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UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

[...] However, I chose to excerpt the 242nd session on the subject because of the information it also contains on the ego and survival personalities in general.

Yet, we fully agree with Seth — that like any other personality Jane chose her physical environment before birth, planning to meet certain challenges within that setting.

DEaVF1 Essay 7 Friday, May 7, 1982 reincarnational redemption essay serf magical

[...] I think that if parts of her psyche “fear those fears,” other parts do not—or that at least they chose to confront them, and actually began doing so many years ago. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 931, July 15, 1981 sinful overlays journal church bonding

[...] The possibilities for having helped her seem boundless in retrospect, with at least some of them certainly being better than the way we chose.

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