 Session 84 September 2, 1964 boat rowboat sympathy constructions wharf

Mark is considering a commitment to an idea. Unless he studies himself most thoroughly, he must take great pains to see that the commitment is followed up by self-discipline. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 2, 1978 Bryant Anita Zandt Dickie Rick

(Dickie read his essay about creativity and commitment.

[...] You commit a beautiful dream each time you dream. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 10, 1984 drugs suicide abandon roulette therapist

[...] Under drugs, choices become limited, and certainly people have committed suicide while under the influence of drugs — who may not have otherwise. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session March 15, 1976 chores policy distraction refreshing agitation

[...] When you want to work, do so, for as long as you feel like it, committed to it freely, having decided then that for that time, nothing will be allowed to interfere.

TPS2 Deleted Session November 27, 1973 childless buying lest transitory railing

[...] You chose a woman (beside reincarnational reasons which you will finally be given one day) who would not bear children and who would have as strong a commitment as your own.

TPS5 Deleted Session September 20, 1978 murderers fabric victim shell Eastern

[...] A man who kills with hatred will have his hatred to contend with, but he is not able to kill anyone who has not decided to die—and to die in a particular manner; that is, someone who wants his death blamed on another, who would not commit suicide, who would not choose a long illness—someone who is ready to die but does not want to deal with the circumstances, and wants indeed to be surprised by death.

TPS2 Deleted Session July 17, 1972 Nebene Josef details suspicious purified

[...] He inhibited many of his strongest drives in order to focus them upon his search and the work to which he was committed.

[...] Ruburt is quite deeply committed to them despite all of these colorations, and so are you.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 15, 1984 fetuses offspring cart born deficient

Again, no one is punished for crimes committed in a past life, and in each life you are unique. [...]

NotP Chapter 5: Session 774, May 3, 1976 love sexual submission devotion glance

[...] Love incites dedication, commitment. [...]

TPS1 Session 584 (Deleted Portion) May 3, 1971 weather led weatherwise astray symptoms

[...] If he were not committed to the material he would have ceased the sessions long ago. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 565, February 1, 1971 probable act validity infinite selves

[...] You may, for example, sneeze or not sneeze, cough or not cough, walk to the window or the door, scratch your elbow, save a child from drowning, learn a lesson, commit suicide, harm another, or turn your cheek.

TPS6 Deleted Session July 20, 1981 handicap Tom symptoms insight aggravated

[...] You suspected that you were not as “mired” (long pause) as other people were, and also that in some fashion you were not as committed to usual (underlined) physical experience. [...]

(Long pause.)In a way, to a degree—the qualifications are necessary—you provided yourselves an extra kind of commitment that would keep your observations of life from becoming too surface, or so it seemed. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 840, March 12, 1979 Billy viruses smallpox cat disease

Now: In the same way that a member of such a society can go [askew], blow his stack, go overboard, commit antisocial acts, so in the same fashion such a person can instead trigger the viruses, wreck their biological social order, so that some of them suddenly become deadly, or run [amok]. [...]

[...] He did not make this probability his own because of what you may call ‘other commitments’ — or rather, other purposes.

TES8 Session 353 July 17, 1967 cupboard slept Peter Wisconsin laundromat

[...] Later he felt that she would either commit suicide or kill them both while he slept, and he feared the night. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 860, June 13, 1979 laws ideals criminals avenues impulses

[...] I do want to point out that few crimes are committed for “evil’s sake,” but in a distorted response to the failure of the actualization of a sensed ideal.

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 868, July 25, 1979 competition Idealist ideal worthy unworthy

You will often condone quite reprehensible acts if you think they were committed for the sake of a greater good. [...]

TMA Session Fourteen September 29, 1980 modern effortlessness psychological deranged explosive

You have atrocious acts committed, along with great heroisms, but each are explosive, representing sudden releases of withheld energies that have in other ways been forbidden, and so man’s mass psyche expresses itself sometimes like explosive fireworks, simply because the release of pressure is necessary.

TPS5 Deleted Session November 22, 1978 Jones Jonestown suicide temple quickie

[...] You make your own lessons, so that these mass suicides and murders are an objective culmination, on those peoples’ part, of other, lesser psychological suicides committed on the part of millions who abdicate their personal responsibility in such a way.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, April 21, 1970 Quebec idol god tribe Mabunda

[...] Now his face, as you conceive of it in your own subconscious, is the voice and the face of unreasoning punishment that can be lowered upon you without warning—the unpredictable punishment for crimes that you cannot remember having committed. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 20, 1970 Nassair houseboys Vanessa Dennis disbelief

[...] At the same time, however, you are also frightened of committing yourself to your belief and acting upon it wholeheartedly. [...]

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