20 results for stemmed:colleagu

TPS6 Session 938 (Deleted Portion) November 24, 1981 wherever colleagues honored prudent goes

I will have more to say on this subject in a personal context at our next session. These few statements, however, will help him, and help him enlarge on an inner circle of acquaintanceship with friendly colleagues that belong in those other categories, but are indeed friendly colleagues as well. End of session and a fond good evening.

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 938, November 24, 1981 poems leash colleagues billion wherever

[...] These few statements, however, will help him, and help him enlarge on an inner circle of acquaintanceship with friendly colleagues that belong in those other categories, but indeed are friendly colleagues as well.

To me, Jane’s sensing of those “cousins of consciousness,” those “friendly colleagues,” and her very cautious reactions to her inner knowing, are clear signs of the consistency of her beliefs and her work through the years. [...]

[...] All three poems, then, are of a piece, in which she explores across time and emotion different facets of a common set of beliefs about friendly psychic colleagues and feelings of safety.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 15, 1983 arthritis instep foot incurable sponges

[...] Dr. Gibson and a new colleague visited her briefly also. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 885, October 24, 1979 Ankh Hermes materialists Spreekt Mitzi

[...] Even our guest said the tests were very experimental; I believe that actually a colleague of his had devised them in large part. [...]

[...] They derisively call their rebellious colleagues “animists”—those who believe that all life forms and natural phenomena have a spiritual origin independent of physical matter. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 8, 1980 Bufferin hips controversy editors issues

[...] Any issues with you also involved work and creativity, along with the expectations that you had of each other—not just in your married roles but as partners and colleagues in your artistic endeavors. [...]

TES5 Session 233 February 14, 1966 Linda six wedding groom marriage

He has recently corresponded with a colleague, or the man has written him. Or Dr. Instream has been strongly thinking of the colleague.

TPS7 Deleted Session June 1, 1982 Hal clots medical vasculitis Dr

[...] He called a colleague of his who was in Ithaca, and described Jane’s finger condition to him, but if memory serves he received ambiguous information again. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 617, September 25, 1972 core beliefs invisible reinforce illness

[...] A person holding it will not trust a mate, family, friends, colleagues, country, or the world in general.

TPS4 Deleted Session May 1, 1978 bodybuilders verbal disapproval coaches pessimism

[...] You are to be mate, lover, friend, companion, working colleague, each to the other. [...]

TES5 Session 212 November 29, 1965 temperature correlations test Martin wall

A connection with another man who visited him recently, and who spoke of a colleague who is from another state, and in the same field as Dr. Instream. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 2, 1981 crisis situation bathroom therapeutic toilet

(8:03.) Your joint love for each other is highly important precisely because you do work in such solitary fashions, and because the bent of your minds does not lead to a natural give-and-take with an emotionally friendly group of nearby colleagues. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 741 April 14, 1975 Street predict prime series probabilities

(As if to celebrate our way of life and work in the house on the hill, we were visited last Saturday by Tam Mossman, Jane’s editor at Prentice-Hall, and a publishing colleague of his. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 10, 1977 Dineen James Carol Rusty Hal

You are indeed colleagues of James, and in a way the unconventional Doctor Hal carries out, in his own fashion, some of James’s living intents or questions.

TES6 Session 249 April 6, 1966 ribbon quasars card Artistic bow

[...] A tiff or argument with a colleague, pertaining to the interpretation of a particular passage in a book, or perhaps in a speech. [...]

TES4 Session 195 October 4, 1965 Lorraine Asheville dreamer Marleno breakage

[...] He had a phone call at 3 PM today, from a colleague, having to do with something discussed in a letter; though I am not sure that the letter was written to, or by, the individual on the other end of the phone.

TES1 Session 36 March 18, 1964 distortions choice arrived ache meddling

You have no idea of the temptation on my part to cram you as full as I possibly can, and this is the temptation to which my enthusiastic colleagues often fall prey. [...]

TSM Chapter Sixteen action professor identity students dilemma

[...] … However, unless you are willing to assign to the subconscious those abilities—and most of your colleagues do not—then I cannot be considered to have such a subconscious origin.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 20 projection chemical frog awake excess

[...] A newspaper man, a colleague of hers, told Peg that, though he didn’t know me at all, he awakened in the middle of the night convinced that I was in his room. [...]

UR1 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts volumes Unknown sections footnotes letter

The firm decision to do this was made when we were visited by Jane’s editor at Prentice-Hall, Tam Mossman, and a business colleague who accompanied him. [...]

UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism

Yet here we run into irony and paradox: Any scientist who considered the existence of Seth’s EE units and CU’s would be called a heretic by his more conventional colleagues, for he would be acknowledging the possibility that all matter, being made up of such conscious entities, was living. [...]