4 results for stemmed:cobbler

TES1 Session of January 4, 1964 cobbler Sarah Albert village bullets

(Her father and mother weren’t there. Sarah didn’t live there, she was just in there. She lived 3 doors away. How long did she live? She died at 17, there in the cobbler’s shop. She died from burns. The cobbler came out of a back room into the front room and there she was, all in flames and screaming. The cobbler shoved her out in the street and rolled her over on the stones and in the dirt, but she died.

(The cobbler was comparatively well off, though not wealthy. He was 53 years old when he died. The boy Albert was too young to take his place when he died, so the village didn’t have a cobbler for a couple of years. The boy was a fisherman for a while. Then another cobbler came and Albert helped him in the shop.

(I don’t know what Sarah’s father did for the cobbler. It was a craft, something he bartered for shoes. Something to do with fishing nets. The village was right by the sea. It was the only cobbler’s shop in quite a few villages around there, and there was a lot of community bartering going on. Sarah’s father made fishnets out of seaweed, dried seaweed, sounds crazy, doesn’t it? They wove it together like rope, then made the nets.

SDPC Part One: Chapter 3 cobbler Sarah village wires bullets

“The cobbler was comparatively well off, though not wealthy. [...] The boy, Albert, was too young to take over the shop, and for a couple of years the village had no cobbler, and the boy was a fisherman. Then another cobbler came and Albert helped out in the shop again … He finally married. [...]

[...] She was in a cobbler’s shop … It was 1748 in England. There were huge cowhides hanging up in the back room of the cobbler’s shop and dried cowhides hanging in another room. [...]

[...] Then I saw the whole thing very clearly, and I said, excited: “She died, at seventeen, there in the cobbler’s shop. [...] The cobbler came out of the back room, and there she was, all in flames and screaming. [...]

TES7 Results of the Gallagher Test Session 294 October 17, 1966 statue verandah San commemoration indentation

The hero, represented in a statue, had once been a cobbler and came from a place that sounds like Guatemala, though that is not precise. [...]

TES7 Session 294 October 17, 1966 statue Nassau San hill galleons

[...] (Pause.) The hero, represented in a statue, had once been a cobbler, and came from a place that sounds like Guatemala, though this is not precise. [...]